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Artykuły w Czytelni Medycznej o SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

Poniżej zamieściliśmy fragment artykułu. Informacja nt. dostępu do pełnej treści artykułu
© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2018, s. 244-247 | DOI: 10.25121/PNM.2018.31.5.244
Paulina Buca1, Kamil Krzyzanowski2, Przemyslaw Zuratynski2, Pawel Jastrzebski3, Adam Gorgol4, Klaudiusz Nadolny5, 6, *Daniel Slezak2
Cardiac arrest – factors affecting the effectiveness of resuscitation
Zatrzymanie krążenia – czynniki wpływające na skuteczność resuscytacji
1Paramedic, PhD Student, Faculty of Health Sciences with Subfaculty of Nursing and Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
2Paramedic, Faculty of Health Sciences with Subfaculty of Nursing and Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland
3Paramedic, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
4Department of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
5Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
6University of Strategic Planning in Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland
Wstęp. Według statystyk Europejskiej Rady Resuscytacji 700 000 zgonów rocznie jest spowodowanych nagłym zatrzymaniem krążenia. Wczesne wdrożenie działań resuscytacyjnych znacząco zwiększa szanse na powrót spontanicznego krążenia. Leczenie zatrzymania krążenia oznacza prowadzenie wysokiej jakości podstawowych zabiegów resuscytacyjnych, defibrylacji, zabezpieczenia drożności dróg oddechowych, dostępu żylnego, farmakoterapii i wykluczenia odwracalnych przyczyn nagłego zatrzymania krążenia. Każdy etap leczenia wymaga stałego monitorowania elementów wpływających na efektywność działań.
Cel pracy. Celem badań była analiza czynników wpływających na powrót spontanicznego krążenia podczas zatrzymania krążenia oraz identyfikacja najczęstszych błędów popełnianych przez członków zespołów ratownictwa medycznego.
Materiał i metody. W badaniu wykorzystano zaawansowane manekiny, które umożliwiły uczestnikom prawidłową obserwację, analizę procedur i sprzętu, które spełniły oczekiwania. Standaryzowane scenariusze zapewniły obserwację ratowników w warunkach powtarzalnych i podobnych, a uzyskane dane archiwizowano w przygotowanych formularzach oceny.
Wyniki. Najczęstsze błędy to brak odpowiedniej dbałości o jakość wentylacji i kompresji klatki piersiowej.
Wnioski. Należy wspomnieć, że zaawansowanym technikom muszą towarzyszyć podstawowe działania resuscytacyjne. Leki, defibrylacja i sama intubacja nie poprawią stanu pacjenta, gdy nie ma skutecznej wentylacji i nie ma masażu serca.
Introduction. According to the statistics by the European Resuscitation Council, 700 000 deaths per year are caused by a lack of treatment in sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Early initiated resuscitation activities significantly increase the chances of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). SCA treatment means a high-quality Basic Life Support (BLS), defibrillation, securing airway patency, venous access, pharmacotherapy, and an exclusion of reversible SCA causes. Every stage of treatment requires a constant monitoring of the elements affecting the effectiveness of actions.
Aim. The objectives of the research were an analysis of factors affecting ROSC chances during advanced life support and an identification of the most frequent mistakes made by the members of the emergency medical teams (EMT) in SCA cases.
Material and methods. The study involved advanced manikins which enabled participants a proper observation and analysis of the procedures and equipment that met the expectations of EMT equipment. Standardized scenarios ensured the observation of paramedics in repeatable and similar conditions, and the obtained data was archived in the prepared evaluation forms.
Results. The most frequent mistakes include a lack of adequate care of the quality of ventilation and chest compression.
Conclusions. It needs to be mentioned that advanced techniques must be accompanied by the fundamental BLS activities. Drugs, defibrillation, and intubation alone are not going to improve a patient’s condition when there is no effective ventilation and no heart massage.

The most frequent cause of SCA in adults is the coronary artery disease and its complications (85%) (1, 2). The first analysis of the rhythm in most injured indicates ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) (76%) (3). In both cases, the diagnosis should lead to a decision to initiate an immediate defibrillation and, subsequently, a prompt chest compression and ventilation (4). If defibrillation is performed within the first minute following the SCA diagnosis, there are up to 75% chances of an effective resuscitation (1). Every minute of delay in the procedure increases the probability of conversion of ventricular fibrillation into asystole, which decreases the chances of ROSC (1). In the case of shockable rhythms, pharmacotherapy is applied in further stages of the treatment procedure, i.e. after the third ineffective discharge (5). Asystole and pulseless electrical activity (PEA) are ruled by a different procedure which recommends a high-quality BLS and the application of adrenaline, and does not recommend defibrillation (6). It needs to be remembered that, instead of pharmacotherapy, venous access, and intubation, it is a high-quality BLS that is the crucial element of any resuscitation case (7). A proper flow of blood through the most significant organs, especially the brain, is conditioned only by a proper chest compression. According to the current ERC and AHA (American Heart Association) guidelines, chest compression in adults should be performed with the frequency of 100-120/min, the depth of 5-6 cm (7), and pauses in compression not longer than 10 s (1). Due to a rapidly increasing tiredness of the rescuer and a decreased effectiveness of action, it is recommended to change the person performing massage every 2 min (8). After 5 min of SCA, irreversible changes occur in the brain (9, 10), and therefore it is extremely important to initiate an effective ventilation. A breathing mixture enriched with oxygen should be applied in a frequency of 10-12/min using 6-7 ml/kg of the optimal body weight (11).
There are numerous factors affecting the effectiveness of resuscitation. There is a limited time to prevent an irreversible loss of brain cells, and therefore, the condition of the injured should be assessed as soon as possible, the quality of the implemented procedures should be monitored and based on the up-to-date knowledge of advanced life support (ALS).
1. An analysis of factors affecting ROSC chances in advanced life support (ALS) in adults.
2. An identification of the most frequent mistakes in the treatment of SCA patients.
Material and methods
The research was conducted in groups of professionally active paramedics (40 teams) and based on standardized ALS-oriented scenarios. In a random selection, each team was expected to select one scenario representing the shockable rhythms and one scenario related to asystole or PEA. The paramedics were not informed about the aim of the selection. They were equipped according to the standards of a basic emergency medical team. All teams had time to verify the equipment and, if needed, reorganize their bags. There were three defibrillator models available for the purpose of selection. All teams performed their actions on identical manikins, with an identical system evaluating chest compression, ventilation, and time, using identical assessment forms in equal light, space and temperature conditions. The participants of the research were advised to proceed according to their everyday professional tasks. No types of behavior were suggested. Based on the analysis of the assessment forms and computer evaluation of BLS, the most frequent mistakes and the actions performed properly were identified.
Examples of scenarios used during the research are presented below:
Scenario 1
Information for the team: The case concerns an unconscious woman aged 65 and is reported by her family. The medical history includes diabetes and hypertension. Before the arrival of the team, the woman was found by the family in the toilet. She was in sweat, mumbling and not able to communicate verbally.
Information for the leader: Unconscious, A – patent, B – 0, C – 0. The first analysis of the rhythm indicates PEA with a frequency of 40/min remaining stable throughout the action. Glucose 12 mg/dl.
Scenario 2

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otrzymano: 2018-09-03
zaakceptowano do druku: 2018-10-10

Adres do korespondencji:
*Daniel Slezak
Faculty of Health Sciences with Subfaculty of Nursing and Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine Medical University of Gdansk
17 Smoluchowskiego Str., 80-214 Gdansk, Poland
Phone: +48 (58) 3493780
E-mail: ratownictwo@gumed.edu.pl

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2018
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