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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2a/2018, s. 42-46 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.2A.42
Piotr Hogendorf, Aleksander Skulimowski, *Adam Durczyński, Janusz Strzelczyk
Migrated plastic biliary stent causing colon perforation: analysis of emergency admission and literature review**
Migracja protezy żółciowej powikłana perforacją jelita grubego. Analiza przyjęć ostrodyżurowych i przegląd piśmiennictwa
Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Medical University of Łódź
Head of Department: Professor Janusz Strzelczyk, MD, PhD
Implantacja protezy do dróg żółciowych jest obecnie zabiegiem stosowanym jako leczenie pierwszego rzutu w wielu nowotworowych oraz łagodnych chorobach dróg żółciowych. Migracja protezy z dróg żółciowych z perforacją dalszych odcinków przewodu pokarmowego to wyjątkowo rzadkie powikłanie związane z tą metodą leczenia.
W latach 2011-2015 w ramach „ostrego dyżuru” do Kliniki Chirurgii Ogólnej i Transplantacyjnej Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala im. Norberta Barlickiego przyjęto 7162 chorych. Spośród nich wybraliśmy dwa przypadki migracji protezy z dróg żółciowych powodujące perforację dystalnego odcinka jelita grubego – okrężnicy esowatej. Poniżej przedstawiamy opis dwóch takich przypadków wraz z przeglądem dostępnego piśmiennictwa. Oboje chorzy byli poddani skutecznemu leczeniu chirurgicznemu.
Na podstawie analizy dostępnego piśmiennictwa stwierdziliśmy, iż najczęściej dotkniętą perforacją częścią przewodu pokarmowego była esica, a w szczególności perforacja w obrębie ujścia uchyłka esicy. Obecność choroby uchyłkowej jelita grubego, przepukliny brzusznej lub zrostów wewnątrz jamy brzusznej stanowią ważne czynniki ryzyka perforacji przewodu pokarmowego w przypadku migracji protezy implantowanej do dróg żółciowych.
Placement of biliary stents is currently the primary therapeutic approach to the treatment of various benign and malignant hepatobiliary lesions. Distal stent migration with concurrent distal GI tract perforation is an exceptionally rare complication. During years 2011-2015 there were 7.162 emergency hospital admissions to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery in Norbert Barlicki Memorial Teaching Hospital. Out of that number we have selected 2 cases of migration of biliary prosthesis with concomitant perforation of distal part of the large bowel. Here we present 2 cases of such a complication and review of the literature. Both patients were successfully surgically treated. In the literature search we have fund that the sigmoid colon was the most affected part of the GI tract and in most of the cases perforation was present in diverticular ostium. Together with diverticular disease, conditions such as hernia or intra-abdominal adhesions are important risk factors of perforation in case of biliary stent migration.

