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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19
© Borgis - New Medicine 2/2007, s. 40-46
*Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska1, Wiesław Tarnowski2
Thermal comfort in the operating suite
1Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute
Head of the Department: prof. Danuta Koradecka, MD, PhD
2Orlowski Hospital
Head od Department: prof. Krzysztof Bielecki, MD, PhD
A properly functioning operating suite has to satisfy many requirements essential for the safety of both the patient and the personnel. One of these is thermal comfort, depending on several factors, such as temperature conditions of the operating theatre, insulation of protective clothing, stress, rate of metabolism, and safety mechanisms in the body to keep core temperature stable. The disturbance of any of these elements triggers defence mechanisms which in extreme cases may lead to serious disturbances in the body. Exposure to temperature below 10°C or above 32°C within <120 minutes reduces psychophysical capabilities by approx. 15%. This makes errors more likely and decreases physical efficiency. The maintenance of recommended standards concerning thermal conditions in operating theatres ensures the highest possible physical capabilities of the personnel while providing maximum safety for the patients.
"Contrary to common opinion,
thermal comfort is not a whim,
but something really beneficial
from the physiological point of view.
Victor Candas
Thermal comfort is an essential element of man´s comfort. This term describes both a human-friendly environment and subjective satisfaction with thermal conditions [1]. Generally, thermal comfort is taken to mean the most desirable room microclimate, i.e. in which humans feel good and thermal economy of the organism is most efficient [2]. This is the case when the heat balance equation of the human body is met, i.e. if the quantity of heat produced by the body is equal to the quantity of heat dissipated to the environment through radiation, convection, conduction, imperceptible sweating and breathing.
The operating suite comprises a number of rooms, of which the operating theatre raises most concerns from the point of view of thermal comfort.
Good working conditions are the basic element allowing one to render good work and providing comfort and safety to the operating suite personnel and patients. This statement, however, raises a dilemma in the particular case of the operating room, which stems from the difficulties in adjusting climate conditions to the needs of both patients and personnel (carrying out operations and procedures, in particular) at the same time. That said, thermal conditions in the operating room must be adapted to the needs of the patient in the first place.
How can we provide thermal comfort to the doctor as well?
Thermal conditions of the operating room
Operating suite personnel work in specific conditions in which thermal comfort may be difficult to achieve. There are many types of surgery which – besides the usual postural stress, exposure to intense radiant heat of the lamp illuminating the operating area, necessity to use radiation screens (lead aprons), frequent stress (characteristic of this occupation) – are conducted in particularly straining thermal conditions (e.g. surgery in the children´s ward, surgery of body burns, both carried out in high temperature and high air humidity).
Although there are established standards in place, individual working places of the operating suite should be subjected to a specific analysis and risk assessment. In this, detailed-analysis methods should be used for particular sections of work, characterized by temporally stable parameters of physical work load, performed by the operating theatre personnel. The analysis should comprise different types of procedures and operations, different sets of medical clothing and the impact of all above-mentioned factors on human heat balance or discomfort.
The Central Institute for Labour Protection – PIB carried out a study on insulation properties of different sets of surgery clothing selected in accordance with WHO recommendations and ISO 9001 and EN 49000 standards concerning typical medical clothing [3]. The research found that the insulation of different sets varies within the range of 0.54 ±0.01 Clo to 0.95±0.01 Clo (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Three sets of medical protective clothing ABC of the following thermal insulation properties: A: 0,54±0,01 Clo; B:0,62±0,01 Clo; C: 0,95±0,02 Clo.
At the same time, calculations [4] showed that, to provide thermal comfort, the temperature in the operating room should be as follows:
– 20-24°C for a surgeon wearing set A (shoes, socks, cotton underwear and a surgeon´s suit: cotton-like, made of non-woven fabric containing viscose fibres, characterized by good air and water vapour permeability,
– 16-20°C for a surgeon wearing set C (set A plus surgeon´s gown – thermoplastic, two-layered, hygienic, made of non-woven fabric and polypropylene film, impermeable to fluids).
Although this research provided new insight into the extent of the strain facing surgeons at work, it still ignored other important factors, including work in conditions of lacking or improper air-conditioning, work in X-ray protective clothing, and prolonged postural stress.
