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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 11/2015, s. 796-799
*Aleksandra Janusz, Joanna Janusz, Krystyna Wieczorek, Joanna Józwa, Anna Grajewska, Joanna Toborek, Maria Czachura, Bożena Drybańska
Potransfuzyjne martwicze zapalenie jelit (TANEC) – wczesne powikłanie poprzetoczeniowe u noworodków ze skrajnie niską masą urodzeniową (ELBW) czy jeden z czynników ryzyka martwiczego zapalenia jelit (NEC)? Doświadczenie jednego ośrodka
Transfusion-associated necrotizing enterocolitis (TANEC) – early post-transfusion complication in neonates with extremely low birth weight (ELBW) or one of the risk factor necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)? One centre’s experience
Regional Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centre, Katowice
Director of Centre: Stanisław Dyląg, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Martwicze zapalenie jelit (ang. necrotizning enterocolitis – NEC) jest jednostką chorobową noworodków. W szczególności dotyczy noworodków z niską masą urodzeniową (ang. extremely low birth weight – ELBW) oraz 5% noworodków urodzonych przedwcześnie. W krańcowych przypadkach septyczna martwica ściany jelita może obejmować pełną grubość jego ściany i prowadzić do perforacji jelita, a w konsekwencji do zapalenia otrzewnej. Jako czynnik predysponujący do wystąpienia NEC wymienia się transfuzję koncentratu krwinek czerwonych (KKCz), która może być powodem rozwoju w ciągu 48 godzin po transfuzji jednostki chorobowej zwanej TANEC (ang. transfusion-associated NEC). Odnotowane przypadki TANEC były powodem poważniejszego od NEC przebiegu i w większości wymagały interwencji chirurgicznej ratującej życie oraz były związane z wysoką śmiertelnością.
Cel pracy. Zebranie danych z piśmiennictwa oraz doświadczeń własnych związanych z NEC i analiza, czy TANEC można uznać za nowy wczesny odczyn poprzetoczeniowy występujący u wcześniaków z ELBW.
Materiał i metody. Analizie poddano dokumentację medyczną oraz wyniki badań laboratoryjnych, które wpłynęły do Pracowni Konsultacyjnej Regionalnego Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa w Katowicach (PK RCKiK Katowice), celem wyjaśnienia przyczyn powikłania poprzetoczeniowego u 3-miesięcznego noworodka płci żeńskiej.
Wyniki. W oparciu o dane z piśmiennictwa oraz po przeanalizowaniu opisanego przypadku, można postawić pytanie: czy TANEC można uznać za nowy wczesny odczyn poprzetoczeniowy występujący u wcześniaków z ELBW?
Wnioski. TANEC można uznać za nowy wczesny odczyn poprzetoczeniowy występujący u wcześniaków z ELBW. Ustalenie takiego związku przyczynowego wymaga przeprowadzenia dalszych badań i analizy klinicznej na większej liczbie pacjentów.
Introduction. Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a disease developing in neonates. In extreme cases, the septic necrosis of the intestine wall can cover the entire thickness of its wall and result in intestine perforation and, in consequence, to peritonitis. Transfusion of packed red blood cells (RBCs) is indicated as a NEC onset predisposing factor, possibly resulting in development of the disease unit referred to as TANEC (transfusion--associated NEC) in 48 hours upon transfusion. The noted TANEC cases caused a more serious course than in case of NEC and in most cases they required a lifesaving surgical intervention and were connected with high death rate. Neonates with TANEC are more probable to undergo a lifesaving surgical intervention than neonates with NEC in whom no RBCs were transfused.
Aim. Gathering data from the literature and our own experience associated with NEC and analysis, whether TANEC can be considered as a new early post-transfusion complications that occurs in premature infants with ELBW.
Material and methods. The analysis covered medical documentation and laboratory test results in order to explain the reasons for post-transfusion complications in a 3-months old female neonate.
Results. Based on the data from literature and upon analysis of the described case, one can pose the following question: can TANEC be deemed the new early post-transfusion reaction in preemies with ELBW?
Conclusions. TANEC can be deemed the new early post-transfusion reaction in preemies with ELBW. Determination of such a cause and effect relation requires performance of further research and clinical analysis on a greater number of patients.

Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a disease developing in neonates. In particular, it affects neonates with extremely low birth weight (ELBW) and 5% of prematurely born neonates. The incidence of NEC is particularly high in neonates whose body mass does not exceed 1000 g and is up to 42.4%. In preemies weighing from 1001 to 1500 g it is also high, as it amounts to 39%. The risk for neonates with body mass from 1501 to 2000 g is lower (3.8%), and above 2000 g it is 0.11% (1).
NEC is a syndrome of clinical symptoms connected with occurrence of ischaemic and necrotic changes located in the small and/or large intestine. In extreme cases, the septic necrosis of the intestine wall can cover the entire thickness of its wall and result in intestine perforation and, in consequence, to peritonitis. Necrotising enterocolitis can be accompanied by an inflammatory condition of other sections of the digestive tract, respiratory and circulatory system failure, posing a serious hazard to the child’s life (2).
Due to the immaturity of organs and systems necessary to live in the extrauterine environment, most neonates suffering from ELBW requires intensive neonatological care. An additional factor determining the multi-organ failure condition in a neonate affected by ELBW is perinatal asphyxia. This causes the onset of mechanisms typical for shock. The production of catecholamines is increased, resulting to centralisation of circulation which, in consequence, leads to significant limitation or complete cutting off blood circulation through the abdominal cavity organs, including the intestines. The most severe damage is, however, inflicted during reperfusion, when a great amount of free oxygen radicals is released, damaging the cells of the intestine mucous membranes. Air and gas present in the lumen of the intestine can penetrate through the damaged mucous membrane to the wall, causing its stratification. The damaged mucous membrane is permeable for microorganisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses which, in consequence, leads to NEC onset (3).
The scope of pathological changes caused by the microorganisms depends to a great extent on the maturity of the topical defensive mechanisms such as: T and B lymphocyte count in the digestive tract as well as intensity of the necrotic processes in the intestine epithelium. Necrosis of enterocytes results in failure to form a proper mucous membrane barrier of the intestine, including, among other things, secretive immunoglobulin A (sIgA), secreted from the 2nd-3rd week of life, as well as lymphocytes, macrophages, lactoferrin and acetylhydrolase. Acetylhydrolase reduces the concentration of the platelet activating factor (PAF) considered an important NEC risk factor (3, 4).
The immunological mechanisms in a neonate with ELBW are also impaired due to the lack of passive acquired immunological agents in the digestive tract, mostly immunoglobulins provided with the mother’s milk in normal conditions (5, 6).
NEC can be difficult to diagnose. Its early symptoms can have the course and be similar to symptoms resulting from respiratory problems, preserved arterial duct or infection: frequent apnoea and bradycardia, temperature instability, excessive somnolence. Other symptoms may indicate problems with digestion, but they are often the same as symptoms of food intolerance resulting from preterm birth: vomiting, depositing of the digesta in the stomach, cyanosis of the abdominal walls, slightly flatulent belly, tenderness of the abdominal cavity, diarrhoea, bloody stools and sometimes invisible blood in the stool, detected by guaiac test (7).
Diagnosis of the necrotising enterocolitis is based on clinical symptoms, laboratory tests, radiological and ultrasound image as well as surgical examination. High, abnormal values of the laboratory test results reflect the severity of the disease process. The abdominal X-rays show bloated intestine loops with thickened oedematous walls. Dilated intestines with poor or absent peristalsis are predominant in the ultrasound test. In order to determine the final diagnosis, surgical consultation is conducted (8).
In case of suspected NEC, the procedure always begins with conservative treatment. The first step is to discontinue the enteral feeding. There is an open probe left in the stomach in order to drain the deposited content. Targeted antibiotic therapy is implemented, proper coverage of the calorific demand is provided, administration of fluids, stabilisation of respiration and circulation as well as balancing of electrolyte and haematological disturbances are performed. An absolute and urgent indication of surgical treatment is intestine perforation, indication by the presence of gases in the free peritoneal cavity (pneumoperitoneum), presence of gas bubbles in the intestinal wall (Pneumatosis intestinalis). The surgical procedure consists in removal of the necrosis induced changes and perforations of the intestinal section and then in creation of enterostomy-colostomy in case of resection of a part of the large intestine, ileostomy in case of resection of a part of the small intestine (9).

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13. Seon-Yeong B, Sihyoung L, Jae-Hong P et al.: Analysis of the association between necrotizing enterocolitis and transfusion of red blood cell in very low birth weight preterm infants. Korean J Pediat 2013; 56(3): 112-115.
14. Derienzo C, Smith PB, Tanaka D et al.: Feeding practices and other risk factors for developing transfusion-associated necrotizing enterocolitis. Early Hum Dev 2014; 90(5): 237-240.
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otrzymano: 2015-09-23
zaakceptowano do druku: 2015-10-22

Adres do korespondencji:
*Aleksandra Janusz
Regional Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centre
ul. Raciborska 15, 40-074 Katowice
tel. +48 (32) 208-73-32
fax +48 (32) 208-73-36

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 11/2015
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