*Anna Turska-Szybka1, Anna Stróżyńska2, Ada Braksator2, Joanna Łuniewska2, Maria Białczak2, Sara Shamsa1
An assessment the ability to remove carious dentin using selected diagnostic methods in final year dentistry students
Ocena umiejętności usuwania zębiny próchnicowej przez studentów ostatniego roku stomatologii przy zastosowaniu wybranych metod diagnostycznych
1Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, MD, PhD
2Students’ Scientific Association, Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Dorota Olczak-Kowalczyk, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Prawidłowa ocena i umiejętne usuwanie zębiny próchnicowej stanowią główne trudności, z jakimi spotykają się studenci stomatologii podczas opracowywania ubytków. Ocena zębiny, oczywista dla doświadczonego klinicysty, często pozostaje trudna dla studenta.
Cel pracy. Ocena umiejętności usuwania zębiny próchnicowej przez studentów ostatniego roku stomatologii przy zastosowaniu wybranych metod diagnostycznych.
Materiał i metody. Do diagnostyki użyto metod: wizualno-dotykowej, LF (DIAGNOdent), FACE (Facelight) i Caries Detector. Gdy uznano ubytek jako całkowicie opracowany, dokonywano oceny przy użyciu DIAGNOdentu oraz sondy Facelight. Oceny Caries Detectorem dokonywano jako ostatniej. Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej z użyciem współczynnika kappa Cohena, testu chi-kwadrat i U Manna-Whitneya. Obliczono zgodność metod, ilość prób potrzebną studentom do prawidłowego opracowania ubytku oraz czułość i swoistość metod względem Facelight; próg istotności p < 0,05.
Wyniki. Średnia liczba kontroli, potrzebna studentom do właściwego opracowania ubytku, wyniosła 1,5. Po pierwszej ocenie całkowicie opracowano 50,8%. Facelight jako jedyny wykazał istotną statystycznie zgodność z trzema metodami: wizualną (p = 0,001), DIAGNOdentem (p = 0,019) i wybarwiaczem (p = 0,013). Ocena dotykowa była istotnie zgodna wyłącznie z oceną wizualną (p = 0,044).
Wnioski. Studenci nie zawsze potrafią precyzyjnie określić stopień usunięcia zębiny próchnicowej. Metodą diagnostyczną o najwyższej zgodności okazał się Facelight, który może być przydatny w dydaktyce.
Introduction. Proper evaluation and skilful removal of carious dentin are major difficulties faced by dentistry students while caries excavation. Evaluation of dentin, obvious to experienced clinician, remains difficult for students.
Aim. The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of final year dentistry students to remove carious dentine, using selected diagnostic methods.
Material and methods. The following methods were used: visual-tactile, Laser Fluorescence (DIAGNOdent), FACE (Facelight) and Caries Detector. Students assessed the cavity based on visual-tactile method. When it was considered as prepared, LF and FACE examinations were performed. Caries Detector was eventually used. Results were analysed using kappa Cohen coefficient, chi-square and the Mann-Whitney U test with P < 0.05. Agreement of methods, the number of students’ attempts to prepare the cavity, as well as sensitivity and specificity of methods were calculated in relation to FACE.
Results. The average number of evaluations needed to prepare the cavity was 1.5. After the first evaluation 50.8% of cavities were prepared. FACE demonstrated statistically significant agreement with the three methods: visual (P = 0.001), LF (P = 0.019), Caries Detector dye (P = 0.013). Tactile examination was compliant only with the visual method (P = 0.044).
Conclusions. Students are not always able to accurately determine the degree of carious dentine removal. Facelight proved to be a diagnostic method with the highest consistency and usefulness in the didactic process.
