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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 3/2020, s. 64-68 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2020.33.3.64
*Khrystyna Oleksyn, Mykola Rozhko
The effectiveness of prevention of occlusal disorders in dental caries
Skuteczność zapobiegania zaburzeniom okluzji w próchnicy
Department of Dentistry, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Wstęp. Okluzja jest rozumiana jako harmonia między uzębieniem, stawem skroniowo-żuchwowym i aparatem nerwowo-mięśniowym (mięśnie żucia). Kontakty okluzyjne odgrywają ważną rolę w zapewnieniu fizjologicznej okluzji. Jednym z najczęstszych czynników występujących w okluzji jest próchnica. W krajach rozwiniętych gospodarczo zapadalność sięga 95-98%. Proces próchnicowy powoduje zmiany w położeniu punktów w kontakcie zgryzowym, co jest przyczyną nietypowych ruchów żuchwy. W efekcie dochodzi do przeciążenia zęba i powstania urazu okluzyjnego.
Cel pracy. Celem naszych badań jest wczesne zapobieganie zaburzeniom zgryzu poprzez odbudowę dotkniętych powierzchni żucia z uwzględnieniem anatomii funkcjonalnej i późniejszą weryfikację relacji okluzyjnych za pomocą skomputeryzowanego systemu T-Scan Novus.
Materiał i metody. Do badań wybraliśmy 90 uczniów roczników I-III IFNMU w wieku 17-20 lat, mieszkających w regionach o niskim poziomie fluoru, z których połowa ma próchnicę pierwszych zębów trzonowych, a pozostałe 45 – odbudowy wykonane bez okluzji. Zabieg wykonano metodami bezpośredniej i pośredniej odbudowy powierzchni żujących z uwzględnieniem anatomii czynnościowej.
Wyniki. W artykule przedstawiono dane dotyczące zmian redystrybucji kontaktów okluzyjnych w zmianach próchnicowych pierwszego zęba trzonowego (zmniejszenie obciążenia żucia chorego zęba, przeciążenie zęba o większej powierzchni okluzyjnej) oraz odbudowy pierwszego zęba trzonowego bez uwzględnienia wymagania anatomii funkcjonalnej (nacisk na okluzję). Dalsza odbudowa powierzchni żucia chorych zębów z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań okluzyjnych oraz ponowna analiza okluzji wykazały równomierny rozkład nacisku żucia na zęby trzonowe.
Wnioski. Uzyskane dane świadczą o skuteczności stworzonego kompleksu leczniczo-profilaktycznego.
Introduction. Under the concept of occlusion, we understand the harmony between the dental arches, TMJ and neuromuscular system (masticatory muscles). Occlusal contacts play an important role in ensuring physiological occlusion.
Dental caries is one of the main reason of occlusal disorders. In economically developed countries, it affects 95-98% of the population. Carious process causes changes in location of occlusal contact points, which is the reason of atypical mandibular movements. As a consequence, tooth overload and occlusal trauma are observed.
Aim. The purpose of our research is a prevention of occlusal disorders by the method of composite restoration of affected occlusal surfaces considering functional anatomy with father checking of occlusal relationships with the help of computerized system T-Scan Novus.
Material and methods. For this we have chosen 90 first-/second-/third-year students of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University at the age of 17-20, who were the citizens of the regions with low level of fluoride. Half of them had carious lesion of first molars, another 45 students had first molars, which were restored without principle of occlusion. Treatment was carried out by methods of direct and indirect restoration of occlusal surfaces taking into account the functional anatomy.
Results. The article contains the results of redistribution of occlusal contact in first molar with carious lesion (decrease in the occlusal load on the affected tooth, occurrence of overload on the tooth with larger area of chewing (occlusal surface) and restoration of first molar without taking into account the principles of functional anatomy (occurrence of occlusal interferences directly on it). Further restorations of chewing surfaces of first molars considering the occlusal determinants led to an even distribution of the occlusal force on the molars.
Conclusions. The obtained results of our study demonstrate the effectiveness of created treatment and prevention complex.