Thermal comfort and psychophysiological efficiency
Thermal comfort should be such as to create the best possible working conditions for all employees irrespective of age and gender. Acclimation of staff would be unnecessary; all shift work and work requiring particular precision and attention could be performed. The entirety of external conditions and requirements in a working system disturbing physiological and/or mental balance are known as work stress [2]. According to this approach, thermal stress means thermal conditions in the environment causing discomfort, having a negative impact not only on thermoregulatory processes (e.g. intense sweating), but also on general feeling, physical and mental capabilities, and health [5]. This is presented in the following figure (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Impact of temperature and air relative humidity on physical and mental performance.
The temperature of the environment is important for the preservation of psychophysical performance, i.e. psychomotor and cognitive processes. Numerous experiments have proved that it is a basic factor influencing the type and extent of variation of capabilities in thermal stress [6, 7]. Grether WF [6] found that in a hot environment the response time is longer. Based on analysis of research data, published in 1922-1977, on human psychophysiological performance in various temperature conditions, Pilcher JJ et al. [7] found that exposure to temperatures>21°C causes decrements in psychophysiological performance of 5.95% in relation to neutral temperature (i.e. 16-21°C), while exposure to the temperature range of:
– 21-27°C causes minimal changes in performance (0.8% decrement),
– 27-32°C causes a 7.5% decrement in performance,
– above 32°C causes a 14.88% decrement in performance.
The same researchers also demonstrated that attention, perception and reaction time in temperatures ł 26.67°C are greatly reduced, particularly in shorter durations of exposure (<120 mins) in relation to longer durations (>120 mins): performance decrements of 15.91% and 5.84%, respectively. Poorer performance was also noted during short-duration tasks in hot temperature conditions (i.e. <60 mins). The overall pattern of results is an inverted U-shape function between performance and degree of temperature exposure [7]. The lowest level of performance is in the coldest conditions, i.e. in temperatures of 10°C or below, and in the hottest conditions, in temperatures above 32.22°C.
Measuring thermal comfort
There are strictly determined safety limits of physiological reactions to thermal stress. Increased pulse rate (compensating for the reduced venous pressure caused by cutaneous vasodilation and redirection of blood to the skin) should not exceed 140 beats per minute. The volume of sweat should not exceed 4 l for every 8 hours of work. Core temperature should not exceed 38°C. PN-EN ISO 9886 [8] standard contains methods for the measurement of physiological parameters – core temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, body weight loss – and describes their admissible limits. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of individual methods. A seven-point subjective thermal sensation scale according to Fanger´s equation may be used to measure thermal sensation (+3 hot, +2 warm, +1 slightly warm, 0 neutral, –1 slightly cool, –2 cool, –3 cold). This scale may be used to assess thermal sensation, including comfortable conditions, marked with 0. Such assessment is, however, only approximate, because it is a result of many factors, including activity, clothing and environmental variables affecting heat balance of the body.
The basic document defining moderate thermal environments, describing the methods for the related measurements and requirements for thermal comfort, is PN-EN ISO 7730 standard, "Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort” [1].
In that standard, thermal comfort is defined as a state of satisfaction with the thermal environment. Dissatisfaction with the thermal environment may occur when the environment is perceived as hot or cold based on indices presented in the standard. It may also be caused by excessive cooling or warming of a certain part of the body (local discomfort).
The indices contained in the standard were developed by P.O. Fanger, who in 1967 developed a model for predicting thermal comfort. The model explains human requirements, described by comfort indices, with regard to parameters of heat exchange of a building, possible to be programmed by air-conditioning engineering and technically feasible, taking into account six physical variables directly affecting the state of comfort [1, 9]:
1. activity level, determined by the power produced during external work W, W/m2
2. thermal insulation of clothing Icl, Clo
3. air temperature ta, °C
4. relative air velocity var, m/s
5. mean radiation temperature tr, °C
6. partial pressure of water vapour in surrounding air e´a, pa (or relative humidity of the air %).
Only the values of parameters providing optimal thermal comfort can be determined from the heat balance equation [9]. The anticipated average assessment by a large group of persons exposed to a particular environment is determined by the PMV (Predictive Mean Vote), expressed on a seven-point psychophysical scale. It is a statistical index of heat sensation to predict a mean thermal vote of a large number of people, expressed on the following scale: +3 hot, +2 warm, +1 slightly warm, 0 neutral (comfort), –1 slightly cool, –2 cool, –3 cold, and is calculated based on the following formula: PMV=F(M,W,Icl,ta,tr,var,pa) in which, besides the above-described values, also M (metabolic rate, W/m2) is taken into account. The metabolic rate and the value of clothing thermal insulation may be read out from the table in the standard (annex A, table A.1 and annex E, respectively).
