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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2013, s. 171-174
*Ryszard Grenda
Mutacje genów kodujących białka podocyta jako przyczyna uszkodzenia kłębuszków nerkowych u dzieci i chorych dorosłych
Genetic mutations of podocyte proteins as underlying mechanism of glomerular diseases in pediatric and adult patients
Department of Nephrology, Kidney Transplantation and Hypertension, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warszawa
Head of Department: prof. Ryszard Grenda, MD, PhD
Różnicowanie się podocytów i tworzenie kłębuszków jest w życiu płodowym poddawane kontroli swoistych genów. Jakiekolwiek zaburzenie tego procesu może skutkować zaburzeniami budowy i czynności kłębuszków. Wczesne ujawnienie się takich zaburzeń po urodzeniu i/lub oporność na leczenie, skłania do podejrzewania podłoża genetycznego u chorych z białkomoczem. Im młodszy jest pacjent, tym wyższe jest ryzyko obecności tła genetycznego glomerulopatii. Częstość występowania podłoża genetycznego steroido-opornego zespołu nerczycowego wynosi 100% u noworodków, 57% u niemowląt, 36% u dzieci, 25% u młodocianych i 14% u chorych dorosłych. Rodzaj mutacji wpływa na rokowanie. W niektórych przypadkach przy długotrwałym stosowaniu cyklosporyny osiągany jest częściowy efekt terapeutyczny, ale w innych – efektu leczenia nie ma wcale. W najcięższych przypadkach wrodzonego zespołu nerczycowego u dzieci z mutacją typu Fin-major, najbardziej agresywnym sposobem postępowania jest usunięcie obu nerek i docelowo transplantacja nerki.
Podocyte differentiation and glomerulogenesis in fetal life is controlled by specific genes and any disturbance of this process may lead to further structural defects with clinical consequences. The genetic background of glomerular disease with predominating proteinuria is suspected mainly due to occurrence early in life and/or resistance to specific pharmacotherapy. The younger is the patient, the higher is risk of genetic background. Incidence of genetic background of steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome was reported as 100% in newborns, 57% in infants, 36% in children, 25% in adolescents and 14% in adult patients. Long-term outcome might be related to specific type of mutation. Some cases do partially respond to long-term cyclosporine A therapy, while on treatment and some are resistant to any therapy. Bilateral nephrectomy and further renal transplantation is the most aggressive management of cases with severe Fin-major mutation of nephrin – related congenital nephrotic syndrome, seen in young children.

The fetal differentiation and glomerulogenesis is strictly regulated process and many genes are involved in this regulation (1, 2). There is increasing evidence for genetic background of several clinical types of nephrotic syndrome, presented by pediatric, adolescent and adult patients. The major distinctive pattern between specific subgroups of nephrotic syndrome is “syndromic” vs “isolated” type. In “syndromic” pattern renal disease is combined with several extrarenal symptoms, including different types of congenital malformations or malfunctions, present e.g. in Denys-Drash, Frasier’s and nail- patella syndromes or Schimke’s immunoosseous dystrophy. So-called syndromic nephrosis is mainly presented by infants with other co-morbidities, however it should be stressed, that it may be diagnosed also in adolescent or adult patients, as it is in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, where there is a link between INF2 gene mutation, formin protein, podocytes and Schwann-cell function (the last causing severe neuropathy) (3). There are no extrarenal symptoms in isolated forms of genetic nephrotic syndrome and clinical symptoms are mainly related to severity of proteinuria.
Genotype – fenotype link
In some cases there is an evidence for link between type of specific gene mutation and severity of relevant nephrotic syndrome. In congenital nephrotic syndrome of Finnish type, so called Fin-major mutation of NPHS1 causes limitation of number of aminoacids in nephrin molecule from 1241 to 90, while in Fin-minor mutation reduces this number from 1241 to 1108. The clinical expression of those two types is significantly different and in Fin-major related cases the child is delivered being critically ill, with huge general oedema, severe dysproteinemia and renal injury. Those patients do not respond to any antiproteinuric treatment and after short time of vigorous supplementation of protein and albumin – bound vital substances, most of the patients must finally undergo bilateral nephrectomy, to avoid life-threatening complications of massive, untreatable urinary loss of protein. Then the patients are dialyzed until successful renal transplantation, which however may be complicated by “recurrence” of the disease due to anti-nephrin antibodies. Patient with Fin-minor mutation present much more mild clinical course and some of them respond to antiproteinuric treatment with ACEi (captopril) and/or indomethacine. Effect of these drugs is limited to lower proteinuria, while on treatment (4, 5).

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otrzymano: 2012-12-10
zaakceptowano do druku: 2013-01-14

Adres do korespondencji:
*Ryszard Grenda
Department of Nephrology, Kidney Transplantation and Hypertension The Children’s Memorial Health Institute
Aleja Dzieci Polskich 20, 04-730 Warszawa
tel.: +48 (22) 815-15-40
e-mail: r.grenda@czd.pl

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2013
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