Agata Kaźmierczak1, 2, *Dominika Wcisło-Dziadecka1, Beniamin Grabarek2, Krzysztof Jasik1
Coach in a cosmetology and aesthetic medicine salon
Coach w gabinecie kosmetologii i medycyny estetycznej
1Department of Skin Structural Studies, Chair of Cosmetology, School of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Medicine in Sosnowiec, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Head of Department: Krzysztof Jasik, assistant professor
2Chair and Department of Molecular Biology, School of Pharmacy with Division of Laboratory Medicine in Sosnowiec, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice
Head of Chair and Department: Professor Urszula Mazurek, PhD
Wstęp. Coach medyczny to osoba, której zadaniem jest pomaganie w odkrywaniu, zrozumieniu i osiąganiu celów życiowych pacjenta. Ma im pomagać w zarządzaniu swoim zdrowiem. Ponadto, coach ma być wsparciem dla lekarzy i innych pracowników służby zdrowia. Zawód coacha jest bardzo popularny w Europie Zachodniej; rozwija się również w Polsce. W ostatnim czasie bardzo popularna stała się aktywność coachów w gabinetach zajmujących się profesjonalną pielęgnacją ciała.
Cel pracy. Celem przeprowadzonego badania było poznanie opinii kosmetologów na temat ich przypuszczalnej współpracy z coachem medycznym w gabinetach kosmetologii i medycyny estetycznej.
Materiał i metody. Narzędzie badawcze stanowiła autorska ankieta składająca się z 13 pytań bezpośrednio dotyczących coachingu medycznego oraz kompetencji coacha. Grupę eksperymentalną stanowiło 36 kosmetologów czynnie pracujących w gabinetach kosmetologii na terenie województwa śląskiego.
Wyniki. Zdaniem większości kosmetologów wizerunek odgrywa dużą rolę w życiu człowieka, a efekty zabiegów kosmetologicznych zależą również od odpowiedniego przygotowania. Pojęcie „coaching medyczny” jest dla nich znane, jednak nie posiadają wiedzy dotyczącej kompetencji coacha medycznego. W związku z tym dla większości współpraca z coachem jest niezasadna.
Wnioski. Coach medyczny jest specjalistą świadczącym usługi w zakresie dziedzin medycznych zarówno dla pacjentów, jak i dla pracowników. Wiedza kosmetologów na temat kompetencji coacha jest znikoma; wynikać to może z niskiej popularności tego zawodu w naszym kraju.
Introduction. A medical coach is a person whose task is to provide assistance in discovering, understanding and achieving patients’ life goals. The coach is to help them in health management. Moreover, a coach should support doctors and other health care professionals. The coach profession is very popular in Western Europe; it has been also developed in Poland. Recently, coaches have become very active in salons dealing with the professional body care.
Aim. The objective of the conducted study was to get opinions of cosmetologists concerning their possible cooperation with a medical coach in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine salons.
Material and methods. The research tool involved an original questionnaire, consisting of 13 questions directly relating to a medical coach and their competences. The experimental group was composed of 36 cosmetologists actively working in cosmetology salons in the Silesian Province.
Results. In the opinion of the majority of cosmetologists, appearance plays a crucial part in human life and effects of cosmetologic operations also depend on proper preparation. They are familiarised with the notion of a medical coach, but they do not know much about the competences this profession involves. Consequently, many of them think that cooperation with a coach is unnecessary.
Conclusions. A medical coach is a person rendering services in the scope of medicine, either for patients and professionals. Cosmetologists’ knowledge about competences of a medical coach is scarce. It may result from the low popularity of the profession in our country.

Coaching is a notion relatively new in our country; its history has not been accurately documented. Its origins may be found back in 1960s, when an informal psychological assistant was called like that, as well as the post of a consultant in a company. Coaching was compared to an intervention psychology. However, with time, coaching became something different, the ‘psychologist’ position was replaced by a ‘coach’ (1).
Literature shows that the foundations for coaching development were laid by sport. Coaching forerunners in management originated from sports environment. At the same time, psychological skills were employed in business.
