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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 11/2017, s. 604-608 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2017.30.11.604
*Paulina Mika, Olga Niewiadomska, Karolina Piwczyńska, Michał Szczepański, Anna Wiernicka, Ewa Winnicka, Kamila Zych, Małgorzata Matuszczyk
Oral feeding therapy in healthy children qualified to enteral nutrition by nasogastric tube due to nonorganic feeding disorders – own experience
Nauka karmienia doustnego u zdrowych dzieci zakwalifikowanych do żywienia przez sondę nosowo-żołądkową z powodu zaburzeń karmienia na tle zaburzeń zachowania – doświadczenia własne
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Marek Woynarowski, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Zaburzenia karmienia występują u niemowląt lub małych dzieci i objawiają się: odmową jedzenia, wybiórczą dietą lub zmniejszoną ilością przyjmowanych pokarmów niepokrywającą zapotrzebowania dziecka. Przyczyną ich występowania mogą być czynniki psychologiczne i/lub organiczne. Terapia nieorganicznych zaburzeń karmienia polega głównie na interwencjach poznawczo-behawioralnych. W niektórych przypadkach, szczególnie gdy dziecko jest niedożywione, konieczne jest włączenie do terapii okresowego żywienia dojelitowego przez sondę nosowo-żołądkową. Poniższa praca prezentuje własne doświadczenia wielodyscyplinarnego zespołu zaburzeń karmienia w terapii nauki karmienia doustnego po przejściowym żywieniu enteralnym przez sondę nosowo-żołądkową u dzieci z zaburzeniami karmienia na tle behawioralnym.
Cel pracy. Retrospektywna ocena efektów terapii nauki karmienia doustnego, odwołującej się do prawidłowej kontroli uczucia głodu i sytości u niemowląt i małych dzieci z behawioralnymi zaburzeniami karmienia oraz pełnym lub częściowym żywieniem dojelitowym
Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowaliśmy dane 10 pacjentów (6 dziewcząt, 4 chłopców) w przedziale wiekowym od 5 miesięcy do 4 lat hospitalizowanych w naszej klinice od grudnia 2012 do sierpnia 2017 roku. Wszyscy pacjenci byli dokarmiani przez sondę nosowo-żołądkową z powodu behawioralnych zaburzeń oraz braku możliwości pokrycia zapotrzebowania na składniki odżywcze drogą doustną i nieprawidłowego stanu odżywienia. Pacjenci z zaburzeniami karmienia wynikającymi z choroby organicznej zostali wyłączeni z analizy. Wszyscy pacjenci przebywali na oddziale w naszej klinice w celu przeprowadzenia terapii nauki karmienia pod nadzorem multidyscyplinarnego zespołu. W obserwowanej grupie zastosowano dwie metody odstawienia od sondy nosowo-żołądkowej: zmniejszenie objętości każdej porcji podawanej enteralnie o 1/3 lub ograniczenie liczby posiłków podawanych przez zgłębnik nosowo-żołądkowy dzień po dniu w ciągu 3-5 dni.
Wyniki. W przypadku 8 pacjentów terapia odstawienia od sondy nosowo-żołądkowej zakończyła się sukcesem podczas pierwszej hospitalizacji. Wśród nich średni czas żywienia dojelitowego poprzedzającego terapię zaburzeń karmienia wynosił 3,6 ± 0,74 miesiąca (zakres od 2 do 4 miesięcy). U wszystkich tych dzieci pełne karmienie doustne osiągnięto średnio po 13 dniach hospitalizacji (zakres 9-17 dni). U pozostałych 2 pacjentów odstawienie od sondy nosowo-żołądkowej uzyskano podczas drugiej hospitalizacji po odpowiednio 11 i 24 miesiącach żywienia dojelitowego. Pomyślne hospitalizacje trwały 14 dni w jednym i 15 dni w drugim przypadku. Początkowa nieskuteczność terapii u tych pacjentów mogła być spowodowana silną niechęcią do jedzenia, niejasnym wywiadem medycznym (podejrzenie choroby genetycznej) u pierwszego pacjenta oraz długością żywienia dojelitowego, które trwało rok przed hospitalizacją w przypadku drugiego dziecka.