Occlusion is the closure of dental arches or individual groups of teeth over longer or shorter periods of time. Its disorders lead to pathological processes in masticatory system. Occlusal contacts are the key to muscle and joint harmony and the functioning of TMJ.
Centric relation of jaws is considered to be a position of functional comfort for the components of masticatory system (1-5).
Contacts of central relationships of the jaws are the guides to achieve the closing of the jaws. Their perfect location is on distolingual cusp ridge of mandibular first molars and mesiolingual cusp ridge of maxillary first molars, which leads to the possibility of movement of the lower jaw forward and up to achieve interarch (buccolingual) relationship. Research of foreign authors have shown that in the case of buccofissure contacts of dental antagonists (opposite teeth) the largest (maximum) chewing force arises on molars: 13.3% ± 4.3 and 13.6% ± 5.4 – on first molars, 15.7% ± 7.1 and 18.7% ± 7.5 – on second one.
It was proved that starting point of contacts of central relationships in oral cavity could appear on different teeth. Such location of contacts of central relationships is considered as occlusal interferences (1, 6-8).
Occlusal interferences form a variety of displacement of the mandible during closure under the influence of guide occlusal surfaces. As a result, there is a pathological process in the masticatory system (1, 7, 9).
Dental caries is one of the main factors of occlusal problems that results in changing location of occlusal contact points and is the cause of atypical mandibular movements. As a result, occlusal overloading and trauma are observed (1, 2, 5, 9-11).
Numerous studies have shown that occlusal surfaces of the first molars are the most vulnerable for caries process. The permanent bite begins to form with the eruption of the first molars. Their position determines the ratio of dentition and the height of central occlusion. Early carious lesion leads to the emergence of occlusal interference on intact groups of teeth, to disorders of statistic and dynamic occlusion, which are causal or concomitant factors in the occurrence of TMJ changes (1, 9).
The methods of direct or indirect restorations without considering the determinants of occlusion are often used to treat carious lesions of tooth surface. The design of the restored tooth surface has an important influence on the number and location of occlusal contacts, and should take into account static and dynamic occlusal relationships. The shape of the tooth, contacts with adjacent teeth and antagonists are the main occlusal determinants, that provide chewing, aesthetics, pronunciation and protection. The ignorance of these requirements of functional anatomy leads to occlusal trauma (6, 8).
The purpose of our study was early prevention of occlusal disorders in carious lesion first molars with the help of modern methods of restoration.
Material and methods
To study the correlation of the occurrence of occlusal interferences in carious lesion teeth, we used results of our preliminary study on early prevention of occlusal disorders (12) in which:
1. We examined 90 first-/second-/third-year students of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (45 of them with occlusal decay of first molars, another 45 – with first molars, which were restored without principle of occlusion) with the help of computerized occlusion analysis system T-Scan Novus. It allowed us to visualize on the screen in 2D and 3D images of all the contacts that occur between the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, time and sequence of occurrence of contact, the location and the trajectory of the center of force (balance between right and left side).
2. Restoration of uniform distribution of chewing load was carried out using methods direct and indirect restoration with taking into account occlusal determinants and the following computer analysis of occlusion before, immediately after and 6 months after treatment.
To confirm the effectiveness of the therapeutic and preventive complex developed by us, we conducted re-analysis of the occlusal load distribution by the T-Scan Novus system 12 month after treatment.

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12. Oleksyn KZ, Rozhko MM: Early prevention of occlusal disorders of dental arches. Archive of clinical medicine 2020; 2(26): 9-15.
otrzymano: 2020-07-13
zaakceptowano do druku: 2020-08-03

Adres do korespondencji:
*Khrystyna Oleksyn
Department of Dentistry Institute of Postgraduate Education Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
2 Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018 Ukraine
tel.: +380992519050

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 3/2020
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