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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 8/2015, s. 611-614
Adam Tarkowski, Andrzej Głowniak, Anna Jaroszyńska, *Andrzej Wysokiński
Etiologia i patogeneza migotania przedsionków
Atrial fibrillation – etiology and pathogenesis
Chair and Department of Cardiology, Medical University, Lublin
Head of Department: prof. Andrzej Wysokiński, MD, PhD
Migotanie i trzepotanie przedsionków są wciąż istotnym problemem klinicznym, społecznym i ekonomicznym w dzisiejszym systemie opieki zdrowotnej. Wiedza o ich etiologii i patogenezie pozostaje wciąż niepełna. Może to w pewien sposób tłumaczyć brak pełnej skuteczności obecnie stosowanych metod zapobiegania napadom tych arytmii, jak również wciąż niezadowalającą skuteczność leczenia. Poszukiwania czynników etiologicznych oraz prace nad mechanizmami prowadzącymi do epizodów migotania i trzepotania przedsionków pozwoliły zidentyfikować pewne stany kliniczne mogące sprzyjać pojawianiu się napadów arytmii, jak również prowadzić do przejścia ich w postać przewlekłą. Stres oksydacyjny, powiększenie i/lub rozciągnięcie przedsionków, przeładowanie kardiomiocytów jonami wapnia, mikro RNA, czynniki zapalne oraz aktywacja miofibroblastów wydają się być zaangażowane w procesy prowadzące do remodelingu przedsionków. Jedynie pełne poznanie związków zachodzących pomiędzy poszczególnymi mechanizmami może doprowadzić do stworzenia nowego celu prewencji i terapii migotania i trzepotania przedsionków oraz umożliwić skuteczniejsze kontrolowanie omawianych arytmii, a w konsekwencji znacząco poprawić jakość życia i sytuację zdrowotna pacjentów, których problem ten dotyczy. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono najnowsze dane z zakresu etiologii i patofizjologii migotania i trzepotania przedsionków, jak również omówiono wzajemne zależności poszczególnych patomechanizmów.
Etiology and pathomechanisms of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are complicated and the knowledge about them still remains incomplete. This may be the reason why currently applied methods of prevention as well as treatment remain unsatisfied. A number of clinical situations were identified that may conduce to occurrence of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter and also lead to chronic forms of arrhythmia. Oxidative stress, enlargement/extension of atrium, cardiomyocytes overloaded by calcium ions, microRNA, inflammative factors and miofibroblasts’ activation seem to be most engaged in process leading to atrial remodelling. Complete recognition of relationships between individual mechanisms may possibly enable to form new goals for prevention and therapy of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter which may lead to better health and better quality of life in patients affected with the discussed heart arrhythmia. The paper presents the revision of current knowledge concerning etiology and pathophysiology of the above arrhythmia as well as explains relationships and interactions among particular mechanisms.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL) are the most common arrhythmias in clinical practice. These arrhythmias are the aim of the basic research and clinical studies for more than 100 years. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of AF/AFL initiations are still unknown and this may be the reason why prevention and treatment of these arrhythmias remain suboptimal.
Atrial fibrillation is the most common supraventricular arrhythmia characterized by fast (350-700/min), electrically uncoordinated atrial activity which causes the loss of hemodynamic effective contraction of the atria. It is associated with irregular ventricular rate (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Atrial fibrillation (AF).
Atrial flutter is defined as regular, fast rhythm with an atrial rate of 240-350 per minute which arises in the re-entry mechanism (fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Typical atrial flutter (AFL).
Atrial fibrillation poses one of the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and often coexists with AFL (1-5). More than 6 million people in Europe suffer from AF. The incidence of this arrhythmia doubled in last five decades as a result of population ageing (6).
The incidence of AF/AFL increases with increasing age of patient – from < 0.5% at the age of 40-50 to 5-15% at the age of 80. It appears more common in women than the in men. The risk of AF in the people over 40 is about 25%. The incidence of AF is better known in caucasian race (6).
Predictive factors of AF/AFL are shown in table 1.
Table 1. Causes of AF/AFL.
Cardiac factorsNoncardiac factors
– Hypertension
– Valvular heart disease
(especially mitral valve
– Coronary heart disease
– Cardiomiopathies
– Congenital heart diseases
– Myocarditis and pericarditis
– History of cardiac surgery
– Brady-tachy syndrome
– Preexcitation
– Systemic diseases affecting
heart (ex. amyloidosis)
– Primary and metastatic heart
– Hyperthyreosis
– Obstructive sleep apnoea
– Acute infections
– General anaesthesia
– Pulmonary diseases
– Pheochromocytoma
– Alcohol, caffein, carbon
monoxide, drugs
(ex. β-mimetics)
– Diabetes
– Obesity
According the Polish Society of Cardiology (PTK) and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) (7), atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter can be divided in five types:
1. AF/AFL recognized for the first time – in the group of patients with the first episode of AF/AFL in life regardless of arrhythmia duration.
2. Paroxysmal AF/AFL – usually arrhythmia resolves by itself within 48 hour. It may last up to 7 days.
3. Persistent AF/AFL – usually arrhythmia lasts more than 7 days or requires pharmacological or electrical cardioversion (DCC).
4. Long-lasting persistent AF/AFL – arrhythmia lasting ≥ 1 year at the time of decision to return to sinus rhythm.
5. Permanent AF/AFL – arrhythmia accepted by patient and physician.
Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter occurs as important clinical and population problem. It is responsible for increased risk of death, stroke, thromboembolic complications, development of heart failure, tachyarrhythmic cardiomyopathy, hospitalization and impairs quality of life. All patients from AF/AFL group need to be asses according to CHA2DS2-VASC score (8), in aspects of most common risk factor for stroke/TIA incidence in clinical practice, such as:
– Congestive heart failure,
– Hypertension,
– Age ≥ 75 years (2 pts),
– Diabetes,
– Stroke (2 pts)
– Vascular disease,
– Age 65-74 years,
– Sex category (female).

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otrzymano: 2015-06-08
zaakceptowano do druku: 2015-07-09

Adres do korespondencji:
*Andrzej Wysokiński
Chair and Department of Cardiology, Medical University
ul. Jaczewskiego 8, 20-954 Lublin
tel. +48 (81) 724-41-51

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 8/2015
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