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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 7/2015, s. 477-481
*Jacek J. Pruszyński
Niekognitywne objawy demencji
Non-cognitive symptoms of dementia
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education, Warszawa
Acting Head of Department: Jacek Putz, MD, PhD
Otępienie jest ważnym problemem zdrowotnym występującym w populacji osób w podeszłym wieku nie tylko wskutek zaburzenia wyższych funkcji korowych, ale również z powodu częstego występowania demencji, zwłaszcza w późniejszych dekadach życia. Na obraz kliniczny otępienia, poza zaburzeniem funkcji poznawczych, składają się pozapoznawcze objawy otępienia, do których należą zaburzenia zachowania oraz objawy psychotyczne i afektywne otępienia. Są one integralnym składnikiem choroby i występują u 64-90% chorych. Diagnostyka pozapoznawczych objawów otępienia stanowi istotny element procesu stawiania rozpoznania. Część z pozapoznawczych objawów otępienia można rozpoznać na podstawie obserwacji zachowań chorego. Należą do nich między innymi: niepokój, pobudzenie, wędrowanie, zbieractwo, zachowania kulturowo nieodpowiednie, odhamowanie seksualne, krzyczenie i zachowania agresywne. Rozpoznanie innych zaburzeń wymaga dokładniejszych badań i pogłębionego wywiadu chorobowego. Umiejętność komunikowania się lekarza z chorym stanowi nie tylko podstawę rozpoznania i leczenia choroby, ale w przypadku schorzeń o charakterze przewlekłym jest jedną z zasadniczych form terapii. W przypadku chorych z otępieniem, rozpoznanie pozapoznawczych zaburzeń zachowania pozwala na leczenie objawów psychicznych i modyfikację zachowania pacjentów. Działania takie istotnie poprawiają kontakt z osobami z otępieniem i ich zdolność do codziennego funkcjonowania oraz zmniejszają obciążenie ich opiekunów.
Dementia is an important health problem affecting elderly people, not only because it disturbs higher cortical functions, but as well because of its common occurrence, especially in later decades of life. Apart from the cognitive functions disorder, the clinical picture of dementia consists of non-cognitive symptoms, such as behavioral disorders, psychotic symptoms and affective disorders. They comprise an integral part of the illness and are present in 64-90% of dementia patients. Non-cognitive symptoms of dementia comprise an important part of dementive process, therefore their diagnostics is a step in the way to stating a diagnosis. Some of the non-cognitive symptoms of dementia can be recognised on the basis of the observation of the patient. Among others, these symptoms include anxiety, agitation, wandering around, hoarding, socially unnacepted behaviours, sexual disinhibition, shouting and agressive behaviours. The diagnosis of other disorders require more detailed examination and medical history. While dealing with chronic illnesses, the doctor’s ability to communicate with the patient provides not only the basis for diagnosis and treatment, but most importantly it is one of fundamental forms of therapy. As far as dementia patients are concerned, the diagnosis of non-cognitive behavioural disorders allows the treatment of mental symptoms and the modification of patients’ behaviour. Such methods improve not only the contact with people affected by dementia, but also their ability to function in everyday life, thus reducing their caregivers’ burden.

