*Joanna Sieczkowska-Golub, Dorota Jarzębicka, Jarosław Kierkuś
Individual dosage infliximab in a patient with severe ulcerative colitis – case study
Indywidualizacja terapii infliksimabem u pacjenta z ciężkim przebiegiem wrzodziejącego zapalenia jelita grubego – opis przypadku
Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Feeding Disorders and Pediatrics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw
Head of Department: Professor Marek Woynarowski, MD, PhD
Wrzodziejące zapalenie jelita grubego należy do chorób z grupy nieswoistych chorób zapalnych jelit. Jest to schorzenie obejmujące jelito grube, charakteryzujące się ciągłym stanem zapalnym rozpoczynającym się w odbytnicy i szerzącym się na różną wysokość jelita. Choroba może mieć różnorodny przebieg, od niewielkiej domieszki krwi w stolcu, po silne zaostrzenia, podczas których pacjent odczuwa konieczność oddawania kilkunastu-kilkudziesięciu stolców na dobę. Domieszka krwi w stolcu może prowadzić do znacznej anemizacji, wymagającej wielokrotnych przetoczeń krwi. Wprowadzenie terapii biologicznej poprawiło skuteczność terapii farmakologicznej, zmniejszając w znacznym stopniu odsetek wykonywanych kolektomii. Infliksimab jest przeciwciałem monoklonalnym skierowanym przeciwko czynnikowi martwicy nowotworów (TNF-α), który wykazał dobrą skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo u pacjentów z wrzodziejącym zapaleniem jelita grubego. Lek jest podawany dożylnie. W standardowym schemacie leczenia początkowo terapia składa się z fazy indukcyjnej, gdzie lek podawany jest w stałej dawce 5 mg/kg mc. w odstępach 0, 2, 6 tygodni. W razie dobrej odpowiedzi, terapia przechodzi w fazę podtrzymującą, podczas której lek podawany jest w odstępach co 8 tygodni. Poniższy opis przypadku ukazuje problemy terapeutyczne pacjenta z ciężką postacią wrzodziejącego zapalenia jelita grubego. Chłopiec wymagał indywidualizacji terapii infliksimabem.
Ulcerative colitis is one of inflammatory bowel diseases. Is characterized by continues inflammatory process, starting from rectum to the various stages of the colon. The disease can have a mild presentation as small amount of blood in the stool, or severe exacerbation when patient has several dozen stools. If stools are bloody, they often lead to anemia requiring blood transfusion. Introduction of biological therapy has improved the pharmacological efficacy and reduced the need of colectomy. Infliximab a chimeric monoclonal antibody biologic drug that works against tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) that has demonstrated good safety and efficacy in patients with ulcerative colitis. The drug is administered intravenously. In the standard treatment regimen, initially the therapy consists of an induction phase where the drug is administered at a constant dose of 5 mg/kg at intervals of 0, 2, 6 weeks. In the event of a good response, the therapy goes into a maintenance phase where the drug is given at intervals of 8 weeks. The following case report shows the therapeutic problems of a patient with severe form of ulcerative colitis. The boy required individualization of infliximab therapy.

Case study
Almost 17-year-old boy was admitted to hospital in his hometown due to bloody diarrhea. He complained of fatigue. Anemia was observed. Stool culture excluded infectious causes of symptoms. Endoscopy of the lower gastrointestinal tract showed left sided inflammation, highly active, which led to study discontinuation. Sigmoidoscopy gave high suspicion of ulcerative colitis (UC), what was supported by histologic examination. Diagnosis was performed after two weeks from the first symptom. Steroid therapy in dose 40 mg/d was introduced, with good response. However during prednisone dose reduction to 35 mg/d, the symptoms of bloody stools again occurred. Weight loss was observed. The patient was readmitted to hospital in his hometown, where after exclusion of any gastrointestinal infection, the steroid dose was increased to 60 mg/d. Despite the increasing steroid dose, no significant patient’s improvement was observed. After the decision of the parents, the patient was transferred to Our institution. At the time of admission to Our department, the boy complained of fatigue, numerous bloody stools, weight loss of 12 kg was noted. Anemia required blood transfusion. High inflammatory parameters were observed. After obligatory measurement (to exclude any contra-incidence to ciclosporin (CsA) therapy) as magnesium level, kidney assessment with blood pressure evaluation, intra venous CsA was adjusted with conversion to oral intake after good patient reaction. After determination of right dose by proper CsA level in the blood, the patient was discharged to home. Azathioprine (AZA) therapy has been enabled with further steroid dose reduction. Control ambulatory visit showed sustained anemia, but the patient did not complain about any gastrointestinal symptoms, he reported only 2 stools a day. Only lack of weight gain was observed. The dose of ciclosporin was adjusted to the blood level, meanwhile steroids were discontinued. 2 weeks after control visit exacerbation reoccurred. Patient was admitted to Our department. Exclusion of infectious cause was done. The patient had surgical consultation. Patient and parents refused 3 line – surgical therapy and asked for other pharmacological option. After mandatory measurements (RTG, Quantiferon assessment, viral infection exclusion (such as HBV, HCV, HIV)) infliximab (IFX) therapy was introduced. Symptoms of UC were reduced for few days after first IFX dose, nevertheless at other days severe UC signs reappeared. Patient required several blood transfusion. The second IFX dose gave relief of symptoms only for 3 weeks, thus the third IFX dose was adjusted 5 weeks from the first dose. During the third dose of IFX infusion, an allergic reaction was observed. The patient presented face redness with short of breath. The infusion was stopped for 30 minutes, and re-adjusted without any disturbing symptoms. In the following days, improvement of the patient’s condition was observed. The patient achieved clinical remission. Due to severe UC type, further IFX therapy was planned at 4-weeks intervals, with additional antihistamine premedication. The boy had infliximab level measurement before adjustment of the fourth IFX dose (4 weeks after 3rd dose). Level was in proper range – 5.2 ug/mL. The patient continued IFX therapy performed with 4-weeks interval between doses until he was 18 years old. No AE was reported, neither during IFX infusion or at time between the doses. During all maintenance IFX therapy the boy presented clinical remission.
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