PVM informs of deviations from the state of thermal comfort, i.e. the discomfort level. The index is not expressed in a simple mathematical formula, so a computer application and an extensive table have been developed to determine its value for the environmental variables read out.
For a particular value of PMV, PPD, or Predicted-Percentage-of-Dissatisfied index, may also be calculated using the formula or chart developed on the basis of experimental data obtained from a study involving 1,300 subjects [1, 9]. The PPD index sets a percentage of persons judging the thermal environment under study very negatively.
Due to individual differences in microclimate perception, there is no possibility to achieve satisfaction of all persons present in a particular environment. As a result, based on PMV and PPD indices, it is proposed to set the threshold of thermal comfort at 80% satisfied people, which corresponds to a value of the PMV index in the range –0.5
What is interesting – in particular in view of the occupations under study – is the range of PMV≥0.5 described as a moderate environment. This situation does not, in fact, require further research, but only taking temporary measures aimed at improving work comfort (change of clothing – reduced Clo, decreasing air temperature, increasing air velocity, serving drinks). It seems, however, that in the specific case of a surgeon conducting X-ray vision surgery in a lead apron, any adjustment measures may prove to be very problematic.
Besides, PMV and PPD indices express comfort or discomfort of the whole body, but one can feel comfort or discomfort in specific parts of the body (local discomfort). The most common causes of local discomfort are draughts, uneven distribution of air temperature, cold or warm floors, as well as low level of activity. Accordingly, situations in which the less active operating suite personnel (e.g. anaesthetists) feel more thermal discomfort than do a team of surgeons are hard to avoid.
Another indicator of thermal comfort is LPPD, or Lowest Possible Percentage of Dissatisfied, which is determined by setting temperatures of the work environment at various levels. It allows one to determine the lowest possible percentage of dissatisfied persons in a particular room equipped with functioning heating or air-conditioning installation.
Going outside the admissible range of –2
A hot environment (hot discomfort or thermal stress conditions), for which the heat balance equation is positive (accumulation of heat in the body), exceeds the threshold of thermal comfort, i.e. PMV ≥+2. The basis for risk assessment in a hot environment is PN-85 N-08011 standard "Ergonomics: Hot Environments. Estimation of heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT index” [10]. The index is used for the assessment of average, prolonged exposure of humans to heat, ignoring very-short-duration heat strain or strains close to comfort zones.
WBGT value is calculated according to the following formula: WBGT=0.7tnwb+0.3tg, where:
tnw = natural wet-bulb temperature,
tg = black globe thermometer temperature.
To determine thermal strain with the WBGT index, additional measurement or assessment is needed, which is based on: the table presented in the standard listing occupations; metabolic rate (energy production); information from workers on acclimation to heat (or lack of it); and assessment of air flow (perceptible, imperceptible). Thereafter, a benchmark WBGT value corresponding to the given metabolic rate is read out from the table [1, 10]. The WBGT value calculated for the working post is then compared to benchmark values. These correspond to the level of exposure of any person without any side effects. These values may change, if e.g. psychomotor disturbances that might cause accident at work are found.
However, the occupation categories proposed in the standard give no obvious clue in determining safe temperature limits as regards the work of the operating theatre personnel. The table proposed in the standard for work in a standing posture ("light manual work, such as writing, sewing, or work involving hand and palm, such as work with the use of small locksmith´s and carpenter´s tools”) classifies such work as light work (652). The admissible temperature limit in this case (benchmark WBGT value) is WBGT = 30°C (29°C for unacclimated persons). On the other hand, the table counts "actions performed with palms or hands with muscle tension, such as ramming, filling” as moderate work, causing increased metabolism 1302. In that case the WBGT ceiling is 28°C (26°C for unacclimated persons)
If these thresholds are exceeded [10]:
– either thermal strain at the working post should be lowered by appropriate methods (adjustment of the environment, level of load, duration of stay in the given environment and the use of individual protection measures),
– or a detailed analysis of thermal strain with more precise methods should be carried out.
At the same time, one should bear in mind that the binding hygienic standards concerning the methods of studying load in persons working in protective clothing in various thermal environment conditions are developed based on research carried out with the participation of young males. In reality, persons of various ages can be found in a given working post. The strain level may be inappropriate for other age groups [2].