For several years, modern conservative dentistry has been based on the concept of Minimal Intervention Dentistry (MID). Proper dentin evaluation is a major difficulty faced by dentistry students during caries excavation. Both tactile and visual methods are subjective and require clinical experience (1). However, it was found that the hardness of the inner layer of demineralised dentin is lower than in normal dentin (2). This explains the reason for excessive caries removal and accidental pulp exposure (3). Therefore, a number of modern methods and materials to facilitate the decision on the completion of cavity preparation have been introduced on the market. One of the diagnostic methods, Laser Fluorescence (LF), is based on the phenomenon of fluorescence of carious dental tissue excited by a laser. This phenomenon is used in DIAGNOdent (KaVo). Different data on the cut-off point for healthy dentin in clinical practice may be found in the literature. Authors suggest that higher cut-off points are more suitable for flat and occlusal surfaces due to their increased remineralising potential compared to the bottom of the cavity (3, 4). Unlu et al. (5) accepted a healthy dentin cut-off point of 30, while Lennon (6) recommend a cut-off point of only 15. A cut-off point for healthy dentin of 25, which is an average value recommended by other researchers, was used in the conducted study (3, 5, 6). Another innovative diagnostic method is based on Fluorescence Aided Caries Excavation technique (FACE), which uses a light probe emitting violet light with a wavelength of 405 nm (e.g. Facelight, W&H). Bacteria in dentin infected by caries leave behind metabolic products (porphyrins). When an exposed cavity is illuminated with light (Facelight), porphyrins show a red fluorescence, which indicates the presence of an outer layer infected with bacteria. Bacteria with red fluorescence are predominant in carious dentin (7). Another diagnostic method uses caries detector dyes, which have been used for years as an aid in caries excavation (4-16). Caries Detector (Kuraray) used in the clinical differentiation between two dentin layers in the cavity is one of these methods.
Most of research using modern methods for the assessment of cavity are based on in vitro findings (3, 5-7, 10, 12, 15-21). Only some of the studies were conducted in vivo (8, 9, 13, 22, 23). The present study was one of the first to use four techniques for in vivo assessment of cavity-bottom dentin. Each of the presented diagnostic methods can be used in everyday clinical practice.
The aim of the study was to assess final year students’ ability to remove dentin caries using selected diagnostic methods.
Material and methods
Patients of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry (Infant Jesus Teaching Hospital in Warsaw) were included in the study. The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University of Warsaw (approval no. KB/235/2015). The inclusion criteria were as follows: written consent of the parent/legal guardian of the qualified child, cooperative patient, good overall health status, the presence of primary caries ICDAS-II 4-6 (24) on at least one surface of permanent or deciduous teeth, Black Classification of Carious Lesions: class I to VI, no pulp exposure or inflammation.
A total of 35 patients (12 girls and 23 boys) of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry (Infant Jesus Teaching Hospital in Warsaw) were included in the study. These were generally healthy children aged between 4 and 17 years (mean age 9.88 ± 4.47 years). From a total of 71 teeth included in the study, 6 teeth were excluded due to pulp exposure during caries excavation. The final number of qualified teeth was 65, including 30 deciduous and 35 permanent teeth. During the preparation of 3 very deep cavities, caries detector was not used or the coloured dentin was not removed due to high risk of pulp exposure.
The study was conducted between December 2014 and February 2015 by seven final year dentistry students, members of the Students’ Science Society in the Department of Paediatric Dentistry (Medical University of Warsaw), under the supervision of two dentists coordinating their work. Cavity preparation was performed in accordance with the generally accepted method. Carious cavities were opened using a diamond bur, and the softened dentin was removed using a slow-speed round bur. The colour of cavity-bottom dentin as well as the presence/absence of visible probe scratches were analysed by means of visual-tactile method. When cavity preparation was considered completed by a student, the decision was verified by the supervising person. This was followed by student’s evaluation of dentin using different diagnostic methods. Evaluation using DIAGNOdent (KaVo, Biberach, Germany) was performed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. After calibration of the device, three subsequent measurements were performed with reference to healthy tooth tissue. Type A and B tips were used, depending on the type of dentin, by their application to the pulp chamber surface of the cavity. Peak values, i.e. the maximum values in the range between 0 and 99, were recorded.
The next stage involved an assessment of the bottom of the cavity using Facelight (W&H, Bürmoos, Austria). By placing the probe perpendicular to the surface of the pulp chamber surface, the investigator observed the light illuminating the bottom of the cavity using special glasses (550 nm long-pass filter) supplied with the kit. If Facelight showed the presence of cavity-bottom dentin caries, the investigator performed another excavation by removing the residues of infected tissue.
The fluorescent properties of Caries Detector, invisible to the human eye, may produce incorrect results when using Facelight, which significantly limited its usefulness in the study and allowed to use the method only in the final phase of research.
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