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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 6/2018, s. 358-360 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.6.358
Maria Kasprzyk1, *Beata Wudarczyk2, Rafal Czyz3, Lukasz Szarpak4, Beata Jankowska-Polanska5
Ischemic heart disease – definition, epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk factors and treatment
Choroba niedokrwienna serca – definicja, epidemiologia, patogeneza, czynniki ryzyka i postępowanie
1Graduate of Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
2Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, University of Zielona Gora, Poland
3Department of Emergency Medicine, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
4Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland
5Department of Internal Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Choroba niedokrwienna serca (ChNS) jest rezultatem ograniczonego dopływu krwi do mięs?nia sercowego. W ponad 95% przypadko?w przyczyną ChNS jest zmniejszenie przepływu wien?cowego spowodowanego miażdzycą tętnic wien?cowych, dlatego celem opisu tego zespołu chorobowego często zamiennie stosuje się termin „choroba wien?cowa”. Choroba niedokrwienna serca w ocenie S?wiatowej Organizacji Zdrowia jest nadal najczęstszą przyczyną s?mierci tak w Polsce, jak i na s?wiecie. Z powodu przewlekłej choroby niedokrwiennej serca cierpi w Polsce 2,5% populacji, tj. ok. 1 miliona osób, spośród których 100 tys. rocznie zapada na zawał serca. Na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dekad w Polsce wzrosła umieralność z powodu choroby niedokrwiennej serca u osób poniżej 65. roku życia. Pomimo szerokiej polityki istnieje problem pomiędzy obecnymi wytycznymi postępowania a kontynuowaniem zalecen? przez pacjenta. Dobra komunikacja między personelem medycznym a pacjentem z chorobą niedokrwienną serca oraz zwiększenie nacisku na edukację stanowią gwarancję sukcesu terapeutycznego, co przełoży się na sferę zdrowia zaro?wno w kwestii społecznej, jak i ekonomicznej. Celem artykułu było podsumowanie zagadnien? dotyczących definicji, epidemiologii, patogenezy, czynniko?w ryzyka i leczenia choroby niedokrwiennej serca.
Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is the result of a limited blood supply to the heart muscle. In more than 95% of cases, the cause of IHD is coronary blood flow reduction caused by coronary artery atherosclerosis, therefore the term “coronary heart disease” is often used to describe this syndrome. Ischemic heart disease in assessment of the World Health Organization is still the most common causes of death in Poland and in the world. Due to chronic ischemic heart disease in Poland, 2.5% of the population suffers, i.e. about 1 million people, of whom 100,000. She has a heart attack every year. Over the last two decades in Poland, mortality from ischemic heart disease has increased in people under 65 years of age. In spite of wide prevention, there is a problem between the current guidelines and the patient's continuing of recommendations. Good communication between medical staff and patient with ischemic heart disease and increasing the pressure on education is a guarantee of therapeutic success, which will be reflected in the health, social and economic sphere. The aim of the article is to summarize the issues of definition, epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk factors and treatment of ischemic heart disease.

One of the most serious problems of modern times are cardiovascular diseases. Ischemic heart disease is still the most common cause of death in Poland and in the world. Number of deaths due to this disease will increase from 7 200 000 in 2002 to 11 000 000 in 2020 (1, 2).
The aim of this study is to draw attention to still present problems of patients with ischemic heart disease by presenting current definition, epidemiology of disease, pathogenesis, risk factors and treatment methods.
Description of knowledge
In the available literature can be found various definitions and descriptions of the ischemic disease form. It should be emphasized here that the contemporary definition includes stable coronary disease and acute coronary syndromes (3). According to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) coronary artery disease (CAD) is defined as an episode of a reversible incommensurability between the nutrient needs of the cardiac muscle and its demand that is associated with ischemia or hypoxia. Stable CAD also includes a stable, often asymptomatic phase of the disease after having an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (4). Acute coronary syndromes are a group of diseases characterized by changes in coronary circulation, according to ESC, it includes acute myocardial infarction (MI). The unstable angina is defined by the European Cardiac Society as ischemia of the myocardium at rest or with minimal effort, in which there is no necrosis of cardiomyocytes (4).
Due to the high occurrence frequency of risk factors as well as the aging of the population, ischemic heart disease is still the most frequent cause of deaths in Poland and in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of deaths due to ischemic heart disease will increase from 7 200 000 in 2002 to 11 000 000 in 2020 (2). The incidence of angina pectoris in men between 45 and 54 increases from 2% up to 5% and in 56-, 74-year-olds grow from 11 to 20%. In women, they are at the level of 0.5-1% and 10-14%, respectively. After the age of 75, the frequency of diagnosing ischemic heart disease is comparable in both genders (2, 5). Epidemiological studies show that the elimination of harmful risk factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of physical activity, unhealthy and irregular nutrition, stress, lack of sleep, influences the behavior of health to a greater extent than genetic factors, quality of medical care or environmental conditions (6).

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otrzymano: 2018-11-12
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-12-03

Adres do korespondencji:
*Beata Wudarczyk
Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine and Health Science University of Zielona Gora
28 Zyty Str., 65-046 Zielona Gora, Poland
Phone: +48 506 997 749
E-mail: src.emergency@gmail.com

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 6/2018
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