© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2016, s. 100-102
Anna Lipińska1, Anna Walaszczyk2, Katarzyna Gmerek2, *Jadwiga Fabijańska-Mitek3
Obecność przeciwciał anty-D po przeszczepieniu nerki i wątroby w parach dawca-biorca identycznych pod względem ABO
The presence of anti-D antibodies after kidney and liver transplantation in cases of ABO identical donor-recipient pairs
1Regional Blood Donation and Therapy Centre in Szczecin
Head of the Centre: Ewa Kłosińska, MD
2Regional Blood Donation and Therapy Centre in Warsaw
Head of the Centre: Dariusz Piotrowski, MD
3Department of Immunohaematology, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw
Head of Department: Jadwiga Fabijańska-Mitek, PhD, Associate Professor
Wstęp. Po transplantacji narządów czasem u biorcy można wykryć przeciwciała pochodzące od dawcy i skierowane przeciw krwinkom czerwonym. Zazwyczaj są to anty-A lub anty-B, rzadko mają inną swoistość.
Cel pracy. Ocena przeciwciał u biorców nerki i wątroby pochodzących od dawczyń zimmunizowanych mimo stosowanej immunoprofilaktyki poporodowej.
Materiał i metody. Próbki krwi dwóch biorców po transplantacji nerki i dwóch po transplantacji wątroby. Rutynowe oznaczenie grupy krwi i bezpośredni test antyglobulinowy z krwinkami biorców wykonany techniką mikrolumnową z żelem. Kwaśna elucja przeciwciał i pośredni test antyglobulinowy w celu wykrycia przeciwciał w eluacie oraz w surowicy biorców. Identyfikacja przeciwciał za pomocą PTA i zestawu krwinek wzorcowych.
Wyniki. Wykryto allo-anty-D u dwóch biorców po przeszczepieniu nerki i u dwóch po przeszczepieniu wątroby. Czterech pacjentów było RhD dodatnich oraz byli identyczni z dawcami w zakresie ABO w każdej z par. Dawcami były trzy RhD ujemne kobiety. U wszystkich biorców przeciwciała anty-D były wyraźnie aktywne, wykrywalne na krwinkach w BTA oraz w surowicy i eluacie w PTA, niezależnie od ich reaktywności w surowicy dawcy. Poszczególni biorcy otrzymali: 2, 5, 8 i 14 jednostek krwinek czerwonych i potrzebowali przetoczeń od jednego dnia do 7 tygodni.
Wnioski. Pomimo stosowania immunoprofilaktyki anty-D u RhD ujemnych kobiet, mogą one zostać uodpornione podczas ciąży i porodu, a ich limfocyty przeniesione z przeszczepianym narządem mogą wytwarzać przeciwciała anty-D u RhD dodatnich biorców. Badania serologiczne w celu wykrycia i identyfikacji przeciwciał u tych pacjentów w ciągu dwóch tygodni po transplantacji mogą być pomocne w przewidywaniu niedokrwistości immunohemolitycznej.
Introduction. Donor-derived antibodies against RBCs antigens can be sometimes detected in recipients of solid organs. Usually they are anti-A or anti-B, rarely they have other specificity.
Aim. Assessment of antibodies in recipients of kidney and liver derived from immunised female donors despite of postpartum immunoprophylaxis.
Material and methods. Blood samples from two recipients after kidney and two after liver transplantation. The routine type and screen and direct antiglobulin test with recipients’ RBCs by the microcolumn gel method. The antibody acid elution and indirect antiglobulin test for detection of antibodies in each eluate and serum from the recipients. Identification of antibodies by the IAT and panel RBCs.
Results. Four patients were RhD positive and identical in ABO in each pair donor-recipient. Three female donors were RhD negative. In all recipients anti-D antibodies were strongly reactive, detected on RBCs by the DAT and in the serum and eluate by the IAT, regardless of their reactivity in the donor serum. Individual recipients received: 2, 5, 8 and 14 units of RhD negative RBCs and they needed transfusion during the time from one day to 7 weeks.
Conclusions. Despite of obligatory anti-D immunoprophylaxis used in RhD negative women, they can be immunized ante- or postpartum and their lymphocytes transferred with transplanted organs can produce anti-D in RhD positive recipients. Serological tests for antibody detection and identification in these patients during first two weeks after transplantation can be useful in predicting immune haemolytic anaemia.

Post-transplant haemolytic reactions due to red blood cell (RBC) alloantibodies have been observed in the recipients of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) because half of all donor-recipient pairs are ABO blood group mismatched (1). In so-called minor blood group incompatibility (donor antibodies against recipient antigens) antibodies anti-A, anti-B or others, e.g. anti-D, anti-E, anti-K etc. are produced by passenger lymphocytes accompanying HSCs from O or D negative, E-negative, K-negative etc. donors (2, 3). Organ transplants should be the same (e.g. recipient A, donor A), but also may be compatible in ABO (recipient A, B or AB, donor O). It causes a possibility of minor blood group incompatibility with symptoms similar to that after HSC transplantation (HSCT) (4-8). RBC antibody production after organ transplantation depends on the lymphoid mass transplanted. The frequency of antibody presence were lowest after kidney, intermediate after liver and highest after lung transplantation (9). Donor-derived antibodies are usually anti-A or anti-B but sometimes they can appear in the recipient identical in ABO blood group with the donor. Antibodies of different specificity than ABO can develop from lymphocytes transferred with the organ from immunized donors but this phenomenon is rarely observed (5, 7).
The aim of our study was to assess antibodies in recipients of kidney and liver, derived from female donors immunised despite of postpartum immunoprophylaxis.
Material and methods
Samples of patient’s whole blood were drawn, one in EDTA and one in a pure tube. ABO and Rh blood group typing were performed with the standard tube agglutination method using commercially available specific monoclonal antibodies and RBCs. The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) for antibody detection on RBCs and indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) for detection and identification of free antibodies in the serum and eluate were performed using gel agglutination tests (DiaMed ID, Switzerland). Commercial panels of RBCs for IAT were used (DiaMed, Switzerland and Diagnostic Grifols, España). Eluates from RBCs were prepared by routine acid elution technique with glycine/EDTA buffer pH 1.5. The titre of anti-D in two patients was determined by testing serial twofold dilutions of the serum and eluate with selected RhD positive heterozygous RBCs (DCcee). In the next two patients strength of agglutination was assessed in undiluted sera and eluates.
Kidney transplants
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