© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 10/2008, s. 700
Tomasz Jaxa-Chamiec
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in developed countries are the main cause of increased mortality. They represent a major clinical, epidemiological and social problem.
Their diffusion is also a great economic problem of the modern world. Significant progress in diagnosis and treatment of CVD observed over the past decades has given as a result a very significant positive outcome in CVD patients.
It is difficult to imagine the possibility of halting the epidemic of CVD without dissemination of prevention and use of non-pharmacological methods of treatment.
In patients with CVD, a key way of proceeding should be a properly implemented modern comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation. Its conduct is not only the use of modern methods of pharmacology, but above all, the wider impact of education leading to changes in patients´ lifestyles.
This review seeks to raise all the key issues in this regard. One of the most effective methods in both primary and secondary prevention is increased physical activity. The particular role of physical training in patients with CVD made it become the leading topic in this monograph.
The first chapter of the monograph includes comprehensive information concerning definition, purpose, meaning and benefits of cardiac rehabilitation. Developing refers to the standards expressed by both American and European scientific societies and is based on broad and, in our opinion, representative papers of the field. In this section it could be found some interesting historical information, e.g. how the ancient societies apreciated the role of physical exercise.
In another part of this review Dr Krzysztof Smarż presents data on rehabilitation in various clinical settings.Standards in this field are shown in this chapter, considering also patients with heart failure. This knowledge is especially important because, until recently, patients were dienied of this form of therapy.
Another chapter of the monograph developed by Dr Michał Ambroziak presents in an accessible way the physiological aspects of the effort, with particular emphasis on the modern perspective of the role of physical activity in terms of genetics.
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