In addition, the above-mentioned benchmark WBGT values have been developed for normally clad persons (i.e. thermal insulation index Icl=0.6 Clo). If the properties of the clothing used differ substantially from the benchmark values (e.g. water-vapour resistant wear) expert advice should be sought [10], because such a situation should lead to the lowering of the benchmark value. Besides, although conformity with the requirements of that standard protects the inside of the human body against exceeding a core temperature of 38°C, it does not guarantee the meeting of other physiological criteria, such as heart rate or sweat output. This is so because the index is a compromise between the pursuit of a precise indicator and the need to carry out easy measurements in an industrial environment. A better indicator is the sweat output calculated according to the equation of heat exchange between humans and the environment [11, 12].
It seems, therefore, that the optimal solution in determining the thermal stress of the operating suite personnel would be to carry out direct measurements of both metabolic rate [13] and thermal insulation values of sets of medical clothing, in simulated conditions, with the participation of workers in a climatic chamber and the use of a thermal manikin, which are used for that purpose in research carried out at the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute [2].
Optimization of working comfort of operating suite personnel
The environment, or conditions of climate, affects the human body through several factors, including: air temperature, humidity and velocity, and mean radiant temperature. These values and their configuration determine thermal comfort, heat and cold sensation in humans. Other factors, such as level of activity, thermal insulation and air and water vapour permeability of clothing, also influence the perception.
In the rooms in which an artificial microclimate is created, attempts are made to provide thermal comfort conditions. The most important variables affecting thermal comfort are the above-discussed parameters combining to form the thermal comfort equation:
– energy production (quantity of heat produced in the body)
– thermal insulation of clothing
– air temperature
– mean radiant temperature
– relative air velocity
– partial pressure of water vapour in the surrounding air.
Thermal comfort may be achieved through adequate combination of the above-mentioned variables, by using various heating and air-conditioning installations. Among air-conditioning tasks, the following may be listed [9, 17]:
– retention of adequate air temperature (22-25°C),
– retention of suitable relative humidity of the air (55-60%; humidity above 65% may cause intracrystalline corrosion and damage medical apparatus, whereas humidity below 50% is conducive to static electricity accumulation),
– supplying fresh and clean air to the operating theatre and the operating area,
– ensuring even airflow through the operating theatre,
– elimination to the minimum of whirls and secondary air movements.
For a given heat production and kind of clothing, any combination of air temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative humidity and air velocity may be determined to find the optimum conditions of thermal comfort for humans [9].
The thermal comfort equation was derived from experiments carried out with the participation of American academic youth. In order to apply it to the assessment of comfort of the operating suite personnel, surgeons in particular, some adjustments should be made taking into account the specific nature of the occupation, including the influence of stress and of special protective clothing on the feeling of thermal comfort. At the same time, such an assessment should take into account additional factors that may have an effect on thermal comfort, such as the number of individuals in a given room, room colours and air pressure.
From the point of view of optimization of the thermal environment of the operating theatre, a conflict of interests arises between the working conditions of the surgeon and the medical and technical personnel, and the conditions for the patient.
The surgeon´s and other personnel´s work is performed in standing postures, often bent, in protective clothing, within the range of operation of heat radiators. It is associated with intrinsic physical and mental strain. Its inherent feature is stress of various origins (operations of multiple injuries, transplantology, deaths, team work, work overload). It is difficult to provide thermal comfort for the operating suite personnel in such circumstances. At the same time, these conditions are not favourable to the patient, as it is difficult to maintain a thermoneutral zone in the operating room, i.e. such a range of temperatures as to minimize the consumption of oxygen, loss of fluids and heat (comfortable temperature for a nude human is approx. 29°C). In a hot environment the patient is cooled by using cold fluids in the peritoneal washing and by facing the organs with cold gauze sheets. On the other hand, a scantily dressed patient, whose period of stay in the operating theatre may be long, is vulnerable to heat escape from the inside of the body through the open operating area. In such conditions he/she is covered with an additional thermal insulation layer (particularly lengthy neurosurgeries and laryngologic surgeries), warm fluids are used for washing wounds and body cavities, and warm sheets are used for covering internal organs. After all, unplanned hypothermia is not a rarity [14].
Due to their purpose, operating theatres are rooms in which thermal and humidity parameters of the air and strictly defined microbiological and dust purity requirements must be met. Satisfying these conditions ensures working comfort of the operating team and adequate climatic conditions for the patients, and greatly reduces hazards to the health and lives of patients resulting from pollution of the surrounding air.
