*Anna Mika1, Maria Mituś-Kenig2, Anna Mizerska-Żurowska3
A child’s first dental visit – age and reasons. A literature review
Pierwsza wizyta dziecka w gabinecie stomatologicznym – wiek dziecka oraz przyczyna zgłoszenia się. Przegląd piśmiennictwa
1Private Dental Practice, Poronin
2Department of Dental Prophylaxis and Experimental Dentistry, Dental Institute, Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow
Head of Department: Marta Cześnikiewicz-Guzik, MD, PhD
3Zbigniew Żak Provincial Dental Clinic in Krakow, Specialist Clinic of Pediatric Dentistry
Head of Clinic: Iwona Sanak, DDS
Próchnica jest chorobą o złożonej etiologii i może rozpoczynać się już w niedługim czasie po wyrznięciu zębów. Rozwój zmiany próchnicowej jest uwarunkowany brakiem wizyt lub nieregularnymi wizytami w gabinecie stomatologicznym, nieprawidłową higieną jamy ustnej, a także nieprawidłowymi nawykami dietetycznymi. Choroba próchnicowa stanowi bardzo poważny problem zdrowotny populacji dziecięcej w Polsce. Niezwykle istotne jest, aby pierwsza adaptacyjna wizyta dziecka w gabinecie stomatologicznym odbyła się na wczesnym etapie jego życia. Tak wczesna wizyta to nie tylko badanie uzębienia dziecka, ale przede wszystkim przekazanie rodzicom ważnych wskazówek odnośnie prawidłowych nawyków higienicznych oraz kariostatycznych nawyków żywieniowych.
Celem pracy było określenie na podstawie piśmiennictwa przyczyny pierwszej w życiu wizyty dziecka w gabinecie stomatologicznym oraz określenie wieku dziecka w chwili zgłoszenia się.
Dokonano przeglądu piśmiennictwa z lat 1992-2017, wykorzystując bazy PubMed i Google Scholar. Badania uzupełniono o opracowania polskich autorów opisujące omawiane zagadnienia. Wykorzystano i przeanalizowano 39 pozycji piśmiennictwa jako najbardziej trafne dla tematu pracy.
Uzyskane dane wskazują, że pierwsza wizyta dziecka w gabinecie stomatologicznym odbywa się zbyt późno w stosunku do zaleceń medycznych, w większości przypadków jest to wizyta symptomatyczna, wynikająca z obecności zaawansowanych procesów próchnicowych.
Dental caries is a multifactorial disease, which may begin shortly after tooth eruption. The development of a carious lesion is conditioned by the lack of or irregular dental visits, incorrect oral hygiene, and poor dietary habits. Dental caries is still a very serious health problem in the paediatric population in Poland. It is extremely important that the child’s first adaptation visit to the dentist takes place at an early stage of the child’s life. The purpose of this early visit is not only to assess child’s dentition, but first and foremost to provide parents with guidance on proper child’s oral hygiene and to correct improper dietary and eating habits. The aim of this study was to determine the age at and the reasons for the child’s first dental visit based on the current literature.
A review of the literature published in the years 1992-2017 was conducted using the PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The study was supplemented with papers published by Polish authors discussing the issues in question. A total of 39 literature positions regarding this field were selected and analysed.
The obtained data indicate that the first dental visit of a child takes place much later than recommended in medical guidelines. In most cases, it is a symptomatic visit resulting from the presence of advanced carious processes.

Oral health is a component of the global human health and is mainly determined by health behaviours of an individual and environmental (sociodemographic, economic and cultural) factors. Proper hygiene and nutritional habits, as well as systematic dental visits are of key importance for oral health (1-3). Parents play the key role and are the primary source of knowledge and skills in the development of healthy behaviours in children (4). After reaching a certain developmental level, children begin to copy other people’s behaviours. Proper models of systematic oral care, which promote general health, should be passed to children as soon as possible – not later than at the age of 3-4 years (5, 6). Therefore, it is crucial that the child’s first visit to the dentist takes place appropriately early, which is mainly aimed at parental education on health. An early visit provides an opportunity not only to check the child’s dentition, but first of all to provide parents with important guidance on proper hygiene and cariostatic eating habits, educate them on the causes and infectivity of caries, factors contributing to malocclusions, as well as to provide advice on prevention and plan future dental appointments. The knowledge provided to parents during the first visit may contribute to an increased interest in the child’s dental condition and, as a result, modify the course of carious disease (7, 8).
Dental caries is a very serious health problem in the paediatric population in Poland. It is a multifactorial disease, which may begin shortly after tooth eruption. The development of a carious lesion is conditioned by the lack of or irregular dental visits, improper oral hygiene, as well as a diet rich in carbohydrates. Dental caries is characterised by a rapid course and can lead to hard dental tissue destruction in a short time, with particularly rapid carious process observed in children up to 3 years old. There are well-known serious clinical consequences of untreated caries, such as local inflammations, focal diseases, tooth loss leading to malocclusions, and impaired speech development (9, 10). Epidemiological studies conducted by the Ministry of Health (11) as part of the program “Monitoring of oral health of the Polish population” indicate poor oral health in Polish children. Dental caries affects up to 59.1% of 3-year-olds, 79.9% of 5-year-olds, 85.6% of 6-year-olds and 90.5% of 7-year-olds. Earlier studies in Poland showed the following caries frequency for primary teeth: 45.4-77.98% in 3-year-olds, more than 80% in 3-4-year-olds and 51-66.4% in 4-year-olds (12). Such high caries raters in young children are alarming, and achieving oral health goals set by the WHO for 2020 (80% of caries-free 6-year-olds) will be difficult (13, 14). The observed health situation among Polish children is conditioned by many factors, the main one being the lack of an effective, planned preventive and curative dental care model, and low health awareness of parents (12). Parental knowledge on oral health and attitude to dental care are certainly an important determinant of dental attendance (15).
Age at first dental visit
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) (16) and the American Dental Association (ASA) (17) recommend that the first dental visit should take place within 6 months of eruption of the first primary tooth, and no later than 12 months of age. Polish experts (18, 19) also emphasise in their guidelines on fluoride prophylaxis, nutrition and oral hygiene published on the website of the Polish Society of Paediatric Dentistry (http://ptsd.net.pl/wytyczne/) and the website of the Polish Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future (http://acff.pl/) that the first dental visit should take place between 6 and 12 months of age. Other sources consider 12-18 months of age as the optimal time for child’s first dental visit (20, 21). According to Argentine authors Furze and Basso (22), the first preventive dental visit should take place at 4 months of foetal life. During such a visit, the mother is educated on carious disease, its infectiousness, as well as on the fact that the mothers are the main source of transmission of Streptococcus mutans. Also, advice on oral hygiene and prophylaxis is provided. As a result, the pregnant woman pays more attention to both her own and her unborn child’s health.
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