© Borgis - Nowa Medycyna 2/2017, s. 54-58
*Karolina Pasztaleniec-Iglik1, Małgorzata Kołodziejczak2, Jacek Bierca1, Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska2-4
Atypical location of leiomyoma in the left ischiorectal fossa – a case report
Nietypowa lokalizacja mięśniaka w lewym dole kulszowo-odbytniczym – opis przypadku
1Department of General Surgery, Hospital in Ostrów Mazowiecka
Head of Department: Jacek Bierca, MD, PhD
2Warsaw Proctology Centre, Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital, Mokotów Medical Centre
Head of Centre: Associate Professor Małgorzata Kołodziejczak, PhD
3Department of Radiology, Eleonora Reicher National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska, MD, PhD
4Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Second Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Wiesław Jakubowski, MD, PhD
Mięśniak gładkokomórkowy jest nowotworem łagodnym wywodzącym się z komórek mięśniowych gładkich. U kobiet najczęstszą lokalizacją mięśniaka jest macica. Częstą lokalizacją tych zmian jest także warstwa mięśniowa właściwa przewodu pokarmowego, w tym przede wszystkim żołądka i jelita cienkiego. Umiejscowienie mięśniaka w okolicy anorektalnej jest rzadkie. Autorzy przedstawiają przypadek pacjentki z bezobjawowym mięśniakiem gładkokomórkowym zlokalizowanym w lewym dole kulszowo-odbytniczym, który został wykryty podczas tomografii komputerowej miednicy mniejszej i potwierdzony w przezodbytniczym badaniu ultrasonograficznym. Obraz zmiany w tych badaniach nie był charakterystyczny i wymagał różnicowania z innymi patologiami, łącznie z nowotworem złośliwym. Guz został wycięty w całości z dostępu kroczowego. Przebieg pooperacyjny był niepowikłany, nie stwierdzono wznowy odległej po pół roku od zabiegu.
Wnioski. 1. Mięśniak gładkokomórkowy może lokalizować się w dole kulszowo-odbytniczym. 2. Tomografia komputerowa i ultrasonografia przezodbytnicza pozwalają na jego wykrycie, określenie wielkości, morfologii i lokalizacji, w tym stosunku do odbytnicy i kanału odbytu. 3. Obraz mięśniaka w badaniach obrazowych nie pozwala na określenie jego typu histopatologicznego, decyduje ocena patomorfologa. W różnicowaniu należy wziąć pod uwagę również nowotwory złośliwe.
Leiomyoma is a benign tumour originating from smooth muscle cells. The uterus is the most common location for leiomyoma in women. The muscle layer of the digestive tract, stomach and small intestine in particular, is also a common location for these lesions. Anorectal location is very rare. We present a case of a female patient with asymptomatic leiomyoma located in the left ischiorectal fossa, which was found in pelvic CT and confirmed by transrectal ultrasound. The presentation of the lesion was nonspecific and required differentiation against other pathologies, including malignancies. A total resection through a perineal approach was performed. The postoperative period was uneventful; no distant recurrence was observed 6 months after surgery.
Conclusions. 1. The ischiorectal fossa is a possible location for leiomyoma. 2. Computed tomography and transrectal ultrasonography allow for its detection, determination of its size, morphology and location, including its relation to the rectum and the anal canal. 3. The imaging presentation of leiomyoma does not allow to determine its histopathological type. Pathomorphological findings are decisive. Differentiation should also include malignancies.
Leiomyoma is a benign tumour originating from smooth muscle cells. The uterus is the most common location in women. However, these lesions may also develop in the muscle layer of the digestive tract, stomach and small intestine in particular. Anorectal location of leiomyoma is rare, with only single cases reported in the literature (1-5).
Classification system published by Billings et al. in 2001 distinguished two types of leiomyomas: leiomyomas of somatic soft tissue and retroperitoneal-abdominal leiomyomas) (6).
The first group of lesions is usually located in the lower or upper limbs, trunk, the axillary region, and the back. The incidence among men and women is approximately equal. No recurrences or distant metastases are observed.
The second group of leiomyomas develops in the retroperitoneal space and abdominal cavity. It mainly affects women, postmenopausal in particular. Recurrences and metastases are also rare in this group.
The clinical manifestations of anorectal leiomyoma depend on its size and anatomical location relative to the rectal wall and the anal canal. The tumour may be asymptomatic and found accidentally. Large tumours may cause rectal wall compression resulting in a sensation of ineffective tenesmus, pain and even sub-obstruction as well as symptoms of incontinence in the case of sphincteric involvement. The diagnosis is based on clinical examination, imaging techniques and histopathology.
Case report
A 62-year-old woman was admitted for a scheduled resection of a tumour located in the left ischiorectal fossa. The tumour was found accidentally, during pelvic and abdominal CT performed 2 years ago. The tumour had a diameter of 20 mm at that time. Biopsy was performed and showed connective and muscle tissue components without cytological features indicating malignancy.
The patient was treated due to Hashimoto’s disease. She also underwent a resection of right arm lipoma several years ago. The patient was in good overall condition, with no fever or pain. Thoracic and abdominal physical examination showed no abnormalities. Rectal examination detected a palpable pathological mass, about 40-50 mm in size, deforming the rectal wall, in the anal canal on the left side.
Additional examinations
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