The requirements concerning air-conditioning and ventilation of the operating suite determine the temperature, minimum rate of air exchanges in each of the rooms, their purity class and relative humidity, noise level, etc. In various countries there are various standards of temperature for operating theatres, 18-25°C on average. In Germany it is 20-25°C, in France 22-25°C, in Sweden and Switzerland 25°C. In Poland the requirements regarding air temperature, humidity and velocity for ventilation and air-conditioning of operating theatres are as follows [15]:
– temperature 22-25 °C (hyperaseptic, aseptic, septic rooms)
– relative humidity 55% (procedure and operating rooms 40-60%),
– maximum air velocity 0.4-0.5 m/s (0.2 m/s procedure and operating rooms).
At the same time, the possibility of adjustment of internal temperature should be available in every operating room, at least within the range of several degrees, independently of the general regulation related to external temperature.
In the rooms in which no air-conditioning or mechanical ventilation systems operate, the appropriate temperature of the air should be provided by a central heating system, and the minimum number of replacements by gravitational ventilation.
Setting a temperature in the operating theatre that would provide comfort to all persons is rather unlikely. The preferable temperature is different for surgeons, who perform more dynamic work, and for anaesthesiologists, who perform more static work. Research carried out by Polish scientists found that, in this country´s climate, surgeons are fitter when the temperature of the incoming air is 19°C. According to English researchers, it depends on the actions performed by the personnel and their mental tension. A distinct issue is the microclimate in the children´s operating theatre, in which operating procedures with the use of an open incubator are carried out in temperatures of 25-28°C.
The above-described PN-EN ISO 7730 standard [1], which is used to determine if the conditions in a given place of work meet the requirements of comfort, may be applied in designing new environments or in assessing the existing working places. In annex D of that standard, thermal comfort requirements at working posts are presented:
1. It is recommended that PPD be <10% (which corresponds to -0.5>PMV<0.5). Based on that assumption, a comfortable range of each of the environment parameters, for instance temperature (e.g. as a function of activity and clothing insulation), may be found based on the PMV formula.
2. It is recommended that relative humidity be 30-70%. Such conditions allow one to reduce the risk of irritation to the eyes, growth of bacterial flora and development of diseases of the respiratory track, the sensation of wet or dry skin, and static electricity.
However, as in the case of the WBGT index (presented above), it is difficult to properly classify the work of the operating suite personnel in order to calculate thermal comfort indices. This applies in particular to surgical work which could be classified in the 4th or 5th category (Annex A):
Group 4: work in a standing posture, low activity ("purchasing, laboratory work, light industry”); 93W/m2 (1.6 met);
Group 5: work in a standing position, moderate activity ("shop assistant, housework, machine work”); 116 W/m2 (2.0 met).
A distinct problem is the selection of appropriate protective clothing for the operating suite personnel. Such clothing is designed to protect against bacterial pathogens and infectious biological agents. Advanced operating clothing should be comfortable, light and non-restricting to the surgeon´s and other personnel´s movements. At the same time it should be made of a fabric that is soaking-resistant, impermeable to fluids and blood, and permeable to the sterilizing agent (water vapour), enabling skin respiration, having thermoregulatory properties. In our times, recommended one-way gowns are made of a non-woven material or paper strengthened with a multiple-use film (Gore-Tex type, for instance).
Knowledge of the metabolic rate of a given worker of the operating suite and his/her clothing insulation allows calculation of the range of operating temperature to corresponding to the thermal comfort zone. It also allows the reverse calculation to be performed: for a given temperature of the room and worker´s activity, desirable clothing insulation parameters that provide comfort may be determined. At the same time, one should bear in mind that the binding hygienic standards concerning the methods of studying strain in persons working in protective clothing in various thermal environment conditions were developed based on research carried out with the participation of young males. In reality, persons of various ages can be found in a given working post. The strain level may be inadequate for other age groups [2].
In order to select worker´s clothing fitting the thermal conditions of the environment and his/her activity, it may be worthwhile to assess a moderate thermal environment. Worker´s wear should be selected in such a way that he/she perceives thermal conditions as comfortable. Conditions outside the thermal comfort range are perceived by the worker as wearisome and may adversely affect his/her work quality. A problem arises when specific working conditions (e.g. in the operating suite) require use of certain protective clothing.
