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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 7/2017, s. 388-391
Anna Rej-Kietla1, *Tomasz Kulpok-Bagiński1-3, Dariusz Timler4, Katarzyna Starosta-Głowińska4, Michał Kucap1, 5, Monika Chorąży6, Emilia Duchnowska7, Inna Diemieszczyk7, Marzena Wojewódzka-Żelezniakowicz7, Robert Gałązkowski8, Daniel Ślęzak9, Jerzy Robert Ładny7, Klaudiusz Nadolny1, 2, 5
The legal and medical aspect of aid provided to patients under the influence of alcohol
Aspekt prawny i medyczny udzielania pomocy pacjentom pod wpływem alkoholu
1College of Strategic Planning in Dąbrowa Górnicza
Head of College: Anna Rej-Kietla, MD, PhD, LLM
2Institute of Public Health, Department of Public Health in Bytom, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Head of Institute: Elżbieta Grochowska-Niedworok, PhD (Pharmacy)
3Coordinator of Hospital Emergency Ward, Regional Specialist Hospital No. 3 in Rybnik
Head of Hospital: Edward Chrapek
4Institute of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Medical University of Łódź
Head of Institute: Dariusz Timler, MD, PhD
5Voivodeship Rescue Service in Katowice
Head of Service: Artur Borowicz
6Department of Neurology, Medical University of Białystok
Head of Department: Jan Kochanowicz, MD, PhD
7Department of Emergency Medicine and Disasters, Medical University of Białystok
Head of Department: Professor Jerzy Robert Ładny, MD, PhD
8Department of Emergency Medical Service, Medical University of Warsaw
Head of Department: Grzegorz Michalak, MD, PhD
9Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Health, Medical University of Gdańsk
Head of Department: Professor Andrzej Basiński, MD, PhD
Zespoły ratownictwa medycznego (ZRM) oraz szpitalne oddziały ratunkowe (SOR) udzielają świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej polegających na wstępnej diagnostyce oraz podjęciu leczenia w zakresie niezbędnym dla stabilizacji funkcji życiowych osób, które znalazły się w stanie nagłego zagrożenia zdrowotnego. Zgodnie z dostępnymi danymi statystycznymi istotna część interwencji zespołów ratownictwa medycznego to interwencje do osób nietrzeźwych.
Diagnostyka i terapia pacjenta znajdującego się pod wpływem alkoholu jest szczególnym zagadnieniem, tak w ujęciu medycznym, jak również w ujęciu prawnym. Alkohol stanowi czynnik utrudniający postępowanie diagnostyczne, a niejednokrotnie również maskujący objawy schorzeń zagrażających życiu, dlatego też w przypadku pacjentów pod wpływem alkoholu, szczególnie z urazami czaszkowo-mózgowymi, konieczne jest wdrożenie szerokiej i bardzo wnikliwej diagnostyki. Również w aspekcie prawnym postępowanie to przysparza szczególnych trudności, przede wszystkim ze względu na utrudniony, a czasem wręcz uniemożliwiony kontakt z pacjentem, agresję pacjenta oraz jego niechęć do współpracy. Nie bez znaczenia w tym kontekście jest również fakt, że wciąż brak jest jednoznacznych wytycznych czy algorytmów postępowania personelu medycznego w kontakcie z pacjentem pod wpływem alkoholu. Niemniej jednak powszechność alkoholu w Polsce oraz skala zjawiska udzielania pomocy nietrzeźwym przez zespoły ratownictwa medycznego oraz w ramach szpitalnych oddziałów ratunkowych wskazuje na konieczność wypracowania jednoznacznych uregulowań prawnych w tym zakresie.
Emergency medical services (EMS) teams and hospital emergency wards (HEW) are responsible for health care in terms of preliminary diagnosis and treatment that is necessary to establish vital functions of patients in medical emergency. According to available statistics, rescue team interventions regarding unsober individuals constitute a significant percentage of all interventions. The diagnosis and treatment of a patient under the influence of alcohol is a specific case, not only from the medical point of view but also legally. Proper diagnosis may be hindered by alcohol which often masks signs of life-threatening disorders. Therefore, it is vital to implement extensive and very profound diagnosis towards patients under the influence of alcohol, especially in craniocerebral injuries. This procedure is also highly difficult to implement from the legal point of view since contact with the patient is hindered or even impossible. The patient may be aggressive or reluctant to cooperate. It is significant that there are still no sufficient procedures or algorithms for medical staff to be applied in such instances. Nevertheless, the common use of alcohol in Poland and the scale of services provided to unsober patients by paramedics in emergency medical services and hospital emergency wards demonstrates that explicit legal regulations must need to be introduced in this area.

