Katarzyna Zbarańska
Odleżyny – patogeneza, profilaktyka i leczenie
Decubitus – pathogenesis, prophylaxis and treatment
z Wojewódzkiej Przychodni Skórno-Wenerologicznej w Lublinie
Kierownik Przychodni: dr n. med. Bogusław Wach
Decubitus (bed sore) is the necrosis of skin and subdermal tissues. The lesion is caused by prolonged pressure leading to ischemia of the soft tissues. Therefore, bed sore are typically distributed in region where skin is in close contact with bone´s protuberances. The best management of this serious even life threatening condition is prophylaxis and estimation of risk factors. This latter is achieved by implementation of special scale. The mode of treatment of the bed sores depends on local condition within the lesion and general status of the patient.

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