If above-normal temperature is found in the working place, workers´ comfort may be increased by increasing air velocity. ASHRAE Standard 55-1992 and ASTRAE Standard 55-2004 [16, 17] discuss the topic of how air velocity increase (with the use of a fan, for instance) may compensate for the increase in temperature, when it exceeds the higher limit of the comfort range in the summer season. Unfortunately, in particular in the case of the operating theatre, both temperature and air velocity increases are unfavourable. In the former case, the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may increase; in the latter, evaporation of volatile or even less volatile chemicals from open surfaces may also increase, and concentration of dust over the area may rise as well.
Also, modification of air humidity is not recommended, for it results not only in changed concentration of water-soluble chemicals and bioaerosols, but affects the perceived air quality.
On the basis of the literature review, wherever human activity requires artificial adjustment of the microclimate of the room, thermal conditions are sought that provide comfort to the majority of individuals present in the room. Due to biological differences, it is impossible to satisfy all persons present in the room with regard to the microclimate. What should be sought are optimal thermal comfort conditions, i.e. a state in which the greatest possible number of people feel thermal comfort [9].
The need to create thermal comfort results mainly from the increasing awareness of the influence of thermal comfort on work quality. Numerous experiments confirm that maximum physical and intellectual capabilities of humans are reached when humans work in thermal comfort conditions, whereas hot or cold discomfort adversely affects work quality [6, 7, 9].
To ensure high quality of medical services provided by the operating suite personnel to the patient, it is very important to create comfortable working conditions. However, the working posts occupied by operating suite personnel have not been analysed in depth as yet, which is confirmed by the difficulty in finding these occupations in tables proposed for the assessment of thermal comfort. For that reason, such assessment should be carried out specifically for individual workers of the operating suite. This would provide reliable data on the actual strain and allow practical organizational and climatic solutions to be designed.
1. EN ISO 7730:2005: Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. 2. Koradecka D. Work safety and ergonomy (a book in Polish). Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute, Warsaw 1999. 3. Sołtyński K., Konarska M., Pyryt J., Sobolewski A. Test research of a new generation thermal manikin. Third International Meeting on Thermal Manikin Testing 3 IMM, 12-13 października 1999. 4. Sołtyński K., Konarska M., Pyryt J., Sobolewski A. Research on typical medical work clothing on humans and on a thermal manikin. Third International Meeting on Thermal Manikin Testing 3 IMM,2000. 5. Traczyk WZ, Trzebski A. Human physiology with the element of clinical and applied physiology (a book in Polish). PZWL Warsaw 2004. 6. Grether WF. Human performance at elevated environmental temperature. Aerospace Med. 1973; 44:747-55. 7. Pilcher JJ, Nadler E, Busch C. Effects of hot and cold temperature exposure on performance: a meta-analytic review. Ergonomics 2002;45:682-698. 8. EN ISO 9886:2004 Ergonomics – Evaluation of thermal strain by physiological measurements (ISO 9886:2004). 9. Fanger P.O. Komfort cieplny, Arkady 1974. 10. EN 27243:1993Hot environments. Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT-index (wet bulb globe temperature) (ISO 7243: 1989). 11. EN ISO 7933:2004 Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain (ISO 7933:2004). 12. EN 12515:1997 Hot environments - Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal stress using calculation of required sweat rate (ISO 7933:1989 modified). 13. EN ISO 8996:2004 Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Determination of metabolic rate (ISO 8996:2004). 14. Arndt K, 1999, Lenhardt R, Kurz A, Marker E, Goll V. Clinical guideline for the prevention of unplanned perioperative hypothermia. AORN J 1999;70:204-206. 15. Sitko K. Air-conditioning and ventilation of the existing operating theatres (article in Polish). Weiss Klimatechnik Polska Sp. Z o.o., WWW.wktp.pl. 16. ANSI/ASHRAE 55-2004 Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy. 17. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-1992 Thermal Environmental conditions for human occupancy, Atlanta 1992, ASHRAE Addendum 55a,1994.
Adres do korespondencji:
*Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska
Central Institute for Labour Protection
National Research Institute
00-701 Warsaw, ul. Czerniakowska 16
Tel. +4822 6233274, fax: +4822 6233282
e-mail: iwsud@ciop.pl
Wiesław Tarnowski, MD, PhD
Orlowski Hospital, 00-416 Warsaw, 231 Czerniakowska St.
Tel. +48 602 346 242
e-mail: tarnowski@poczta.onet.pl

New Medicine 2/2007
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