Wnioski. Terapia nauki karmienia oparta na nauce prawidłowej kontroli uczucia głodu i sytości prowadzona pod opieką wielodyscyplinarnego zespołu ds. zaburzeń karmienia wydaje się być obiecującą metodą odstawienia od żywienia enteralnego u dzieci z nieorganicznymi zaburzeniami karmienia.
Introduction. Feeding disorders occur in infancy or early childhood and present as a food refusal, food selectivity or lower amount of food intake than appropriate for age due to psychological or medical conditions. The treatment of nonorganic feeding disorders consists mainly on cognitive-behavioral interventions. In some cases, especially when severe nutritional status disturbance or its high risk is present, the enteral nutrition by nasogastric tube may be necessary. In this study we described the own experience of our multidisciplinary feeding team in tube weaning of children with behavioral feeding disorders.
Aim. Retrospective evaluation of hunger provocation oral feeding therapy in infants and young children with behavioral feeding disorders and full or partial enteral nutrition.
Material and methods. We analyzed the data of 10 patients (6 female, 4 male) with the age range from 5 months to 4 years who were hospitalized in our clinic between December 2012 and August 2017. All of them were fed by nasogastric tube due to behavioral feeding disorders and inability to meet their nutritional requirements via the oral route. Patients with feeding disorders due to organic diseases were excluded from the analysis. All of them were hospitalized in our clinic in order to oral feeding therapy leaded by multidisciplinary team. Two methods of gradually tube weaning were used: reduction the volume of every enteral fed by 1/3 or the limitation of the number of meals given by nasogastric tube day by day within 3-5 days. The common reason for introduction enteral feeding by nasogastric tube in observed group was a poor nutritional status.
Results. In 8 patients tube weaning was successful during the first hospitalization. Among them the mean duration of enteral nutrition preceding the feeding disorders therapy was 3.6 ± 0.74 months with the range of 2-4 months. In all these children the full oral feeding was achieved approximately after the 13 days of hospitalization (range 9-17 days). In the remaining 2 patients the tube weaning was obtained during the second try after 11 and 24 months of enteral feeding, respectively. Successful hospitalizations lasted 14 days in one and 15 days in the other case. Initial failure of therapy in these patients could be due to the strong food sensory aversion and both unclear medical history (exactly the suspicion of genetic disease) in the first patient and the length of enteral feeding that lasted 1year before the hospitalization in second child.
Conclusions. The hunger-provocation therapy leaded under the care of multidisciplinary feeding disorders team seems to be a promising method to promote tube weaning in healthy young children with behavioral feeding disorders.

Parents of young children worldwide are concerned about feeding difficulties. This problem occurs in about 20 to 30% of children before the end of 3 year of life. According to etiology feeding difficulties are considered as organic or nonorganic disorders. Taking into account the way of manifestation they are categorized under the 3 principal children’s eating behaviors, including limited appetite, selective intake or fear of feeding. Each category includes a range from normal (misperceived) child’s behavioral that are incorrectly interpreted by parents to severe both behavioral and organic problems. The strongest feeding difficulties are referred as feeding disorders. Independently from etiology they may lead to severe undernutrition and due to that to the necessity of enteral feeding (1).
To determine the appropriate therapy it is extremely important to find difference between organic and nonorganic causes of feeding disorders (2). The organic ones should be properly recognized and treated according to the basic diagnosis. The most critical symptoms are both dysphagia and food aspiration into the respiratory tract that reveals with coughing, choking or lung infections (3). Nonorganic feeding disorders are characterised by incorrect feeding behaviours such as selective diet, harmful feeding, fear of feeding or food refusal without underlying organic disease. These problems are usually associated with behavioral disorders of child or parents (4). Due to the wide range of symptoms the assessment and treatment of feeding disorders should be done by a multidisciplinary team that includes pediatrician/gastroenterologist, dietitian, psychologist and speech-language therapist. In case of nonorganic feeding disorders, behavioral interventions are usually sufficient (5, 6). However, in children with strong behavioral disorders due to permanently refuse of eating the most common complication is the loss of weight and undernutrition. In such cases the first step of feeding disorders therapy should be the improvement of impaired nutritional status as well as calming down the negative emotions associated with feeding, for example with forceful feeding. The best way to achieve these goals is periodically partial/full tube enteral nutrition. Only after the nutritional status is satisfactory improved and the positive child’s reaction to oral feeding are observed it is time to take the trial of tube weaning.
