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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2018, s. 92-96 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.2.92
*Artur Borowicz1, Klaudiusz Nadolny1, 2, Michal Kucap1, 3, Mariusz Gasior4, Bartosz Hudzik4, 5
The role and operation of emergency medical teams in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Rola i działanie zespołów ratownictwa medycznego u pacjentów z zawałem serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST
1Voivodeship Rescue Service in Katowice, Poland
2Department of Emergency Medicine and Disasters, Medical University of Bialystok, Voivodeship Rescue Service in Katowice, Poland
3College of Strategic Planning in Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland
43rd Department of Cardiology, School of Medicine with The Division of Dentistry in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
5Department of Nutrition-Related Disease Prevention, School of Public Health in Bytom, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Choroby sercowo-naczyniowe są główną przyczyną umieralności na świecie i stanowią 17,5 miliona zgonów rocznie lub 31% wszystkich zgonów na świecie rocznie. Wśród nich na pierwsze miejsce wysuwają się choroba wieńcowa oraz zawał mięśnia sercowego.
Częstość występowania zawału serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST (STEMI) w Europie waha się od 44 do 155/100 000 osób rocznie. W Polsce szacuje się, że STEMI występuje u około 80 000 osób rocznie. Niestety opóźnienia pacjenta w zakresie kontaktu ze służbą zdrowia są bardzo duże. Wynikają one z wielu czynników. Kampanie społeczne mogą przyczynić się do skrócenia tego czasu. Istotną rolę w leczeniu pacjentów ze STEMI oraz zmniejszeniu śmiertelności odgrywa system ratownictwa medycznego – począwszy od dyspozytora medycznego, który ma kontakt jako pierwsza osoba medyczna ze świadkiem zdarzenia albo z samym pacjentem, poprzez zespół ratownictwa medycznego. Już na etapie ambulansu zespół medyczny powinien rozpocząć leczenie. Podstawowym elementem jest system teletransmisji i telekonsultacji, który umożliwia szybkie i skuteczne leczenie reperfuzyjne pacjentów z ostrym zespołem wieńcowym.
Skrócenie czasu od bólu w klatce piersiowej do udrożnienia zamkniętego naczynia wieńcowego powoduje niższy wskaźnik śmiertelności z powodu zawału mięśnia sercowego z uniesieniem odcinka ST.
Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of global mortality and constitute 30% of all deaths annually. The leading cardiovascular diseases are coronary disease and myocardial infarction.
The incidence of myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) in Europe varies between 44 and 155/100,000 individuals per year. The annual number of STEMI cases in Poland amounts to about 80,000 individuals. Unfortunately, the values of patient-related delay in contacting medical services are significantly high and result from numerous factors. Social campaigns may lead to a minimization of this delay. The system of medical rescue plays an important role in the treatment of STEMI patients and in the decrease of mortality. Starting with a medical dispatcher, who is the first member of the medical personnel to have contact with the witness of the incident or the patient, and continuing with a medical rescue team. STEMI treatment should already be initiated in an ambulance. The basic procedure in prehospital STEMI patients is the system of teletransmission and teleconsultation, which ensure a prompt diagnosis and a direct transport to the center with the earliest reperfusion therapy available.
Minimizing the time from the occurrence of chest pain to coronary artery reperfusion leads to a decreased mortality caused by ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of global mortality and constitute 17.5 mln deaths annually or 30% of all deaths worldwide per year (1). The leading cardiovascular diseases are coronary disease and myocardial infarction. Acute coronary syndromes are diagnosed in 1.5 mln patients worldwide (2), and in 140,000 patients in Poland (3). Over the past three decades in Europe, there has been a tendency towards a decreasing coronary disease-related mortality. However, over 4 mln European patients die due to cardiovascular diseases every year, which constitutes 45% of the total number of deaths in Europe (4). Coronary disease is the cause of about 20% of all deaths in Europe. The coronary disease-related mortality rate in Poland amounts to 191 deaths in 100,000 inhabitants. It is worth noticing that the rate has decreased by 39% throughout the past decade. Nevertheless, this rate remains higher than the European rate amounting to 132 deaths in 100,000 inhabitants (5). The incidence of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in Europe varies between 44 and 155/100,000 individuals annually. It has been estimated that in Poland, STEMI is diagnosed in 80,000 individuals per year (6, 7). STEMI-related mortality depends on numerous factors such as age, Killip class assigned to patients at admission, delayed treatment, the emergency medical system (EMS)-based STEMI networks, the selected therapy, diabetes, renal failure, and multi-vessel coronary artery disease. In spite of the implementation of new drugs in the antithrombotic therapy and the improvement of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) techniques, the in-hospital STEMI-related mortality varies between 4 and 12%, and amounts to 10% in the next 12 months after myocardial infarction (8, 9).
STEMI-related procedures (including both diagnosis and treatment) is initiated at the moment of first medical contact, FMC (10). European experts suggest that local strategies of reperfusion therapy should be created to maximize the effectiveness of treatment (5). Delays in the treatment of STEMI are the most easily audited indicators of the quality of care. There are two types of delays related to the treatment of STEMI (fig. 1):
Fig. 1. Delays related to the treatment of STEMI
– patient-related delays,
– system delays.
In order to minimize patient-related delays, it is recommended to raise social awareness as far as the ability to identify myocardial infarction symptoms and reporting these symptoms to rescue services are concerned. Regarding the aspects of system delays, they all indicate the quality level of medical care (11).
The system of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is crucial in dealing with STEMI patients, and is not only responsible for transport but also contributes to a prompt diagnosis of myocardial infarction, an appropriate patient triage, and implementation of preliminary treatment (12). Emergency medical units are divided into:
– specialized emergency medical teams with a minimum of three individuals qualified to perform emergency medical procedures, including a doctor and a nurse or a paramedic of the EMS system,
– basic emergency medical teams with at least two individuals qualified to perform emergency medical procedures, including a nurse or a paramedic of the EMS system – Article 36 (1) Law on State Emergency Medical Services (13).
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is the best way of STEMI treatment and leads to a decreased mortality and prevalence when contrasted with conservative therapy and thrombolytic treatment. The longer the time from the first medical contact (FMC) to the reperfusion of the artery responsible for myocardial infarction, the lower the implied outcome (14). There was a clear relationship between the delay in primary PCI and mortality in an annual observation. Every 30 minutes of delay in an invasive treatment was related to an increase of the relative annual ratio of mortality by 7.5%. The above-mentioned results have been considered in the recommendations of the European Society of Cardiology that focus on the time between the moment the patient reports to the doctor and the initiation of reperfusion therapy (15, 16).

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otrzymano: 2018-03-02
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-03-26

Adres do korespondencji:
*Artur Borowicz
Wojewódzkie Pogotowie Ratunkowe
w Katowicach
ul. Powstańców 52, 40-024 Katowice
tel.: +48 695 906 500

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 2/2018
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