It is worth underlining that literature on the subject, dating back to 1980s, discerns coaching specialisation in two categories: personal and business (2). Personal coaching involves such aspects of life, as health or personal development, that is why there are two types of coaching: health coaching, personal coaching. Along with cultural development, coaches face new challenges, becoming the scope of their activity. For instance, they involve support for customers/patients in their striving to achieve the assumed goals and following them (3).
At present, coaching has become a popular method for personal development. It is a very young discipline, thus there are many various definitions of the term, no one explicit concept has been assumed.
Coaching means work with individual customers/patients, as well as group or team work. Accordingly, the notions of team coaching and a group coaching were adopted (4).
At present, coaching is a process of providing support for customers/patients in their development, the basis being a dialogue. It is a process based on regularly held meetings. Through competently asked questions, customers/patients discover consciously their potential. In this way, a supported person may realise his or her goals more effectively and create his or her own development plan (4, 5).
The main principle of coaching is to follow a customer/patient. One must not forget about individual approach towards each interviewed person. The relationship to be established should become a partnership, based on trust and understanding (5, 6).
Depending on the area a given goal chosen by a customer/patient originates, we can mention different types of coaching, for example a life-coaching, a career coaching, a sports coaching and more and more popular health coaching or a diet coaching.
Medical coaching is intended for all medical professionals, who provide assistance to others in their everyday work. Doctors, nurses, masseurs, midwives etc. may refer to a medical coach. These professions are burdened with certain load (among others, with a high level of stress). These employees are under great pressure, because they must take care of patients’ well-being, thus being exposed to the professional burnout syndrome, to a greater degree. Moreover, patients facing many problems also make use of the services rendered by a medical coach. It is frequently because they fight a serious disease or have got aesthetic problems. A medical coach provides assistance in such and similar situations (7-9).
The objective of the conducted study was to get opinions of cosmetologists concerning their possible cooperation with a medical coach in cosmetology and aesthetic medicine salons.
The experimental group was composed of 36 cosmetologists – women – actively working in cosmetology salons in the Silesian Province. They were employees of medical units professionally dealing with care, cosmetic work and treatment of patients body, also those cooperating with an aesthetic medicine doctor. Ladies were asked to complete an original questionnaire form consisting of 13 questions. The majority of them were closed questions, with one answer to be selected, 2 were semi-open questions. Next, the data were collected and processed with the use of Microsoft Office Excel 2003.
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1. Wujec B: Geneza i definicje coaching. Coaching Review 2012; 1(4): 4-28.
2. Kamoa-Kokesch S, Anderson MZ: Executive coaching. A comprehensive review of the literature. Consulting Psychology Journal 2001; 51(3): 205-228.
3. Rosinski P, Abbott GN: Coaching from cultural perspective. [In:] Stober DR, Grant AM (eds.): Evidence Based Coaching Handbook. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey 2006: 255-276.
4. Rogers J: Coaching. GWP, Gdańsk 2015: 12-18, 39-45.
5. Jurczak-Dziełak A, Kwiecińska M: Podręcznik Akademii Coachingu Biznesowego. Akademia Coachingu Biznesowego ACC, Białystok-Olsztyn 2016: 11-18, 23-26.
6. Świat Dobrej Przyszłości. Prowadzenie rozmów metodą coachingu. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Kapitał Ludzki; (data dostępu: 20.08.2017).
7. Strona internetowa wykwalifikowanego coacha medycznego; (data dostępu: 20.08.2017).
8. Wilson G, Larkin V, Redfern N et al.: Exploring the relationship between mentoring and doctors’ health and wellbeing: a narrative review. J R Soc Med 2017; 110(5): 188-197.
9. Coach medyczny – nowy zawód z przyszłością?,227719_1_0_0.html (data dostępu: 20.08.2017).
10. Ślęcak-Gładzik I: Zawód coach. Kształcenie coachów w Polsce. Humanities and Social Sciences 2015; 4: 183-197.