According to data presented by the World Health Organization (WHO), the misuse of alcohol leads to even 2.5 million deaths around the world annually. WHO specialists emphasize that 9% of this group (around 320 thousand people) are young people between 15 and 29 years of age (1). It is estimated that over 4% of deaths in the world are strictly associated with alcohol, mostly in men (1). The consumption of alcohol is commonly tolerated in the Polish culture and often forms an integral part of social gatherings, festivals and other feasts. Moreover, the use of high-percentage alcohol is a Polish tradition. As a result, the excessive alcohol consumption is a vital social and health concern in Poland (2).
Alcohol is a casual factor of around sixty diseases and an evoking component of two hundred other disorders and injuries (3). Most frequently, patients with alcohol poisoning are assisted by emergency medical services teams, hospital emergency wards and admission room staff (3, 4).
Emergency medical services (zespoły ratownictwa medycznego) teams belong to state emergency medical services (Państwowe Ratownictwo Medyczne) and provide exclusively emergency health care to individuals in non-hospital conditions. In comparison, health care provided by hospital emergency wards (HEW) includes preliminary diagnosis and necessary treatment to establish vital functions of individuals in medical emergency. The basic objective of hospital emergency wards is to assist patients that require immediate admission in order to establish their vital functions, prepare preliminary diagnosis and treat sudden disease outbreaks, poisonings, bleedings and injuries (5).
The medical aspect of providing health care to patients under the influence of alcohol
Not only does alcohol often discourage the patient from cooperation with emergency medical services team or physicians at the hospital emergency ward, but above all it hinders communication and distorts the chronology of events that led to medical intervention. Another significant fact is that in many instances alcohol masks the signs of actual diseases and pathologies that may threaten the patient’s health or life. Slurred speech is characteristic of the state of alcohol intoxication, but it could also indicate brain damage. A number of other signs that are normally associated with excessive alcohol consumption may in fact signal serious disorders. It is remarkable that alcohol consumption and intoxication can contribute to complete masking of signs (4).
Because of these, diagnostic-therapeutic procedures should be particularly in-depth and cautious in relation to patients under the influence of alcohol, especially when the patient was injured. According to specialists, EMS and HEW staff who are the first to assist patients in life-threatening conditions encounter most difficulties. The situation is aggravated by the fact that no clear and explicit standards of conduct or procedures to be followed by the medical staff while dealing with a patient under the influence of alcohol have been formulated so far. Medical staff ought to perform in-depth physical examination and take medical history for each patient under the influence of alcohol. If medical staff members have direct contact with the patient, they are also supposed to collect accurate data regarding previous disorders and assess the patient’s clinical state, as long as it is possible (6).
Patients under the influence of alcohol and diagnosed with head injury require computed tomography scanning that exposes potential changes in the skeletal system as well as in the brain structure. If computed tomography scanning cannot be performed, x-ray imaging should be performed immediately in three projections: anterior-posterior, lateral and Towne projection that presents the whole occipital bone (4, 6).
Alcohol may mask the clinical signs of the central nervous system damage. A patient under its influence should remain under 24-hour observation to confirm or exclude traumatic lesions in skull structure or brain, resulting from an accident or injury (6).
A significant aspect of medical aid for a patient under the influence of alcohol is blood collection to determine the blood alcohol content. There are situations where patients with head injuries present signs of consuming large amounts of alcohol despite data obtained from the examination. This discrepancy may indicate brain lesions. In many cases, neurological and neurosurgical consultation is also necessary (3).
It is commonly known that consuming large amounts of alcohol impedes the clarity of thought and situational awareness. Therefore, medical staff dealing directly with an individual under the influence of alcohol ought to encourage the patient to remain on observation or undergo further examination, using any available means. Due to alcohol intoxication, the patient may behave inadequately to his or her medical condition, be reluctant to cooperate or disagree on any health services (3, 6).

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1. World Health Organization. Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2011.
2. Wojtyła-Buciora P, Wojtyła A, Wojtyła C, Marcinkowski JT: Rozpowszechnienie konsumpcji alkoholu w opinii ucznio?w szko?ł licealnych i ich rodzico?w. Hygeia Publ Health 2012; 47(4): 498-504.
3. Różnicka-Drożak E, Misztal-Okońska E, Młynarska M: Opinia pracowniko?w szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego na temat udzielania pomocy medycznej pacjentom w stanie zatrucia alkoholem – doniesienie wste?pne. Probl Hig Epidemiol 2013; 94(3): 577-582.
4. Sienkiewicz P: Ethyl alcohol and psychoactive drugs in patients with head and trunk injuries treated at the Department of General Surgery, Provincial Hospital in Siedlce. Ann Acad Med Stetin 2011; 57(1): 96-104.
5. Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 3 listopada 2011 r. w sprawie szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego (Dz. U., nr 237, poz. 1420).
6. Rudnicka-Droz?ak E, Aftyka A: Alcohol abuse being the cause of medical emergency teams intervention. Zdr Publ 2011; 121(3): 238-241.
7. Ustawa z dnia 15 kwietnia 2011 r. o działalności leczniczej (Dz. U. 2015, poz. 618).
8. Ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 2004 r. o świadczeniach opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych (Dz. U. 2015, poz. 581).
9. Ustawa z dnia 26 października 1982 r. o wychowaniu w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałaniu alkoholizmowi (Dz. U. 2016, poz. 487).
10. Ustawa z dnia 23 kwietnia 1964 r. Kodeks cywilny (Dz. U. 2017, poz. 459).
11. Kodeks Etyki Lekarskiej.
12. Kodeks Etyki Ratownika Medycznego.
13. Tymiński R: Pacjent pod wpływem alkoholu a odmowa pozostania na SOR; prawalekarza.pl (dostęp: 13.03.2017).
14. Ustawy z dnia 5 grudnia 1996 r. o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty (Dz. U. 2015, poz. 464).
otrzymano: 2017-06-02
zaakceptowano do druku: 2017-06-29

Adres do korespondencji:
*Tomasz Kulpok-Bagiński
Wyższa Szkoła Planowania Strategicznego w Dąbrowie Górniczej
ul. Kościelna 6, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza
tel. +48 512-176-365

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 7/2017
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