Tadeusz Pieńkowski
Postępy w chemicznym leczeniu chorych na raka piersi
Advances in chemotherapy of breast cancer
z Kliniki Nowotworów Piersi i Chirurgii Rekonstrukcyjnej Centrum Onkologii – Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Warszawie
Kierownik Kliniki: dr hab. med. Tadeusz Pieńkowski
In the most cases invasive breast cancer is systemic disease. Progress in the treatment of this cancer has been achieved. From the middle 70-ies several big randomized trials have been performed. Results of these trials cleary demonstrates that adjuvant systemic treatment can prolong overall survival and indicatins to the adjuvant has been establised. Systemic adjuvant treatment has been established as part of the radical treatment in patients in I, II and III stage. In the treatment of advenced breast cancer some new cytostatics and hormonal drugs have been introduced to the clinical practice. Drugs which are active in disseminated disease will be investigated in adjuvant treatment.

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