Oleksandr Melnyk1, *Oleksandr Oliynyk1, 2, Anna Slifirczyk2, Klaudiusz Nadolny3, 4, Jerzy Robert Ladny3
Comparative analysis of the effect of various types of combined anaesthesia on the central hemodynamics in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Analiza wpływu różnych rodzajów znieczulenia mieszanego na hemodynamikę centralną w cholecystektomii laparoskopowej
1Anaesthesiology Unit, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital ? 4, Ukraine
2Emergency Medicine Department, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education, Biala Podlaska, Poland
3Clinic of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
4Emergency Medical Services in Katowice, Poland
Wstęp. Obecnie cholecystektomia laparoskopowa jest rodzajem minimalnie inwazyjnej interwencji, najczęściej wykonywana w leczeniu pacjentów z kamicą żółciową. Duża liczba ogólnoświatowych procedur branych pod uwagę, kwestia wpływu różnego rodzaju znieczulenia na hemodynamikę centralną staje się coraz istotniejsza, ponieważ jej stan określa możliwe powikłania chirurgiczne.
Cel pracy. Cel określenia wpływu różnych rodzajów znieczulenia mieszanego na hemodynamikę centralną podczas cholecystektomii laparoskopowej.
Materiał i metody. Badanie objęło 119 pacjentów (w wieku od 20 do 82 lat), którzy przebyli operację z powodu ostrego zapalenia pęcherzyka żółciowego. We wszystkich przypadkach została zastosowana cholecystektomia laparoskopowa z użyciem CP. Zależnie od rodzaju znieczulenia, pacjenci byli podzieleni na 3 grupy: grupa 1 (n = 44) – znieczuleni mieszanym znieczuleniem dożylnym (CGIA); grupa 2 (n = 44) – znieczuleni mieszanym znieczuleniem wziewnym (CIA) ze sewofluranem; grupa 3 (n = 31) – cholecystektomia laparoskopowa została przeprowadzona z mieszanym znieczuleniem rdzeniowym (CSA) z 0,5% bupiwakainą. Tematem do porównania były wskaźniki profilu hemodynamicznego i analgezji śródoperacyjnej, ocenianej na podstawie ilości użytego analgetyku.
Badania zostały zatwierdzone przez Komisję Bioetyczną ze Szpitala Miejskiego Nr 4 w Kijowie, numer pozwolenia U22072016. Wszyscy pacjenci wyrazili pisemną zgodę na udział w tym badaniu.
Wyniki. Średnie tętnicze ciśnienie skurczowe w grupach z dwutlenkiem wdmuchanym do jamy brzusznej: grupa 1 – 137,5 ± 18,9 mmHg; grupa 2 – 136,6 ± 17,7 mmHg; grupa 3 – 115,0 ± 13,7 mmHg. W grupie 3 wartości ciśnienia tętniczego skurczowego różniły się statystycznie od 1 i 2 grupy (p < 0,001). Średnie tętnicze ciśnienie skurczowe przy CP: grupa 1 – 101,7 ± 14,1 mmHg; grupa 2 – 100,0 ± 12,2 mmHg; grupa 3 – 86,7 ± 10,4 mmHg. Średnie dawki fentanylu użytego do znieczulenia: grupa 1 – 11,7 mcg/kg; grupa 2 – 10,9 mcg/kg; grupa 3 – 6,28 mcg/kg.
Wnioski. Stwierdzono, że zmiany w centralnej hemodynamice u pacjentów, którzy przeszli cholecystektomię laparoskopową ze znieczuleniem rdzeniowym mieszanym, były najmniejsze w porównaniu z dożylnym znieczuleniem i znieczuleniem ogólnym dotchawiczym.
Introduction. At present, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a type of minimally invasive intervention, mostly performed for the treatment of patients with cholelithiasis. A large number of procedures worldwide taken into consideration, the issue of the effect of various anaesthesia types on the central hemodynamics becomes increasingly important, since its state often determines possible complications of surgical intervention.
Aim. Objective is to assess the effect of various combined anaesthesia types on the central hemodynamics in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Material and methods. Examination included 119 patients (aged between 20 and 82) who had undergone surgery for acute cholecystitis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the use of carboxy peritoneum (CP) was performed in all cases. Depending on the type of anaesthesia, patients were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 (n = 44) – those who were operated on under combined general intravenous anaesthesia (CGIA); Group 2 (n = 44) – the surgery was performed under combined inhalation anaesthesia (CIA) with sevoflurane; Group 3 (n = 31) – laparoscopic cholecystectomy was performed under combined spinal anaesthesia (CSA) with 0.5% bupivacaine. Subject to comparison were the indices of hemodynamic profile and intra-operative analgesia that was judged on the amount of narcotic analgesics used.