Elderly patients pose considerable challenges for their medical caregivers. Such state of affairs stems from the specificity of afflictions of the elderly which, in turn, is caused by the accumulation of chronic diseases and the progressive dysfunction of both particular organs and the aging organism. Another reason why medical care of the elderly people proves to be more difficult than of the other age groups, is the greater susceptibility to decompensation, resulting from acute illnesses as well as poor living conditions and, often, dramatically insufficient financial situation. Another distinct feature of older age is an increasing variability in the population of elderly people. This phenomenon results from the absence of strict correlation between the patients’ chronological and biological ages, partly caused by the fact that the condition of an elderly person depends heavily on his/her socioeconomic status, living conditions and lifestyle. This shapes the disparities in both mental and physical health, as observed among elderly people, which pose significant challenges the medical staff has to overcome. It also applies to older patients afflicted by dementia, as the symptoms of dementia (due to the difficulty in separating the symptoms of the illness from the signs of aging) may be dismissed and downplayed as the natural effects of aging, thus making the diagnosis harder.
Dementia is an important health issue of the elderly, as it results in the disordered higher cerebral cortex functions – memory, thinking, orientation, understanding, counting, language functions, learning, planning and the ability to assess, all of which affect the lives of both the afflicted person and his/her caregivers. Moreover, the frequency at which dementia occurs is alarming, especially in the later stages of life; the percentage of the afflicted increases from 1% at the age of 65 to approximately 30-40% after the age of 90 (1, 2).
Apart from the cognitive functions disorder, the clinical picture of dementia consists of non-cognitive symptoms, such as behavioral disorders, psychotic symptoms and affective disorders. They comprise an integral part of the illness and are present in 64-90% of dementia patients (3). The non-cognitive symptoms of dementia may develop before any indication of noticeable cognitive problems. Non-cognitive problems observed in the early phase of dementia manifest themselves by the tendency of the afflicted to start multiple tasks while not being able to complete them, and the lack of recognition and awareness of priorities – insignificant matters are treated on the same level of importance as the significant ones (4). Another problem occurring in this group of patients is psychomotoric agitation. It is described as an inadequate vocal or motoric activity, which does not provide any clear message, and does not arise from patients’ needs (5). Emotional dysregulation, subdepression, major depression, euphoria, and mania are among the most frequently occurring affective disorders of dementia (3).
Delusions and hallucinations
As for perceptual disorders, delusions and hallucinations are the most common. Delusions (false convictions) result from the erroneous interpretation of the reality. In certain cases, delusions are hard to identify, especially when it comes to elderly patient’s delusions of being robbed by hired caregivers. Meanwhile, the diagnosis of such delusions as disorientation to place („my home is not my home”), or the Capgras delusion („my family and friends has been replaced by identical-looking impostors”) is relatively easy. Patients experiencing „disorientation to place” type of delusions might start packing and trying to leave their homes either by entrance doors or even windows, while often exhibiting aggressive behavior towards people trying to stop them. Another type of delusion that can be observed in perceptual disorders are persecutory delusion, delusional jealousy, or a conviction that strangers invade the patient’s home (3, 5). People suffering from dementia who are also subjected to coexisting delusions, are more likely to exhibit aggressive and hostile behavior than patients not affected by delusional disorders (6). A type of delusion often occurring in dementia with present Lewy bodies is a belief that the deceased relatives of a patient are still alive (7).
Hallucinations can be described as false exteroceptive sensations and observations appearing without an external stimulant. Dementia patients affected by hallucinations claim to see non-existing people or animals, or speak to non-existent characters. Other symptoms include patient’s interactions with non-existing people or items (8). The prominent characteristic of patients suffering from hallucinations is their firm conviction of authenticity of experienced sensations, and the resulting resistance to any form of persuasion. Dementia with present Lewy bodies is signified by visual hallucinations representing colorful and realistic figures of humans and animals; inanimate objects are rare (9). Auditory hallucinations occur less frequently and usually accompany visual hallucinations. False beliefs resulting from objectively existing but mistakenly interpreted external stimuli are called misidentification. Instances of misidentification include recognizing the patient’s own mirror reflection as an autonomous, separate being with which the patient engages in conversation, or treating people appearing on TV as real persons and talking or even arguing with them (10).
Psychomotoric agitation
A common non-cognitive symptom of dementia is psychomotoric agitation, which may manifest itself by non-aggressive or aggressive behavior, and vocal agitation. Non-aggressive agitation symptoms include: general uneasiness, lack of cooperation, recurring manierisms, sleep disorders (insomnia or sleep deprivation), inappropriate usage of items, restlessness and wandering away. Symptoms of verbal agitation include: excessive verbosity, repetition of the same questions in a short span of time, verbal negativism, craving attention, complaining and screaming. Aggressive agitation symptoms include: destroying objects, cursing, spitting, pushing, scratching, biting, kicking and beating. Moreover, increased tension and angst may also be symptoms of psychomotoric agitation (11).
Negative behavioral disorders

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otrzymano: 2015-05-06
zaakceptowano do druku: 2015-05-21

Adres do korespondencji:
*Jacek J. Pruszyński
Department of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education
ul. Kleczewska 61/63, 01-826 Warszawa
tel. +48 (22) 560-11-60

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 7/2015
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