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© Borgis - Nowa Stomatologia 1/2019, s. 3-7 | DOI: 10.25121/NS.2019.24.1.3
Anita Śmiech1, *Joanna Szczepańska2
Dental aspects of hearing impairment in children – aetiology, classifications, diagnostic programmes, rehabilitation. A literature review
Aspekty stomatologiczne występowania niedosłuchu u dzieci – etiologia, klasyfikacje, programy diagnostyczne, rehabilitacja. Przegląd piśmiennictwa
1Doctoral student at the Department of Department of Developmental Age Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz
2Department of Department of Developmental Age Dentistry, Medical University of Lodz
Head of Department: Professor Joanna Szczepańska, MD, PhD
Na podstawie piśmiennictwa w pracy przedstawiono epidemiologię wad słuchu na świecie i w Polsce. Przeanalizowano prenatalne i postnatalne czynniki ryzyka. Praca zawiera stosowane obecnie klasyfikacje wad słuchu biorące pod uwagę różne czynniki, opisano metodę przesiewowych badań słuchu wśród noworodków w Polsce. Przedstawiono metody diagnostyki, leczenia i rehabilitacji chorych z niedosłuchem. Opisano stan narządu żucia dzieci głuchych i słabosłyszących zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie, jak też implikacje obecności wady słuchu na narząd żucia. U dzieci z niedosłuchem gorsza higiena jest znaczącym problemem, przyczynia się do wyższej frekwencji próchnicy i stanów zapalnych dziąseł. Wrodzone braki zębów lub ich deformacje, a także współistniejące wady zgryzu u dzieci niedosłyszących stanowią wyzwanie dla lekarza dentysty. W pracy zwrócono także uwagę na aspekt psychologiczny w rozwoju dzieci z dysfunkcją słuchu. Podkreślono barierę komunikacyjną podczas wizyty dziecka z niedosłuchem w gabinecie stomatologicznym i konieczność odpowiedniego przygotowania personelu medycznego, co mogłoby mieć wpływ na poprawę stanu jamy ustnej.
A literature review was performed to present the epidemiology of hearing impairment both worldwide and in Poland. Pre-and postnatal risk factors were assessed. The paper presents classifications of hearing impairment considering different factors, as well as the method of neonatal hearing screening in Poland. Diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation methods for patients with hearing loss were described. The paper further describes oral health in deaf and hardly hearing children in Poland and worldwide, as well as implications of hearing impairment on the masticatory organ. Several factors, such as insufficient hygiene, contribute to high caries frequency and gingivitis in children with hearing impairment. Missing or malformed teeth and malocclusions pose a great challenge for dentists. Furthermore, the work draws attention to the psychological aspect of the development of children with hearing impairment. The communication barrier during a dental visit attended by a hearing-impaired child, as well as the need for appropriate training for medical personnel, which could contribute to improved oral health, are emphasised.

Hearing loss is the most common disability in children. Difficult communication is a barrier during dental visit, and the poor understanding of information provided by medical professionals prevents oral health improvement. Appropriate training and modification of the educational methods used would contribute to better outcomes.
The aim of the paper was to present dental aspects in patients with hearing impairment, as well as to draw attention to the poor oral health in these patients compared to healthy individuals.
PubMed and Researchgate databases (2004-2017) were analysed. Also, some of the websites related to the issue of hearing impairment were included in the analysis.
Hearing impairment affects about 10-15% of world’s population, which is about 500 million people. It is estimated that about 440 million children globally are affected by hearing impairment of more than 85 decibels (1). Hearing impairment is the most common congenital defect in Poland. The 2003-2006 screening of 96.3% of Polish newborns showed hearing impairment of a varying degree in 0.18%, profound hearing impairment in 0.02%, and sensorineural hearing loss in 0.11% of children (2). However, a screening conducted between 2003 and 2013 showed a higher proportion of children with hearing impairment – 0.3% (3). Deafness and profound hearing loss affect 0.1 and 1% of Polish children, respectively (4). More than 15% of school children experience hearing problems, which most often result from complications after upper respiratory infections. In Poland, 80% of people with hearing impairment do not wear hearing aids (5-9) although it is repeatedly emphasised that the use of modern solutions in the rehabilitation of hearing dysfunctions significantly improves the comfort of life in these patients (4, 10).
In 2011, Poland was the first of 9 coutries in the world to conduct the Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening Program (PUNHSP) developed by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in cooperation with the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons and the Polish Society of Neonatology. Currently, the programme is coordinated by the Screening Laboratory at the Department of Otolaryngology and Laryngeal Oncology at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences, and the Professor Witold Szyfner, MD, PhD is the Medical Coordinator (11).
Stage I screening disqualifies about 91% of neonates for hearing loss. A retrospective analysis of risk factors among second reference level children demonstrated risk factors in 86.61% of children with positive reference 1 results (3). The programme provides unambiguous results, which allow drawing epidemiological conclusions and provide guidance for planning healthcare expenditures (3, 12, 13). Of the about 8.5% of screened children requiring continued diagnosis, about 55.8% are reported for further testing (3).
Risk factors
Table 1 summarises the most common risk factors for hearing impairment based on literature data. The cause of hearing loss remians unexplained in about 40-50% of patients (13).
Tab. 1. Risk factors for hearing impairment (14-20)
genetic factors: GJB2 mutations in 50-60% of cases
infectious diseases: toxoplasmosis, rubella, herpes, cytomegaly
pregnancy: concomitant systemic diseases, living conditions, education, stimulants, stress
perinatal factors: hyperbilirubinaemia (71.51%), prematurity (63.25%), ototoxic drugs (62.11%), low Apgar score, low birth weight
recurrent disorders in the sound conduction system
chronic exudative otitis media
other factors (8%)
There is a correlation between profound hearing loss and the presence of at least two risk factors (21).
Depending on the factors, the most common classifications of hearing impairment are based on various criteria:
– the onset (pre-lingual, peri-lingual, post-lingual hearing loss),

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otrzymano: 2018-12-16
zaakceptowano do druku: 2019-02-05

Adres do korespondencji:
*Joanna Szczepańska
Zakład Stomatologii Wieku Rozwojowego Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
ul. Pomorska 251, 92-213 Łódź
tel.: +48 (42) 675-75-16

Nowa Stomatologia 1/2019
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