Justyna Szczęch1, 2, Monika Matławska1, Maja Rutka1, *Adam Reich1, 2
Clinical presentation of erythema nodosum
Obraz kliniczny rumienia guzowatego
1Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, Wrocław Medical University
Head of Department: Professor Jacek Szepietowski, MD, PhD
2Department of Dermatology, University of Rzeszów
Head of Department: Professor Adam Reich, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Rumień guzowaty (ang. erythema nodosum – EN) manifestuje się powstawaniem bolesnych guzów zapalnych w obrębie tkanki tłuszczowej. Jest to najczęstsza postać zapalenia tkanki podskórnej. Patogeneza EN pozostaje wciąż nieznana, chociaż obecnie EN uważa się za opóźnioną reakcję nadwrażliwości na różne antygeny.
Cel pracy. Celem badania było scharakteryzowanie klinicznego obrazu EN.
Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 44 pacjentów. Dane uzyskano z historii medycznej pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu EN. Przeanalizowano dane dotyczące czasu trwania choroby, wieku rozpoczęcia EN i prawdopodobnych czynników wyzwalających. Wszystkie wyniki zostały przeanalizowane przy użyciu pakietu oprogramowania Statistica® 12.0 (Statsoft, Kraków, Polska).
Wyniki. EN częściej stwierdzano u kobiet (n = 38). Stosunek kobiet do mężczyzn wynosił 4,5:1. Prawdopodobną przyczynę EN ustalono w 70,5% wszystkich przypadków. Najczęściej występowanie typowych zapalnych guzów w przebiegu EN połączono z czynnikiem zakaźnym, zwykle z zapaleniem gardła wywołanym przez streptokoki. Prawie wszyscy pacjenci (n = 42, 95,5%) prezentowali zapalne guzy podskórne. Dodatkowo 45,5% chorych miało zmiany naciekowo-rumieniowe, a u 8 (18,2%) pacjentów obserwowano obrzęki obwodowe. 18,2% chorych zgłaszało bóle stawów. Ponad połowa pacjentów wykazała podwyższony poziom markerów zapalenia, a 25,0% miało leukocytozę.
Wnioski. EN jest jedną z najczęstszych postaci zapalenia tkanki podskórnej, jednak wiele aspektów jego patologii pozostaje bez odpowiedzi. Mimo że uważa się, że jest to choroba reaktywna, w wielu przypadkach jest diagnozowana jako idiopatyczna. Konieczne są dalsze badania dotyczące EN, aby lepiej scharakteryzować jego patomechanizm i zoptymalizować leczenie pacjentów.
Introduction. Erythema nodosum (EN) is a painful disorder of the subcutaneous layers of fat tissue. It is the most common form of panniculitis. The pathogenesis of EN still remains unknown, although nowadays EN is considered a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to different antigens.
Aim. The aim of our study was to characterize the clinical picture of EN.
Material and methods. A total of 44 patients were identified and recruited into this study. Data was collected retrospectively based on the medical charts of patients hospitalized because of EN. We have analyzed the data about duration of the disease, the age of the onset of EN and probable trigger factors. All results were analyzed using the software package Statistica® 12.0 (Statsoft, Krakow, Poland).
Results. EN was most commonly diagnosed in women (n = 38). The female to male ratio was 4.5:1. The underlying cause of EN was established in 70.5% of all cases. Most commonly the presence of typical inflammatory nodules in the course of EN was connected with a common infectious agent, most commonly to streptococcal pharyngitis. Almost all patients (n = 42, 95.5%) presented inflammatory subcutaneous nodules. Additionally, 45.5% had erythematous-infiltrative lesions and in 8 (18.2%) patients peripheral edemas were observed. 18.2% of patients reported arthralgia. More than half of the patients demonstrated raised level of inflammation markers and 25.0% had leukocytosis.
Conclusions. EN is one of the most common form of panniculitis, however, many aspects of its pathology still remains unanswered. Despite it is believed to be a reactive disease, in many cases the disease is considered idiopathic. Further studies on EN are urgently needed to better characterize its pathomechanism and to optimize the treatment of affected patients.
Erythema nodosum (EN) is the most common clinicopathologic subtype of panniculitis (1). Typically patients with EN present painful, red, nonulcerative nodules located both in the skin and the subcutaneous tissue (2). Skin lesions tend to be placed symmetrically on the lower extremities, especially on the anterior tibial surface (1). The onset of the disease is most commonly quite rapid, although the nodules are self-limiting. They involute in up to 6 weeks, leaving no scarring, only a bruise-like lesions on affected skin (2). The development of the nodules is preceded by some non-characteristic symptoms, like malaise, cough, fever, arthralgia with or without arthritis and weight loss. These manifestations may be present from one up to three weeks before the first skin lesions (1-3). The rate of EN is one to five per 100,000 persons and it may vary depending on the country. The men-to-women ratio among the adult population is 1:6 (2-4). Most commonly EN affects young women aged 20 to 40 years, although the disease may occur at any age (2). Interestingly, the sex ratio among children is 1:1 (5). The pathophysiology of EN remains largely unknown, albeit it is believed to be a reactive disease to some infections or autoimmune diseases. However, in many cases of EN the causative agent or disease is not determined and such cases are considered as idiopathic ones.
In order to better characterize patients suffering from EN we have performed a retrospective study analyzing clinical data of subjects hospitalized because of EN. We pay special attention on trigger factors, as well as localization and type of skin lesions. Moreover, we tried to characterize groups of medications used in treatment of EN flares.
The aim of our study was to characterize the clinical picture of EN.
Material and methods
A total of 44 patients, hospitalized in the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology in Wrocław were identified and recruited into this study. Data was collected retrospectively based on the medical charts of patients hospitalized because of EN. We have analyzed the data about duration of the disease, the age of the onset of EN and probable trigger factors. Moreover, we have evaluated the type and localization of skin lesions, laboratory abnormalities and medications used in treatment of EN.
All results were analyzed using the software package Statistica® 12.0 (Statsoft, Krakow, Poland). Descriptive statistics included frequencies, median, minimal and maximal values. The significance of the observed differences between groups has been determined by Mann-Whitney U test, and χ2 test with Yates correction, if necessary. A p-value lower than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
The female to male ratio was 4.5:1 (36 women and 8 men). The mean age of the patient was 43.6 ± 17.7 years (range: 17-81 years). The means age of the patients at time of diagnosis was 43 ± 17.4 years old and the mean duration of EN was 0.6 ± 1.7 years.
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