Hunger results from the complex interaction of a variety of sensory input, limbic and cortical modulators, visceral feedback, and hormonal effects. The appetite control center resides in the hypothalamus. Reduction of energy intake stimulates appetite and induces eating (7). We described the own experiences of our multidyscyplinary team in tube weaning of healthy children with behavioral feeding disorders on the way of hunger-provocated oral feeding therapy.
The aim of study was the retrospective evaluation of short-term hunger-provocated oral feeding therapy in infants and young children with behavioral feeding disorders and full or partial enteral feeding.
The treatment of nonorganic feeding disorders consists mainly on cognitive-behavioral interventions. Unfortunately, there are cases in which only this kind of therapy is insufficient. Negative emotions accompanying feeding (such as forceful or persecutory feeding) can lead to the long-term refusal to eat and consequently to malnutrition. A child who don’t accept the oral feeding loses the ability to associate eating with satisfying hunger. This interferes with the reintroduction of oral feeding and can result in severe behavioral problems and persistent food refusal. In such situation it is indicated to periodically include the feeding by nasogastric tube to improve nutritional status and to suppress the negative emotions associated with feeding (2).
Feeding by the tube was introduced for a period of minimum 2 months in studied group due to behavioral feeding disorders and inability to meet their nutritional requirements via the oral route. Patients with feeding disorders due to organic diseases were excluded from the analysis. Enteral nutrition was determined by the dietician individually to each patient’s needs. Depending on the tolerance or the grade of malnutrition, the child received to the nasogastric tube a standard mixed diet or an industrial formula. Before the each enteral bolus given by the tube, the parents offered to child the normal meals to promote the oral feeding acceptance. In all cases the crucial point of therapy was to follow by established feeding plan. The most important rules of the feeding scheme are presented in table 1. These recommendations are designed to prepare parents and children to re-learn the oral feeding.
Tab. 1. The most important rules of the feeding scheme
1. Fixed meal times.
2. The meal lasts up to 30 minutes. If the child is not interested in eating the meal we finish it earlier.
3. Without persuading and forcing child to eat.
4. Without entertaining child while feeding.
5. The meals should be served in a calm atmosphere.
6. Between meals the child does not get snacks or sweet liquids.
7. Allow your child to mess up and have fun with food.

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2. Levy Y, Levy A, Zangen T et al.: Diagnostic clues for identification of nonorganic vs organic causes of food refusal and poor feeding. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2009; 48: 355-362.
3. Rybak A: Organic and nonorganic feeding disorders. Ann Nutr Metab 2015; 66(5): 16-22.
4. Tolia V: Very early onset nonorganic failure to thrive in infants. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1995; 20: 73-80.
5. Fischer E, Silverman A: Behavioral conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders. Semin Speech Lang 2007; 28: 223-231.
6. Linsheid T: Behavioral treatment for pediatric feeding disorders. Behav Modif 2006; 30(1): 6-23.
7. Shea S, Stein AD, Basch CE et al.: Variability and self-regulation of energy intake in young children in their everyday environment. Pediatrics 1992; 90: 542-546.
8. Hartdorff C, Kneepkens F, Stok-Akerboom A: Clinical tube weaning supported by hunger provocation in fully-tube-fed children. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2015; 60(4): 538-543.
9. Kindermann A, Kneepkens F, Stok A et al.: Discontinuation of tube feeding in young children by hunger provocation. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2008; 47(1): 87-91.
10. Dunitz-Scheer M, Levine A, Roth Y et al.: Prevention and treatment of tube dependency in infancy and early childhood. Infant Child Adolesc Nutr 2009; 1: 73-82.
otrzymano: 2017-10-05
zaakceptowano do druku: 2017-10-25

Adres do korespondencji:
*Paulina Mika
Klinika Gastroenterologii, Hepatologii, Zaburzeń Odżywiania i Pediatrii Instytut „Pomnik – Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka”
Al. Dzieci Polskich 20, 04-730 Warszawa
tel. +48 (22) 815-73-84

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 11/2017
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