Ewelina Markowska1, Anna Lobaczuk-Sitnik1, Malgorzata Rozanska2, *Emilia Duchnowska1, Bozena Kosztyla-Hojna1, Maksim Wieliczko3, Jerzy Robert Ladny3
Noise and hearing disorders
Hałas a zaburzenia słuchu
1Department of Clinical Phonoaudiology and Speech Therapy, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
2Department of Otholaryngology, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
3Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Słuch jest jednym z najważniejszych zmysłów ludzkich. Cechuje go wysoka wrażliwość na wszelkie bodźce akustyczne – niektóre z nich mogą być szkodliwe. Uszkodzenia słuchu spowodowane hałasem są coraz częściej spotykane. Dotykają one nie tylko ludzi dorosłych, ale również młodzież i dzieci. Często są nieodwracalne i mogą powstawać na skutek jednorazowej ekspozycji na hałas lub podczas wieloletniego narażenia zawodowego.
Hałas silnie oddziałuje na narząd słuchu. Jest niebezpiecznym bodźcem uszkadzającym zewnętrzne komórki słuchowe. Jego skutki mogą być wywołane zarówno długotrwałym, jak i krótkotrwałym narażeniem.
Aby zapobiec występowaniu zaburzeń słuchu wywołanych hałasem, należy unikać głośnych bodźców akustycznych. Hałas jest wszechobecny i czasem nie zdajemy sobie sprawy z tego, jak szkodliwie działa na słuch. Na ubytki słuchu powodowane hałasem narażeni są ludzie w każdym wieku. Chcąc uniknąć lub zmniejszyć skutki wywoływane przez hałas, należy postępować zgodnie z zaleceniami profilaktycznymi. Hałas ma ogromny wpływ na jakość naszego słyszenia.
Hearing is one of the most important human senses. It is highly sensitive to any acoustic stimuli – some of them may be harmful. Hearing damage caused by noise is becoming more common these days. It affects not only adults, but also adolescents and children. It is often irreversible and may arise as a result of a single exposure to noise or during long-term occupational exposure.
Noise has a strong impact on the hearing organ. It is a dangerous stimulus that damages external hair cells. Its effect may be caused by both long-term and short-term exposure.
To prevent noise-induced hearing impairment, it is necessary to avoid loud acoustic stimuli. Noise is ubiquitous and sometimes we do not realize how harmful it is to our hearing. People of all ages are exposed to hearing loss caused by noise. In order to avoid or reduce the effects of noise, one should follow preventive recommendations. Noise has a huge impact on the quality of our hearing.
The importance of hearing in everyday life
Hearing is developed before birth. It plays a significant role in shaping language and communication skills. Human being gains acoustic experiences using hearing organ. The perception of sound stimuli has a significant impact on the general psychomotor development (1).
Hearing is one of the basic senses desired in communication between people. Thanks to its efficient functioning, people may feel safe, because it often warns us against danger signals. With proper hearing, we may communicate through auditory cannal in various social situations without a difficulty. The proper functioning of hearing organ is very important aspect of everyday functioning (2). The activity of sense organs, mainly the hearing organ, is important when performing work in a way that is not only effective, but also safe for the worker and his environment (3). Professional life is an important element determining usefulness in society (4). First of all, proper hearing is one of the main aspects of a good quality of life for many people (3).
The sense of hearing enables: speech development, the ability to differentiate sounds, analyze and synthesize them, as well as the perception of speech from the environment and the improvement of speech constructed through auditory self-control (5). Being in the environment of speaking people helps to associate sounds with specific activities, objects and situations (2).
Definition of sound and noise
Sound is a wave disturbance in an compressible medium capable of producing an auditory sensation. The medium of sound propagation may be: liquids, gases and solids. Sound consists of mechanical vibrations and waves in an compressible medium, in the frequency range audible to the human ear, that is 16-20,000 Hz. Air is the main carrier of sound waves. At the sound source, it is alternately compressed (pressure increase) and diluted (pressure reduction). When it decreases or increases, the higher or lower pitch is heard (6).
The sounds are also vibrations inaudible to the human ear: ultrasounds (vibrations with a frequency above 20 kHz) and infrasound (vibrations with a frequency below 16 Hz) (7).
Taking into account the impact of sounds on the human body, we limit ourselves to those sounds that occur in the human environment. The sound that comes to us in the natural environment is defined as an auditory sensation defined by such features as: height, loudness, timbre. This proves that you can freely shift your attention from one feature of the auditory sensation to another feature, that is, for example, determine the loudness of a sound, and then its pitch or color (8).
