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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2014, s. 323-327
Agnieszka Sękowska1, 2, Hanna Kucia1, 2, *Małgorzata Malec-Milewska1
Zastosowanie oksykodonu w terapii różnych zespołów bólu przewlekłego – ustalenia wstępne
The use of oxycodone in the treatment of different chronic pain syndromes – preliminary findings
1Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warszawa
Head of Department, a.i.: Małgorzata Malec-Milewska, MD, PhD
22-nd Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warszawa
Head of Department: prof. Romuald Dębski, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Ból przewlekły jest istotnym problemem klinicznym. Podstawą jego leczenia są leki przeciwbólowe: paracetamol, niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne (NLPZ) i opioidy, uzupełniane o koanalgetyki i inwazyjne metody leczenia. Oksykodon należy do grupy silnych opioidów o potwierdzonej skuteczności w leczeniu bólu: neuropatycznego, trzewnego i somatycznego, zarówno pochodzenia nowotworowego jak i nienowotworowego.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności przeciwbólowej i bezpieczeństwa stosowania oksykodonu w terapii złożonej w wybranych zespołach bólu przewlekłego.
Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 32 chorych (22 kobiety, 10 mężczyzn), w wieku 46-76 lat, u których rozpoznano ból przewlekły o dużym natężeniu (NRS > 7). Grupę I stanowili chorzy z neuralgią popółpaścową, grupę II pacjenci chorobą nowotworową, grupę III pacjenci z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów, grupę IV chorzy z zespołem bólowym miednicy mniejszej. Wstępna dawka oksykodonu wynosiła 10mg/24h w skojarzeniu z paracetamolem i koanalgetykami. Oceniano natężenie bólu w skali numerycznej NRS oraz występowanie objawów niepożądanych w chwili rozpoczęcia leczenia, a następnie w 7, 14 i 28 dniu terapii.
Wyniki. Wyjściowe natężenie bólu w całej badanej grupie wynosiło 7-9 punktów w skali NRS. W ciągu miesięcznej terapii największe złagodzenie dolegliwości bólowych uzyskano w grupie I (1-2 pkt.). Najwyższe natężenie bólu utrzymywało się w grupie III (4-5pkt.). W całej badanej grupie nudności zaobserwowano u 31% chorych, wymioty u 13%, zawroty głowy u 33%, senność u 31%, zaparcia u 38% chorych. U żadnego chorego nie zanotowano poważnych działań niepożądanych.
Wnioski. Oksykodon wydaje się być skutecznym i dobrze tolerowanym opioidem w leczeniu zespołów bólu przewlekłego w wybranych czterech grupach chorych. Przy zastosowaniu stosunkowo niskich dawek leku, oksykodon zapewnia dobrą kontrolę bólu u chorych w grupie I, III i IV. U żadnego chorego nie obserwowano poważnych działań niepożądanych.
Introduction. Chronic pain is a serious clinical problem. The therapy consists of paracetamol, anty-inflammatory non steroidal drugs and opoids combined with co-analgesics and invasive methods. Oxycodone is a strong opioid drug with proved efficacy in neuropathic, visceral, cancer and persistent non-cancer pain.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness and safety of control-released oxycodone in a combined therapy of selected chronic pain syndromes.
Material and methods. The study was conducted among 32 out-patients (10 male, 22 female), aged between 46-76 years, with strong chronic pain as a consequence of: postherpetic neuralgy (group I), cancer disease (group II), osteoarthritis (group III), pelvic pain syndrome (group IV). The initial dose of oxycodone was 10 mg/24h with paracetamol and co-analgesics. The intensity of pain in numeric rating scale (NRS > 7) and incidence of adverse effects were assessed at the moment of starting the therapy and on the 7th,14th and 28th day of the treatment.
Results. The initial intensity of pain in the whole examined group was 7-9 points. After one month of treatment, most effective pain relief was achieved in group I (1-2 points). Nausea was observed among 31% of the patients, vomiting among 13%, vertigos among 33%, somnolence among 31%, constipations among 38% of the patients.
Conclusions. Oxycodone appears to be an efficacious and well tolerated opioid in the management of chronic pain in four groups of patients. Using relatively small doses assure good pain control for patients in group I, II and IV. We did not observe any serious adverse effects in any of the examined groups.

