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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

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© Borgis - Nowa Medycyna 4/2019, s. 129-135 | DOI: 10.25121/NM.2019.26.4.129
*Małgorzata Kołodziejczak1, Przemysław Ciesielski1, 2
Rectal prolapse surgeries using perineal, trans-anal and extra-anal approach
Operacje wypadania odbytnicy z dostępu kroczowego przezodbytowego i pozaodbytowego
1Warsaw Proctology Centre, Saint Elisabeth Hospital in Warsaw
2Department of General Surgery District Hospital in Wołomin
Wypadanie odbytnicy nie jest częste, według danych epidemiologicznych choruje 4/1000 osób w populacji dorosłych. Choroba dotyczy najczęściej starszych kobiet, może też wystąpić u obu płci w każdym wieku. W ubiegłym stuleciu dostęp kroczowy był podstawowym dostępem operacyjnym u pacjentów z wypadaniem odbytnicy. Współcześnie stosuje się wiele metod operacyjnych, zarówno z dostępu brzusznego (laparotomia, laparoskopia), jak i przezkroczowego. W osiągnięciu sukcesu terapeutycznego u pacjenta z wypadaniem odbytnicy kluczowa jest właściwa kwalifikacja do metody operacyjnej. Wskazania do operacji wypadania odbytnicy z dostępu kroczowego to: podeszły wiek pacjenta, dodatkowe choroby internistyczne, krótki odcinek wypadania, zadzierzgnięcie i martwica wypadniętej odbytnicy. Zalety dostępu kroczowego to: korekta wypadania odbytnicy przez resekcję, jednoczasowa korekta wypadania narządu rodnego, a w przypadku współistniejącej niewydolności zwieraczy odbytu (co zdarza się często) ? możliwość jednoczasowego wykonania plastyki dźwigaczy odbytu przedniej i tylnej. Do najczęściej wykonywanych metod operacyjnych u pacjentów z pełnościennym wypadaniem odbytnicy z dostępu kroczowego należą kroczowa resekcja odbytnicy sposobem Altemeiera i operacja wypadania odbytnicy sposobem Delorme’a. Opierścienienie odbytnicy sposobem Thierscha jest metodą historyczną, wykonywaną sporadycznie u pacjentów niekwalifikujących się do pozostałych procedur. U pacjentów z niepełnościennym wypadaniem odbytnicy mogą mieć zastosowanie: STARR (ang. stapled transanal rectal resection), operacja klinowego wycięcia błony śluzowej odbytnicy, operacja marszczenia błony śluzowej odbytnicy sposobem Ganta-Miwy. Autorzy w artykule przedstawiają poszczególne metody operacyjne, wskazania do ich zastosowania, zalety, wady i możliwe powikłania.
Rectal prolapse is a rare condition. Epidemiological data estimate that 4/1,000 adults are affected. Although rectal prolapse in most often seen in older women, it may develop in both men and women at any age. In the last century, perineal access was the primary surgical approach in patients with rectal prolapse. Currently, a number of transabdominal (laparotomy, laparoscopy) and transperineal techniques are used. Proper preoperative qualification is of key importance for therapeutic success in a patient with rectal prolapse. Indications for perineal rectal prolapse surgery include advanced age, general comorbidities, short-segment prolapse, incarceration and necrotic rectal prolapse. Advantages of the perineal approach include prolapse repair by resection, simultaneous repair of pelvic prolapse, and, in the case of overlapping anal sphincter insufficiency (which is common), the possibility of simultaneous anterior and posterior levator ani repair. Perineal rectosigmoidectomy (Altemeier’s procedure) and Delorme’s procedure are the most common perineal surgical procedures performed in patients with full-thickness rectal prolapse. Anal encirclement (Thiersch wire) is a historical method, which is used in rare cases of patients not eligible for other procedures. STARR (stapler transanal rectal resection), wedge resection of the rectal mucosa, mucosal plication (Gant-Miwa procedure) may be used in patients with partial-thickness rectal prolapse. The paper presents the above mentioned surgical methods, along with their indications, uses, advantages, disadvantages, and possible complications.