Biliary stents deployed during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are a well-established for the management of various biliary, hepatic or pancreatic diseases, both benign and malignant. Yet, their deployment should be entailed by routine stent exchange after 3 to 6 months. While stent migration is a relatively common complication with the incidence ranging from 5 to 10% (1), concurrent perforation of GI tract is a rare complication with the incidence of less than 1% (2). In general, such cases require urgent surgical intervention and further management depends on intraoperative findings (3). Though diagnosis itself is relatively easy, basing on routine imagining studies, one must keep in mind that further complications, for instance acute diffuse peritonitis or abscess formation is potentially life threatening, thus importance of proper management should be highlighted.
Aim of the study was analysis and literature review of less frequent complications such as large bowel perforation after biliary stent deployment due to hepatobiliary lesions.
All medical emergency cases of patients admitted to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery between 2011 and 2015 was analysed.
Analysis of the medical history and postoperative period was performed.
We have also performed review of the medical literature concerning that kind of complication using MEDLINE database.
During years 2011-2015 there were 7.162 emergency hospital admissions to the Department of General and Transplant Surgery in Norbert Barlicki Memorial Teaching Hospital. Out of that number we have selected 2 cases of migration of biliary prosthesis with concomitant perforation of distal part of the large bowel.
Analysis of the literature using MEDLINE revealed 23 cases of large bowel perforation caused by migrated biliary prosthesis. Mean age at the time of presentation was 70.5 years. Colon perforation mostly affected women (15 females vs. 10 males). Similarly, majority of reported patients had benign biliary lesion (20 vs. 5 malignant lesions). The most common cause of stent deployment was choledolithiasis, followed by postcholecystectomy bile leakage.
Herein we have described two selected patients’ medical cases admitted due to our department.
Case reports
Case 1
An 76-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency department with a 3-day history of the umbilical and hypogastric regions pain. She negated any symptoms of intestinal obstruction. Otherwise, findings in physical examination were within normal range. She had underwent cholecystectomy 6 months earlier, following ERCP procedure with biliary stent deployment for choledocholithiasis. Due to lack of compliance the patient had omitted outpatient visits and the stent was left intact for 6 months. In the laboratory tests leukocytosis (15.81 x 103), and elevation of AST (74 IU/L), ALT (42 IU/L), amylase (188 IU/L) were revealed. Afterwards, patient underwent abdominal RTG and CT which revealed presence of migrated biliary stent in left iliac fossa (fig. 1 and 2a-d). Umbilical hernia and diverticulitis were also found. Because of these findings, she was qualified for surgical treatment. She underwent laparotomy, during which biliary stent was found in sigmoid colon, in a diverticular ostium. Therefore subsequent sigmoideostomy was performed. As 500 ml of purulent fluid was present in the abdominal cavity, peritoneal lavage was also performed and fluid for smear was taken. Patient’s postoperative period was complicated with infectious diffuse peritonitis and after intensive antibiotic therapy she was discharged on 24th postoperative day in a good condition.
Fig. 1. Plain abdominal RTG showing migrated biliary stent in left iliac fossa
Fig. 2a-d. CT scans showing biliary stent perforating sigmoid colon
Case 2
An 68-year-old male patient presented with a 4-day history of the hypogastric region pain was admitted to our Department. He had underwent papillotomy with the deployment of 10 cm 7F biliary stent because of the cholestasis secondary to irresectable pancreatic head adenocarcinoma a month earlier. As for concomitant diseases he also had diabetes mellitus type 2 and osteoarthritis. Laboratory tests revealed hyperglycaemia (208 mg/dL), elevation of CRP (30.2 mg/dL) and amylase (172 IU/L). Similarly to the first case, biliary stent presence in rectum was confirmed by routine imagining studies. He also underwent urgent laparotomy, but since biliary stent was found in rectum, penetrating large bowel wall, transverse colostomy was performed. Peritoneal lavage and consecutive drainage were also made. He suffered from infectious diffuse peritonitis during his postoperative period and after antibiotic therapy he was discharged on 11th postoperative day.

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1. Wurbs D: The development of biliary drainage and stenting. Endoscopy 1998; 30: A202-A206.
2. Saranga Bharathi R, Rao P, Ghosh K: Iatrogenic duodenal perforations caused by endoscopic biliary stenting and stent migration: an update. Endoscopy 2006; 38: 1271-1274.
3. Konstantinidis C, Varsos P, Kympouris S, Volteas S: Migrated biliary plastic stent causing double sigmoid colon perforation. J Surg Case Rep 2014; 2014(12).
4. Anderson EM, Phillips-Hughes J, Chapman R: Sigmoid colonic perforation and pelvic abscess complicating biliary stent migration. Abdom Imaging 2007; 32(3): 317-319.
5. Arhan M, Odemiş B, Parlak E et al.: Migration of biliary plastic stents: experience of a tertiary center. Surg Endosc 2009; 23(4): 769-775.
6. Chittleborough TJ, Mgaieth S, Kirkby B, Zakon J: Remove the migrated stent: sigmoid colon perforation from migrated biliary stent. ANZ J Surg 2014. DOI: 10.1111/ans.12796.
7. Diller R, Senninger N, Kautz G, Tübergen D: Stent migration necessitating surgical intervention. Surgical Endoscopy And Other Interventional Techniques 2003; 17(11): 1803-1807.
8. Virgilio E, Pascarella G, Scandavini CM et al.: Colonic perforations caused by migrated plastic biliary stents. Korean J Radiol 2015; 16(2): 444-445.
9. Kittappa K, Maruthachalam K, Brookstein R, Debrah S: Migrated biliary stent presenting as a sigmoid diverticulitis-case report. Indian J Surg 2013;75 (suppl. 1): 253-254.
10. Depuydt P, Aerts R, Van Steenbergen W et al.: An unusual case of rectal perforation after liver transplantation. Acta Chir Belg 2012; 112(3): 232-233.
11. Jafferbhoy SF, Scriven P, Bannister J et al.: Endoscopic management of migrated biliary stent causing sigmoid perforation. BMJ Case Rep 2011; 2011.
otrzymano: 2018-03-16
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-04-06

Adres do korespondencji:
*Adam Durczyński
Klinika Chirurgii Ogólnej i Transplantacyjnej Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
ul. Kopcińskiego 22, 90-153 Łódź
tel.: +48 503-584-643
fax: +48 (42) 679-10-91

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2a/2018
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