Chronic pain affects a significant proportion of the adult population. In Poland, its incidence amounts to 27% (1). The treatment is based on analgesic drugs: paracetamol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioids. The treatment may be supplemented at every rung of the analgesic ladder by the so-called co-analgesics and/or invasive treatment. This scheme can effectively alleviate pain in over 85% of patients (2). Oxycodone belongs to a group of strong opioids. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of thebaine and an agonist of opioid receptors μ and κ. It shows a stronger analgesic effect than morphine. Its intrinsic activity towards μ receptors is lesser than that of morphine, but it shows 8-fold better penetration to the central nervous system (CNS) through the blood brain barrier and has much higher bioavailability than morphine. Oxycodone causes less respiratory depression and fewer symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract than selective agonists of μ receptors (3). In Poland, oxycodone was registered in 2009.
The indication for use of oxycodone is acute and chronic pain of moderate to severe intensity. Many studies have documented its high efficacy in relieving various types of chronic pain: somatic, visceral, and neuropathic (3, 4).
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN)
The incidence of postherpetic neuralgia is estimated at 9-34% depending on the age of the patients (3). Postherpetic neuralgia is diagnosed in cases when chronic pain syndrome persists or reappear, is of neuropathic origin, and usually is one-sided, limited to one or more dermatomes or branches of the trigeminal nerve (5). Clinically significant PHN was defined as average, everyday pain in the past 48 hours, amounting to ≥ 3 points in the 11-point NRS scale, where 0 represents no pain and 10 the worst pain imaginable, at 3 months after rash onset (6). This pain is difficult to treat. In the treatment of neuropathic pain in PHN, the following drugs are used: antidepressants, antiepileptics, opioids and locally acting drugs (5% lidocaine and 8% capsaicin patches).
Oxycodone is now considered the first-line opioid for the treatment of neuropathic pain syndromes and, in the opinion of many authors, its effectiveness is comparable to gabapentin and pregabalin (3, 5, 7). For oxycodone, the therapeutic index NNT (number needed to treat) specifying the number of patients who should be given the drug in order to get a favorable therapeutic effect in one is 2.6 (1.9-4.1), the NNT for tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) is 2.6 (2.1-3.5), for gabapentin – 4.4 (3.3-6.1) and for pregabalin – 4.2 (3.7-7.6) (8).
Pain associated with cancer
The prevalence of pain in cancer patients exceeds 50% of the total population of oncological patients. Pain associated with cancer is a complex process and may be a consequence of the presence of the tumor, cachexia, anti-cancer treatment, and comorbidities. This complex mechanism is responsible for pain of many different origins – somatic, visceral, and neuropathic (9). Oxycodone is widely used in the treatment of pain associated with cancer. It belongs to the group of three opioids of first choice (together with morphine and hydromorphone), recommended by the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) for the treatment of cancer pain (3).
Pain in osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects 60% of men and 70% of women aged 65 years. Pain in the OA is caused by imbalance between the formation and degradation of articular cartilage and subchondral bone parts, which eventually affects all joint tissue causing permanent damage to the structure. The principles of treatment are based on the recommendations of the WHO, the three-rung analgesic ladder, which includes the initial use of non-opioid analgesics. If they are found to be ineffective, a weak opioid is added, and at the third level, after the withdrawal of the weak opioid, a potent opioid is introduced. When a component of neuropathic pain is present, it is advisable to include TCAs and AEDs (10).
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPP)
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome affects up to 15% of the population. The CPP has a complex and unclear mechanism. The ailments have the characteristics of somatic, neuropathic and visceral pain. The reasons for the CPP could be associated with several systems: genitourinary, digestive, nervous and musculoskeletal. The treatment of pain in the course of the CPP should be causal. On the other hand, the pharmacological treatment has a supporting role in relation to the causal treatment or a primary role when the causative agent of symptoms is not known (11).
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the use of controlled-release oxycodone in a combination therapy for various types of chronic pain of high intensity assessed as > 7 in NRS.
Material and methods

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1. Kocot-Kępska M, Dobrogowski J: Evaluation of epidemiological studies on chronic pain conducted in Europe in 2002. Ból 2004; 5(3): 18-24.
2. Wordliczek J, Dobrogowski J: (eds.): Pain treatment. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2011.
3. Misiołek H, Woroń J, Zajączkowska R: Oxycodone in pain treatment. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2012: 7-13, 25-44.
4. Waldmann SD (ed. I. Smreka): Atlas of pain syndromes. Elsevier Urban & Partner, Wrocław 2009: 214-216.
5. Dobrogowski J, Zajączkowska R, Wordliczek J: Neuropatic pain syndromes. [In:] Wordliczek J, Dobrogowski J (eds.): Pain treatment. Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL, Warszawa 2011: 356-363.
6. Coplan PM, Schmader A, Nikas A: Development of a measure of the burden of pain due to herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia for prevention trials: adaptation of the brief pain inventory. J Pain 2004; 5: 344-356.
7. Dworkin RH, Barbano RL, Tyring SK: A randomized placebo-controlled trial of oxycodone and of gabapentin for acute pain in herpes zoster. Pain 2009; 142: 209-217.
8. Recommendations concerning the management of herpes zoster. Medycyna Praktyczna 2008/04, WS-2008/05, elaborated on the basis of: Dworki RH, Johnson RW, Breuer J et al.: Recommendations for the management of herpes zoster. Clin Inf Diseases 2007; 44 (suppl. 1): 1-26.
9. Krajnik M: Pain in cancer. [In]: Malec-Milewska M, Woroń J (eds.): Pain treatment compendium. Medical Education, Warszawa 2012: 283-295.
10. Istrati J, Dobrogowski J: Pain in the locomotor system. [In]: Malec-Milewska M, Woroń J (eds.): Pain treatment compendium. Medical Education, Warszawa 2012: 283-295.
11. Sękowska A, Malec-Milewska M: Pain in pelvis minor and perineum pain in women. [In:] Malec-Milewska M, Woroń J (eds.): Pain treatment compendium. Medical Education, Warszawa 2012: 11-228.
12. Kocot-Kępska M, Przeklasa-Muszyńska A, Dobrogowski J: Treatment of neuropatic pain. [In:] Malec-Milewska M, Woroń J (eds.): Pain treatment compendium. Medical Education, Warszawa 2012: 75-86.
13. Dzierżanowski T, Ciałkowska-Rysz A: Oxycodone – first choice drug in treatment of strong cancer pain. Medycyna paliatywna 2010; 3: 123-131.
14. Malec-Milewska M, Zajączkowska R: Principles of use of opioids in chronic non-cancer pain. [In:] Malec-Milewska M, Woroń J (eds.): Pain treatment compendium. Medical Education, Warszawa 2012: 65-74.
15. International Association for the Study of Pain. Visceral pain. Pain Clinical Updates 2005 Dec; 13(6).
otrzymano: 2014-02-19
zaakceptowano do druku: 2014-03-26

Adres do korespondencji:
*Małgorzata Malec-Milewska
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education
ul. Czerniakowska 231, 00-416 Warszawa
tel. +48 (22) 584-12-20

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2014
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