The research was authorized by the Bio-ethical Commission of Kyiv City Hospital ? 4. Permission number is U22072016. All patients gave prior written permission to participate in this study.
Results. Average systolic arterial pressure in the groups with carbon dioxide insufflated into abdominal cavity: Group 1 – 137.5 ± 18.9 mm Hg; Group 2 – 136.6 ± 17.7 mm Hg; Group 3 – 115.0 ± 13.7 mm Hg. In Group 3, systolic arterial pressure values differed statistically from those in groups 1 and 2 (p < 0.001). Average systolic arterial pressure under carboxy peritoneum: Group 1 – 101.7 ± 14.1 mm Hg; Group 2 – 100.0 ± 12.2 mm Hg; Group 3 – 86.7 ± 10.4 mm Hg. Average doses of fentanyl used for anaesthesia in the groups were: Group 1 – 11.7 mcg/kg; Group 2 – 10.9 mcg/kg; Group 3 – 6.28 mcg/kg.
Conclusions. The changes of central hemodynamics in the patients who had undergone combined spinal anaesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy were found to be the least as compared with combined prevenous and endotracheal anaesthesia.
Cholelithiasis is one of the most common diseases, incidence rates being 10-15%, 6-8%, and 13-35% for Europe, Asia, and Latin America, respectively. In Ukraine, the value is 10-25%, depending on the region (1). The number of calculous cholecystitis cases growing every year, laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the most frequent of minimally invasive intervention. A large number of laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedures worldwide taken into consideration, the issue of adequate anaesthesia becomes increasingly important. From the very first experimental pneumoperitoneum procedures (Georg Kelling, 1901), it has become clear that gas in the abdominal cavity, significant increase in the intraperitoneal pressure, and pneumoperitoneum period (1) are the main factors, provoking destabilization of basic functional body systems that ultimately restricts wide implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy. Usually, carbon dioxide is used for providing pneumoperitoneum and videolaparoscopic visualization, the state called carboxy peritoneum (CP). In order to provide adequate anaesthesia during operation with the use of carboxy peritoneum, afferent flow of nociceptive stimuli from peripheral pain receptors in the organs and tissues to the segmentary CNS structures should be interrupted. Latest recommendations for laparoscopic cholecystectomy anaesthesiologic support, developed by the interdisciplinary group of surgeons and anaesthesiologists PROSPECT, include both general anaesthesia and nerve blockage. No evidence of one or another anaesthesia type advantage has been found.
The objective of the research was to compare the state of central hemodynamics at the background of different combined anaesthesia types in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Material and methods
Examination included 119 patients: 19 men (16%) and 100 women (84%), aged 20-82, who had been treated and operated on for acute cholecystitis within 2016-2018 on the basis of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital ? 4. All the patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy with the use of carboxy peritoneum (CP). They were operated on under combined anaesthesia, basic anaesthesia in each group being different. Artificial lung ventilation was done with narcosis apparatus “Leon”. Propofol (2.0 mg/kg) and dithylin (2.6 mg/kg) were used. Depending on the type of anaesthesia, the patients were randomly divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (n = 44) included those who had been operated on under combined general intravenous anaesthesia with propofol (8 mg/kg/h) and fentanyl used for basic narcosis. In Group 2 (n = 44), surgical intervention was performed under combined inhalation anaesthesia (sevorane). In Group 3 (n = 31), laparoscopic cholecystectomy was done under combined spinal anaesthesia, performed at the level ?11-?12 with the use of 0.5% bupivacaine solution (0.13 mg/kg). In this group, spinal anaesthesia was combined with prevenous narcosis (propofol, 8 mg/kg/h). Different doses of fentanil solution (given in Results) were used for anaesthesia in each group. Myorelaxant Atracurium-Novo (0.8 mg/kg) was applied for artificial ventilation in each group. With regard to age, scope and duration of surgical intervention the patients did not differ statistically (p > 0.05).
Hemodynamic profile (dynamics of systolic arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure, mean pressure, heart rate, cardiac output and cardiac index) was assessed both during anaesthesia effect and in the first postoperative hours.
Estimation checkpoints: prior to anaesthesia, 10 minutes of anaesthesia, 5 minutes since gas insufflation into abdominal cavity (use of carboxy peritoneum), 30 minutes of carboxy peritoneum application, 10 minutes after ??2 desufflation; 60 minutes after surgical intervention has been completed. Utas “UM 300” was used for cardiac monitoring. Cardiac output and cardiac index values were determined with Vismo (Nihon Kohden Corporation), PVM – 2701 apparatus.
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1. Acute cholecystitis. Adapted clinical guideline based on evidence. Annex to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine; 2016; http: as-ukr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016_02_29_AKN_Gostrij-holetsistit.doc (data dostępu: 10.02.2019).
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