*Hady Razak Hady1, Mikolaj Czerniawski1, Magdalena Luba1, Agnieszka Swidnicka-Siergiejko2, Andrzej Baniukiewicz2, Jacek Dadan1, Jerzy Robert Ladny1, 3
Gastric fistula and its treatment after sleeve gastrectomy in patients after kidney transplantation – a case report
Laparoskopowa rękawowa resekcja żołądka u pacjentów po przeszczepie nerki – opis przypadku
1Ist Department of General and Endocrine Surgery, University Clinical Hospital in Bialystok, Poland
2Department of Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine, University Clinical Hospital in Bialystok, Poland
3Department of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Przebyta transplantacja nerek u otyłych chorych w związku z koniecznością stałego stosowania leków immunosupresyjnych znacznie zwiększa współwystępowanie zespołu metabolicznego, co z kolei istotnie wpływa na ryzyko odrzucenia przeszczepu. Czy chirurgia bariatryczna tej grupie pacjentów może pomóc?
W swojej pracy pragniemy przedstawić opis przypadku 32-letniej pacjentki po 7 latach od przeszczepu nerki z BMI 52 kg/m2 i zespołem metabolicznym. Z powodu gwałtownie narastającego ryzyka odrzucenia przeszczepu chorą zakwalifikowano do wykonania laparoskopowej rękawowej resekcji żołądka. W 6. dobie rozpoznano nieszczelność w linii staplerowania. W leczeniu przetoki zastosowano klipsy endoskopowe, a następnie w związku z brakiem szczelności w 12. dobie od zabiegu protezę przełykowo-żołądkową. Po 3 tygodniach przesunięcie protezy do dwunastnicy i niepełna niedrożność przewodu pokarmowego skutkowały jej wyjęciem. W trakcie leczenia chora wymagała kilkukrotnie dializoterapii w związku z ryzykiem ostrego uszkodzenia nerki przeszczepionej. Wygojenie przetoki uzyskaliśmy po 1,5 miesiąca od zabiegu.
Uzyskano pisemną zgodę pacjenta.
Chirurgia bariatryczna poprzez skuteczne i trwałe leczenie otyłości i zespołu metabolicznego może poprawić funkcje przeszczepionej nerki, przyczyniając się do zmniejszenia dawek leków immunosupresyjnych. Należy jednak brać pod uwagę znacznie wyższe ryzyko powikłań około- i pooperacyjnych w tej grupie chorych.
Kidney transplantation in obese patients with the necessity of continuous use of immunosuppressive drugs greatly increases the co-occurrence of metabolic syndrome, which in turn has a significant impact on the risk of transplant rejection.
A 32-year-old patient with the BMI of 52 kg/m2 and metabolic syndrome had undergone kidney transplantation 7 years earlier. Owing to the rapidly increasing risk of graft rejection, the patient was qualified for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Six days after the surgery, we diagnosed a staple-line leak. The fistula was sealed by endoscopic clips, and further, because of leak recurrence after 12 days, a gastroesophageal prosthesis was applied. After 3 weeks, we observed the prosthesis shift to the duodenum and an incomplete intestinal obstruction, which resulted in the prosthesis removal. During treatment, the patient required several dialyses due to the risk of an acute damage of the transplanted kidney. Complete fistula healing was achieved after 1.5 months of treatment.
Written consent from the subject was obtained.
Through an effective and permanent treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome, bariatric surgery may improve the function of the transplanted kidney, contributing to a reduction of immunosuppressant doses. However, it should be taken into account that a much higher risk of peri- and postoperative complications may occur in this group of patients.
Surgical treatment of obesity effectively reduces body mass, restores balance between energy demand and supply, as well as deals with obesity complications (1). Every year, approximately 350 000 bariatric procedures are performed worldwide, including 35% of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (2). Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy consists in a minimally invasive resection of 4/5 of the stomach along the lesser curvature. The procedure significantly reduces the stomach volume, which leads to limitation of food intake and faster satiety and influences neurohormonal activity. Observation indicates that an obtainable and satisfying effect of the procedure is 60% of EWL (Excess Weight Loss) during the first 2 years (3, 4).
Bariatric surgery conducted by an experienced team is one of the safest surgical procedures. Mortality connected with bariatric procedures mentioned in literature oscillates around 0.01-1% (5, 6). However, the frequency of complications reaches 10% and differs depending on the center and operation technique (5, 7, 8). The most frequent perioperative complications of sleeve gastrectomy are leakage and bleeding from the line of staples. The frequency of leakages occurrence equals 0-7.8%. Leakages observed within 2 days after the surgery depend mostly on the type of procedure, as well as staplers used. Ischemic leakages occur within 5-7 days after the surgery (9, 10). It has been proved that individual factors such as male gender, age over 50 years, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, steroid drugs intake and smoking increase the risk of fistula occurrence (11, 12). Leakages are most frequently (90%) located below the gastroesophageal junction of the Hiss angle area (13-17).
A specific group of obese patients are those after organ transplantation, including kidney. Those patients are required to apply immunosuppressive drugs and steroids, which intensify symptoms of the coexisting metabolic syndrome. Hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and atherosclerosis significantly influence the risk of transplant rejection. Is bariatric surgery helpful for those patients?
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