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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2018, s. 68-71 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.2.68
Lukasz Szarpak1, *Michal Ladny2, Sandra Pyda3, Marcin Madziala1, Karol Bielski4, Mateusz Puslecki5, Jacek Smereka6
Comparison of two cervical collars on the intracranial pressure measured indirectly based on the thickness of the optic nerve sheath. Preliminary data
Porównanie dwóch typów kołnierzy szyjnych i ich wpływu na ciśnienie śródczaszkowe mierzone pośrednio w oparciu o grubość otoczki nerwu wzrokowego. Badanie wstępne
1Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland
2Department of Trauma-Orthopedic Surgery, Solec Hospital, Warsaw, Poland
3Emergency Medicine Student Scientific Circle at Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
4Chair of Administrative Law, Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland
5Department of Medical Rescue, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland
6Department of Emergency Medical Service, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Wstęp. Zabezpieczenie odcinka szyjnego kręgosłupa stanowi jeden z kluczowych elementów postępowania wobec pacjenta urazowego. W przypadku urazu zwiększa się objętość płynów otaczających mózgowie. Ciśnienie śródczaszkowe to ważny parametr określający ciśnienie płynu mózgowo-rdzeniowego w układzie komorowym mózgu. W przypadku masywnego obrzęku mózgu może dojść do wgłobienia mózgowia.
Cel pracy. Celem badania była ocena wpływu zastosowania dwóch różnych typów kołnierzy szyjnych na wzrost ciśnienia śródczaszkowego mierzonego pośrednio za pomocą pomiaru grubości otoczki nerwu wzrokowego.
Materiał i metody. Przeprowadzone badanie było prospektywnym, randomizowanym, krzyżowym badaniem i objęło 20 ochotników. Kołnierz szyjny był zakładany na czas 10 min, po czym oceniano grubość otoczki nerwu wzrokowego, kolejnego dnia wykonywano analogiczną procedurę w odniesieniu do drugiego typu kołnierza szyjnego. Pomiar grubości nerwu wzrokowego wykonano w oparciu o badanie ultrasonograficzne. Protokół badania został zaakceptowany przez Radę Programową Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Katastrof (zgoda: 15.02.2017.IRB).
Wyniki. Mediana grubości otoczki nerwu wzrokowego podczas badania kontrolnego wynosiła 3,6 (IQR: 3,58-3,95) mm, podczas gdy po 10-minutowym unieruchomieniu odcinka szyjnego kręgosłupa za pomocą kołnierza NECKLITE wynosiła 3,75 (IQR: 3,7-4,2) mm, zaś w przypadku stabilizacji kręgosłupa za pomocą kołnierza Patriot – 4,6 (IQR: 4,35-4,9) mm.
Wnioski. W badaniu eksperymentalnym unieruchomienie odcinka szyjnego za pomocą kołnierza NECKLITE wiązało się z nieznacznym wzrostem grubości otoczki nerwu wzrokowego, jednakże zastosowanie standardowego kołnierza Patriot wykazało się znacznym wzrostem grubości otoczki nerwu wzrokowego, co może świadczyć o wzroście ciśnienia śródczaszkowego.
Introduction. Securing the cervical spine is one of the key elements in dealing with a trauma patient. In the event of an injury, the volume of fluid surrounding the brain increases. Intracranial pressure is an important parameter determining cerebrospinal fluid pressure in the cerebral ventricular system. In the case of massive cerebral edema, cerebral infiltration may occur.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of using two different types of cervical collars on the increase in intracranial pressure measured indirectly by means of the optic nerve sheath thickness measurement.
Material and methods. The study was a prospective, randomized, cross-study and included 20 volunteers. The cervical collar was put on for a period of 10 minutes and the thickness of the optic nerve sheath was evaluated; on the following day, an analogous procedure was performed for the second type of cervical collar. The thickness of the optic nerve was measured based on ultrasound. The study protocol was accepted by the Institutional Review Board of the Polish Society of Disaster Medicine (Approval No. 15/02/2017.IRB).
Results. The median optic nerve sheath thickness during the follow-up was 3.6 (IQR: 3.58-3.95) mm, while 10 minutes after immobilizing the cervical spine using a NECKLITE collar was 3.75 (IQR: 3.7-4.2) mm, and in the case of stabilizing the spine using a Patriot collar – 4.6 (IQR: 4.35-4.9) mm.
Conclusions. In an experimental study, cervical neck immobilization with the NECKLITE collar was associated with a slight increase in the thickness of the optic nerve sheath, however, the use of a standard Patriot collar showed a significant increase in the thickness of the optic nerve sheath, which may indicate an increase in intracranial pressure.

Continuous technological progress, including the development of motorization as well as the construction of high-speed routes, increase the number of transport accidents (1, 2). In order to provide rescue services, medical emergency teams and fire departments are available in accordance with Polish legislation. All rescuers are taught to protect and stabilize the trauma patient. The basic rescue procedure in the case of firefighters includes stabilization of the cervical spine, stabilization of fractures as well as the patient himself on the orthopedic board, and the implementation of oxygen therapy. In the case of emergency medical teams, the medical staff has much greater qualifications, however the basic procedure in both cases is analogous (3, 4).
Since 2015, when Bryan Bledsoe published an article on JEMS (5), the routine uses of the cervical collar as a method of stabilizing the cervical segment in trauma patients has been questioned. Currently, more and more studies indicate that the use of a cervical collar does not affect the survival of trauma patients. In addition, the issues of the negative impact of the cervical collar, including discomfort to the patient, impeding the endotracheal intubation of the trauma patient, or pressure – and associated pain – on the mastoid processes, are raised. An additional aspect when using a cervical collar is indicated by Davies et al. (6), there may be an impairment of venous outflow from the head and subsequent increase in intracranial pressure – which is an extremely dangerous symptom in trauma patients (7-9).
The aim of the study was to assess the effect of using two different types of cervical collars on the increase in intracranial pressure measured indirectly by means of the optic nerve sheath thickness.
The study protocol was accepted by the Institutional Review Board of the Polish Society of Disaster Medicine (Approval No. 15/02/2017.IRB). Prior to the study, all participants were informed about the purpose of the study and voluntary, written, informed consent was obtained from each participant. Twenty firefighters were included in the study. Inclusion criteria composed of healthy subjects between 18 and 50 years of age who had the carotid sinus ultrasound assessed for pathological changes. Exclusions consisted of head injury in the period of six months preceding the examination, pathological changes in the cervical sinus, or refusal to participate in the study.
The study was designed as a prospective, randomized, crossover study. The study evaluated two types of cervical collars:
1. New NECKLITE moldable neck brace (FLAMOR SRL, San Pietro Mosezzo, Italy) (fig. 1).
Fig. 1. New NECKLITE moldable neck brace
2. Standard Patriot cervical extraction collar (Össur Americas, Foothill Ranch, CA, USA).

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otrzymano: 2018-03-02
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-03-26

Adres do korespondencji:
*Michał Ładny
Oddział Chirurgii Urazowo-Ortopedycznej
Szpital Solec
ul. Solec 93, 00-382 Warszawa
tel. +48 507-835-205

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2018
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