Rectal prolapse is defined as a spontaneous protrusion of the rectum or the rectum and the sigmoid colon into the intestine below and/or outside the anal canal. It is a rare condition. Epidemiological data estimate that 4/1,000 adults are affected. Although full-thickness rectal prolapse is more common in older women (women > 75 years of age account for 85%), it may develop in men and women at any age (1). People have been suffering from rectal prolapse for centuries. The treatment of rectal prolapse was already described by Hippocrates. It involved hanging patients upside down on a tree, which was rather ineffective, but at least less aggressive compared to methods described in the Middle Ages, which involved, among other things, burning the anus to obtain a scar, and thus prevent rectal prolapse. Contemporary surgeons were and still are involved in the treatment of rectal prolapse. Frederick Salmon, the founder of the The Benevolent Dispensary for the Relief of the Poor Afflicted with Fistula and other Diseases of the Rectum (now St. Mark’s Hospital), published his monograph “Practical Observations on Prolapsus of the Rectum” in 1831. Currently, a number of transabdominal (laparotomy, laparoscopy) and transperineal techniques are used. Proper preoperative qualification is of key importance for therapeutic success in a patient with rectal prolapse.
Despite many published concepts on the aetiology of rectal prolapse, no consensus has been reached among researchers. A historical study conducted more than 50 years ago by Broden and Snellman, who described an internal intussusception in proctography, emphasising that the intussusception originated in the anterior rectal wall, was a milestone in the research on the disease (2). However, later defecographic studies in healthy volunteers failed to fully confirm this theory as they revealed the presence of intussusception in half of subjects, none of whom presented with proctological symptoms (3). Later theories pointed to the possible neurogenic causes of rectal prolapse, such as nerve damage and weak pelvic floor muscles (4). According to the historical Moschcowitz’s hypothesis from the beginning of the 20th century, rectal prolapse is a type of pelvic floor hernia (5). It is currently believed that the aetiology of prolapse is multifactorial, with a different predominant causative factor in each age group. Excess length of bowel and mesentery is the dominant cause in young patients with fully sufficient pelvic floor muscles. Weak pelvic muscles and the lack of rectal support are the main causes in patients with anorexia and spinal injury. This is also the case in women with obstetric trauma or after hysterectomy as the presence of uterus in the pelvis is an important stabilising element. Weak pelvic muscles accompanied by passage difficulties due to a double sigmoid loop, diverticular disease or tumours are the dominant cause in elderly patients. However, one or more cofactors are seen in each of the above cases. Nearly all patients with rectal prolapse suffer from constipation, although the disease is certainly multifactorial. Generally, the risk factors for full-thickness rectal prolapse may be classified as anatomical and functional.
Anatomical factors include female sex, a deep rectouterine pouch, pelvic floor muscle insufficiency (usually age-related), anal sphincter insufficiency (usually postpartum), obstetric injuries, long bowel mesentery, pelvic organ prolapse, and a history of radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.
Functional factors include chronic constipation, neurological diseases, spinal cord injury, and mental disorders.
Other risk factors include had physical work, obesity (or rapid weight loss, for example rectal prolapse is seen in anorectic patients), and multiple childbirths.
The following factors should be considered when choosing surgical technique for a patient with rectal prolapse: the mechanism and extent of rectal prolapse (the length of the prolapsed bowel in particular), patient’s age and overall health status, as well as comorbidities (e.g. POP in women). Before choosing surgical technique, the operator should verify whether anal sphincter insufficiency is the result or cause of prolapse.
Perineal approach
In the 20th century, surgery through the perineum was the main strategy in patients with rectal prolapse. In 1891, Thiersch (Germany) reported narrowing the anal opening using a ring of wire. In 1900 (6), Delorme (France) described resection of the rectal mucosa (7). In 1889, Mikulicz reported perineal rectosigmoidectomy. In 1971, Altemeier presented a full, improved description of the procedure (8).
Indications for perineal rectal prolapse repair include:
? advanced age,
? general comorbidities disqualifying from general anaesthesia,
? short-segment prolapse,
? incarceration and necrotic rectal prolapse.

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1. Kairaluoma MV, Kellokumpu IH: Epidemiologic Aspects of Complete Rectal Prolapse. Scand J Surg 2005; 94(3): 207-210.
2. Broden B, Snellman B: Procidentia of the rectum studied with cineradiography: a contribution to the discussion of causative mechanism. Dis Colon Rectum 1968; 11: 330-347.
3. Shorvon PJ, McHugh S, Diamant NE et al.: Defecography in normal volunteers: results and implications. Gut 1989; 30: 1737-1749.
4. Parks AG, Swash M, Urich H: Sphincter denervation in anorectal incontinence and rectal prolapse. Gut 1977; 18: 656-665.
5. Moschowitz AV: The pathogenesis, anatomy and cure of prolapse of the rectum. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1912; 15: 7-21.
6. Thiersch C: Carl Thiersch 1822-1895. Concerning prolapse of the rectum with special emphasis on the operation by Thiersch. Dis Colon Rectum 1988; 31: 154-155.
7. Delorme R: Sur le traitement des prolapsus de la muqueuse recitale ou recto-colique. Bull Soc Chirurgiens Paris 1900; 26: 459.
8. Altemeier WA, Culbertson WR, Schowengerdt C, Hunt J: Nineteen years’ experience with the one-stage perineal repair of rectal prolapse. Ann Surg 1971; 173: 993-1006.
9. Kołodziejczak M, Ciesielski P: Atlas technik operacyjnych w proktologii. Borgis, Warszawa 2019: 198-207.
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otrzymano: 2019-10-07
zaakceptowano do druku: 2019-10-28

Adres do korespondencji:
*Małgorzata Kołodziejczak
Warszawski Ośrodek Proktologii Szpital św. Elżbiety w Warszawie
ul. Goszczyńskiego 1, 02-615 Warszawa
tel.: +48 603-387-787

Nowa Medycyna 4/2019
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