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© Borgis - Nowa Medycyna 4/2021, s. 131-135 | DOI: 10.25121/NM.2021.28.4.131
Małgorzata Kołodziejczak1, 2, *Przemysław Ciesielski1, 2
Hanley procedure and TROPIS method – modern therapeutic approaches in complicated anal fistulae
Szerokie otwarcie kanału przetoki i metoda TROPIS – współczesne metody leczenia skomplikowanych przetok odbytu
1Departmentof General Surgery, Maria Skłodowska-Curie Hospital in Ostrów Mazowiecka
2Warsaw Proctology Centre, St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Warsaw
Wysoka nawrotowość po operacjach skomplikowanych przetok odbytu, a także obawa przed inkontynencją pooperacyjną skłaniają chirurgów do poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań operacyjnych. Szczególnie przetoki z opisanymi w badaniach obrazowych wysoko zlokalizowanymi zbiornikami ropnymi są trudne do leczenia. Otwarcie wysokich odgałęzień i zbiorników ropnych jest kluczowym elementem terapeutycznym w leczeniu skomplikowanych przetok. Dostęp do tych zbiorników powinien prowadzić najprostszą drogą, stąd dotarcie np. do przestrzeni zaodbytniczej głębokiej powinno nastąpić od zewnątrz, poprzez rozwarstwienie włókien mięśnia zwieracza zewnętrznego, zaś w przypadku zbiorników zlokalizowanych wysoko międzyzwieraczowo najkrótsza droga prowadzi poprzez kanał odbytu. Autorzy omawiają dwie metody operacyjne: jedną historyczną, zaproponowaną wiele lat temu przez Hanleya, polegającą na szerokim otwarciu przestrzeni zaodbytniczej głębokiej, i drugą nową, niedawno opublikowaną metodę dostępu do wysokich przetok międzyzwieraczowych, TROPIS. Autorzy opisują: metody, wskazania i przeciwwskazania do ich zastosowania. Wnioskują, że istotna jest kwalifikacja do stosowania powyższych metod leczenia. Ważne są przedoperacyjne zobrazowanie przetoki w badaniu rezonansem magnetycznym lub w ultrasonografii transrektalnej i ocena, która droga dostępu do drenażu jest najkrótsza.
High recurrence rates after surgical management of complicated anal fistulae and concerns over postoperative incontinence encourage surgeons to look for new surgical solutions. Fistulas with high purulent reservoirs in diagnostic imaging are particularly challenging. Surgical opening of high branches and purulent reservoirs is a key therapeutic element in the management of complex fistulas. Access to these reservoirs should be established via the simplest route, hence for example, the deep postanal space should be reached from the outside by separating the external sphincter fibers, while the shortest access to high intersphincteric reservoirs is through the anal canal. The paper discusses two surgical approaches: a historical method proposed many years ago by Hanley and involving a wide opening of the deep postanal space, and TROPIS, which is a new, recently published method for accessing high intersphincteric fistulas. We describe the techniques, indications and contraindications for these two approaches. We concluded that proper patient qualification for the above therapeutic approaches is crucial. Pre-operative MRI or transrectal ultrasound imaging of the fistulous tract and determining the shortest drainage route are important.

High complicated fistula-in-ano is a challenge for a surgeon. High postoperative recurrence rates and concerns over postoperative incontinence encourage surgeons to look for new operative solutions. Fistulas with high purulent reservoirs in diagnostic imaging are particularly challenging. Below we discuss two surgical approaches: a historical classical method proposed many years ago by Hanley, a great coloproctologist who developed treatment strategy for a high horseshoe fistula, and Transanal Opening Intrasphincteric Space (TROPIS), which is a new, recently published technique for accessing high intersphincteric fistulas. Surgical opening of high branches and purulent reservoirs is a key therapeutic element in the management of complex fistulas. Access to these reservoirs should be established via the simplest route, hence for example, the deep postanal space should be reached from the outside by dissecting the external sphincter fibers, whereas the shortest access to high intersphincteric reservoirs is achieved through the anal canal.
Hanley procedure (wide surgical opening of the fistulous tract)
Although Hanley procedure is a method known for several decades, it is still not a commonly used technique due to extensive postoperative wound and the need for surgical experience in complex anal fistulae.
Historical background
Wide opening of the fistulous tract along with bilateral opening of side branches was first used and described in the treatment of horseshoe fistulas by Hanley (1). Hanley rightly noted that wide opening and drainage of the deep postanal space, that is the space behind the anococcygeal ligament, is the key to therapeutic success in a patient with posterior horseshoe fistula.
Although various modifications have been described for the method, based mainly on the use of different materials for drainage, the proper, logical concept of the surgery proposed by Hanley was maintained (2, 3).
In the surgical opening of the fistulous tract, a posterior transverse incision is made between the anus and the coccyx, spreading the superficial external sphincter muscle. If the internal outlet is visible, drainage with a loose seton should be performed.
The wound after such surgery is large and deep, and the initial dressings are painful. The patient should stay in the hospital for a few days. In most cases, anaesthesia is needed for dressing and seton replacement, which is often performed in the operating room setting.
Indications for Hanley procedure
Posterior and anterior horseshoe fistulae

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1. Hanley PH: Conservative surgical correction of horseshoe abscess fistula. Dis Colon Rectum 1965; 8: 361-368.
2. Noori IF: Management of complex posterior horseshoe anal fistula by a modified Hanley procedure: clinical experience and review of 28 patients. Bas J Surg 2014; 20: 54-61.
3. Browder LK, Sweet S, Kaiser AM: Modified Hanley procedure for management of complex horseshoe fistulae. Tech Coloproctol 2009; 13(4): 301-306.
4. Ustynoski K, Rosen L, Stasik J et al.: Horseshoe abscess fistula. Seton treatment. Dis Colon Rectum 1990; 33(7): 602-605.
5. Garg P: Comparing existing classifications of fistula-in-ano in 440 operated patients: Is it time for a new classification? Int J Surg 2017; 42: 34-40.
6. Garg P: Garg classification for anal fistulas: Is it better than existing classification ? a review. Indian J Surg 2018; 80(6): 606-608.
7. Garg P: Assessing validity of existing fistula-in-ano classification in a cohort of 848 operated and MRI-assessed anal fistula patient: Cohort study. Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2020; 59: 122-126.
8. Garg P: A new understanding of the principles in the management of complex anal fistula. Med Hypotheses 2019; 132: 109329.
otrzymano: 2021-10-04
zaakceptowano do druku: 2021-10-25

Adres do korespondencji:
*Przemysław Ciesielski
Oddział Chirurgii Ogólnej Szpital im. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Ostrowi Mazowieckiej
ul. Stanisława Dubois 68,
07-300 Ostrów Mazowiecka

Nowa Medycyna 4/2021
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