We may distinguish three main parameters of sound: frequency, intensity and spectrum. The sound has a temporal dimension and therefore includes changes in the above-mentioned parameters during the duration of the sound. These objective sound parameters correspond to the sensation characteristics: vibration frequency – pitch, intensity – loudness of sound, spectrum of sound – timbre (9).
Human has always had contact with sound. Hearing serves as a basic cognitive instrument. Bothersome sounds are often called noise. These are sounds caused by human activity. By shaping the environment, they are often factors that contribute to the devastation of the environment, tourism and reduce the quality of the living environment. Noise is part of the development of civilization. It degrades not only the natural environment, but also the environment created by human (6).
In Poland, the level of social awareness related to the dangers of noise is low. Warsaw is considered to be one of the loudest cities in Europe. It is on the black list of the most noisy European capitals. Nevertheless, new sources of noise that destroy people and the environment are still being created (7).
Noise has an impact on the human body. Audible noises may be divided according to their level into five groups:
1. below 35 dB – noise is not harmful to health, it may only interfere with work that requires concentration or may be annoying,
2. 35-70 dB – noise affects the fatigue of the human nervous system, greatly hinders the intelligibility of speech, rest and falling asleep,
3. 70-85 dB – noise reduces work efficiency, may damage hearing and be harmful to health,
4. 85-130 dB – noise makes it impossible to understand speech even from a distance of 0.5 m, causes numerous diseases of the human body,
5. above 130 dB – noise stimulates human internal organs to vibrate, causing their diseases and causes permanent hearing damage (7).
The acoustic phenomena that accompany us every day during sleep, work and rest, such as barking dogs, screaming children while playing, car alarms, but also completely different sounds coming from the street are defined as noise (10).
Noise is any sound of any acoustic character that may be annoying, bothersome or endanger your health (10). Noise is any unpleasant, undesirable or harmful mechanical vibrations of an elastic medium, acting through the air on the hearing organ and other human organs. This definition illustrates the harmfulness of noise, which has a destructive impact on the environment and surroundings, and above all causes nervous aggression, hinders work, prevents communication between people, destroys the environment, and thus the quality of life deteriorates (6). Noise is not only a public health problem, but also has a serious social and economic dimension (10).
The harmfulness or nuisance of noise depends on its frequency, intensity, nature of changes over time, duration of operation and the content of inaudible components, as well as the recipient’s age, mental condition, health condition and individual sensitivity to sounds (11).
Noise classification according to frequency
Infrasound is very low, bass sound to which the human ear does not react. The body may react to infrasound by perceiving their high intensity as vibrations. As a result of overcoming the resistance resulting from inertia and friction, almost all means of transport produce a type of infrasound that is characteristic of them. The body of a speeding car becomes a source of low tones, which can be caused by the so-called motion sickness. Infrasound propagates over very long distances and causes noise at the level of approx. 135 dB. Typical for infrasound is that it is impossible to precisely locate their source, they spread just above the ground and cover long distances – practically without losing their power (7).
Ultrasound is elastic waves with frequencies above 16 kHz. These waves may propagate in different medias, and in the case of a working environment, it is most often air. The noise in the spectrum of which there are components in the range of audible high frequencies and components of low-frequency ultrasound, is referred to as ultrasonic noise (12). During the operation of some ultrasonic devices (e.g. during ultrasonic welding), the generated noise is close to impulse, which may have a significant impact on the extent of hearing damage. In terms of non-auditory effects, it has been revealed that occupational exposure to ultrasonic noise with levels above 80 dB in the range of audible frequencies and over 100 dB in the range of low ultrasound frequencies causes changes of a vegetative-vascular nature (13).
The use of ultrasound is common and may be described as active or passive depending on its environmental impact. Active applications include: coagulation, medical ultrasound therapy, soldering. Whereas, passive applications include, for example, medical ultrasound diagnostics (12).
Classification of noise due to variability in time
Due to the time variability, noise may be divided into: steady noise – variability not greater than 5 dB; transient noise – variability above 5 dB; impulse noise – is the most dangerous noise, it consists of single or multiple sound events lasting less than 1 second (11).
Impulse noise is a significant hazard to hearing. Its mechanism of action on the auditory system differs from that of steady noise. Hearing loss may occur after even one event in which there is exposure to a strong acoustic pulse. This is an example of short-lived but very bothersome noise (14).
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