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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 3/2018, s. 179-182 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.3.179
Edyta Kuduk1, Wioletta Medrzycka-Dabrowska2, Sylwia Terech3, Renata Piotrkowska3, Piotr Jarzynkowski3, Katarzyna Kwiecien-Jagus2, Klaudiusz Nadolny4, *Daniel Slezak5
The importance of physical examination in chest injury following stabbing
Znaczenie badania fizykalnego w urazie klatki piersiowej w następstwie ugodzenia nożem
1Ambulance Service in Gdansk, Poland
2Department of Anaesthesiology Nursing and Intensive Care, Faculty of Health, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
3Department of Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Health, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
4Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
5Department of Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine Workshop, Faculty of Health, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
Urazy przenikające klatkę piersiową występują stosunkowo rzadko, ale stanowią bezpośrednie zagrożenie życia dla poszkodowanego. Prawidłowa ocena urazu w ratowniczym postępowaniu przedszpitalnym ma istotne znaczenie dla późniejszego wyniku leczenia poszkodowanego. Postępowanie przedszpitalne oparte na przyjętych standardach, takich jak: ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/fractures) i zasada „złotej godziny” zgodnie z wytycznymi w zaawansowanych urazach – ATLS, pozwalają szybko rozpoznać powikłania zagrażające życiu. W pracy opisano przypadek 44-letniego mężczyzny z raną kłutą klatki piersiowej w wyniku ugodzenia nożem oraz dokonano analizy postępowania zespołu pogotowia ratunkowego z pacjentem. Postępowanie zespołu pogotowia ratunkowego zgodnie z wypracowanymi standardami pozwoliło na szybkie i prawidłowe rozpoznanie urazu, stabilizację i odpowiednie zabezpieczenie podstawowych funkcji życiowych oraz przekazanie pacjenta do szpitala.
Injuries that penetrate the chest are relatively rare but pose a direct threat to the injured. Correct injury assessment in emergency pre-hospital treatment is important for the subsequent outcome of the treatment of the victim. Pre-hospital procedures based on accepted standards, such as ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/fractures) and the “golden hour” principle according to the guidelines in advanced trauma – ATLS, allow to quickly identify life-threatening complications. The paper describes the case of a 44-year-old man with a stab wound in the chest as a result of stabbing with a knife and an analysis of the emergency team’s treatment with the patient. The operation of the ambulance service team in accordance with the developed standards ensured a quick and correct diagnosis of injury, stabilization and adequate protection of basic vital functions and transfer of the patient to the hospital.
Słowa kluczowe: uraz, pierwsza pomoc, odma prężna.

The chest sustains numerous serious injuries. In most cases, they are caused by traffic accidents, accidents at work, as well as falls from a height, and are dull and non-penetrating. Penetrating chest wounds are less frequent but pose a direct life threat to the injured. The main causes of penetrating chest wounds in Poland are stab wounds resulting from a knife or another sharp object; gunshot wounds and impalement injuries are sporadic (1, 2).
Chest stab wounds are related to a high risk of damage to critical internal structures of the body and, therefore, require prompt and efficient actions. Medical care in the case of patients with penetrating wounds can be divided into three stages: prehospital care to deal with the injury, hospital care at the hospital emergency department or admission desk, and postoperative care at the surgery department. Nevertheless, a proper assessment of the injury in prehospital emergency treatment has a significant impact on the further outcome of treatment.
Prehospital procedures based on the ABCDE (airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure/fractures) standards and the “golden rule” principle (according to the ATLS guidelines for serious injuries) enable the diagnosis of life-threatening complications: airway obstruction, open pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, and hemorrhage of the damaged mediastinal vessels to the pleural cavity (3-7).
The aim of this paper is to analyze emergency medical procedures in the case of a patient with chest injury following stabbing.
This is a retrospective analysis. The study was conducted at the Ambulance Services in Gdansk with the consent of the head of this unit. The research involved a case study of a patient with chest injury following stabbing. The team of the specialized ambulance was interviewed and the documentation was reviewed to collect data. The interview was related to the circumstances of the incident and the procedures taken as far as the intervention was concerned.
Case report
At 6.40 p.m., a medical dispatcher of the emergency response center was informed about a domestic fight with a 44-year-old male injured. The patient was stabbed with a knife in his chest. The medical dispatcher dispatched the closest available specialized ambulance (with a doctor, a nurse, a paramedic, and a driver) and a police unit to ensure safety on the crime scene. The emergency team arrived at the place of incident within 6 minutes. The police officers had already been there, checked and emptied the flat, and had been hearing witnesses. Upon arrival, the emergency team also evaluated the situation to ensure safety of the rescuers and the injured.

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otrzymano: 2018-05-22
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-06-12

Adres do korespondencji:
*Daniel Ślęzak
Pracownia Ratownictwa Medycznego Katedra i Klinika Medycyny Ratunkowej
Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny
ul. Smołuchowskiego 17, 80-214 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 (58) 349-37-38

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 3/2018
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