Hady Razak Hady1, *Piotr Golaszewski1, Paulina Wozniewska1, Maria Soldatow2, Jacek Lapinski2, Mikolaj Czerniawski1, Inna Diemieszczyk1, Lukasz Szarpak3, Jacek Dadan1, Jerzy Robert Ladny1, 4
Surgical treatment of incisional hernia – own material
Postępowanie chirurgiczne w leczeniu przepuklin pooperacyjnych – materiał własny
1Ist Department of General and Endocrine Surgery, University Clinical Hospital in Bialystok, Poland
2Surgery Department, Independent Public Health Care Center, Lapy, Poland
3Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland
4Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Wstęp. Przepukliny pooperacyjne stanowią częste odległe powikłanie zabiegów przeprowadzanych w obrębie jamy brzusznej. Powstanie przepukliny zależy od czynników związanych ze stanem ogólnym pacjenta oraz techniką przeprowadzania zabiegu. Jedyną formą leczenia przepuklin pooperacyjnych jest zabieg naprawczy.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było przedstawienie i analiza doświadczeń własnych w leczeniu przepuklin pooperacyjnych. Operacje przeprowadzono w I Klinice Chirurgii Ogólnej i Endokrynologicznej w Białymstoku oraz na Oddziale Chirurgii Ogólnej Samodzielnego Publicznego Zakładu Opieki Zdrowotnej w Łapach.
Materiał i metody. Do badania zakwalifikowano 146 chorych: 65 kobiet i 81 mężczyzn. Średnia wieku chorych wynosiła 61,5 roku. Warunkiem włączenia do badania była obecność przepukliny pooperacyjnej. Analizie poddano następujące czynniki: rodzaj pierwotnej operacji, przyczyny powstania przepukliny, objawy kliniczne, choroby towarzyszące oraz zastosowany zabieg naprawczy.
Wyniki. Wśród kobiet objętych badaniem najczęstszym pierwotnym zabiegiem było cięcie cesarskie, a wśród mężczyzn appendektomia. Większość pacjentów jako główną dolegliwość podawała wystający worek przepuklinowy oraz ból okolicy przepukliny pojawiający się podczas wysiłku. Do najczęstszych chorób współistniejących należały schorzenia układu oddechowego oraz choroby nowotworowe. Chorzy zostali poddani zabiegowi naprawczemu zarówno sposobem klasycznym, jak i laparoskopowym.
Wnioski. W patogenezie powikłań pooperacyjnych oprócz techniki chirurgicznej istotną rolę odgrywają stan kliniczny chorego oraz choroby współistniejące. Zabiegi małoinwazyjne stanowią ważny i korzystny dla chorego sposób leczenia przepuklin pachwinowych. Zapewniają mniejszą częstość infekcji miejscowych, lepsze gojenie ran pooperacyjnych oraz szybszy powrót do aktywności fizycznej oraz zawodowej.
Introduction. Postoperative hernias are frequent long-term complication of surgical procedures carried out within the abdominal cavity. Hernia occurrence depends on patient general condition and surgical technique. The only one type of incisional hernia treatment is surgery.
Aim. The aim of the study was to present and analysis personal experiences in the treatment of postoperative hernias. Operations were carried out in Ist Department of General and Endocrine Surgery, University Hospital in Bialystok and the Surgery Department at the Independent Public Health Care Center in Lapy.
Material and methods. 146 patients were included to the research, 61 women and 81 men. The mean age of examined patients was 61.5 years. Factors taken into consideration were: primary operation, the causes of the hernia, clinical symptoms, comorbidities and corrective operation.
Results. Cesarean section was the most common primary intervention in group of women, appendectomy was dominant in the group of men. The majority of patients as the main complaint gave the protruding hernia sac and the pain of the hernia area appearing during exercise. The most common comorbidities were respiratory and neoplastic diseases. Patients underwent remedial treatment both in the classic and laparoscopic way.
Conclusions. In the pathogenesis of postoperative complications, apart from surgical technique, patient general condition and coexisting diseases also play an important role. Minimally invasive procedures are an important and beneficial way of treating inguinal hernia. They provide lower incidence of local infections, better healing of post-operative wounds, faster return to daily and professional activity.
Incisional hernias are classified as long-term complications of abdominal surgeries. Their incidence ranges from 9 to 20% (1, 2). Incisional hernias are most often located in place of the scar after a median laparotomy. Main causes of this complication are improper postoperative wound healing and states associated with elevated intra-abdominal pressure. Ventral hernias are usually asymptomatic. Patients often complain about sac protrusion (which grows with increased intra-abdominal pressure), discomfort as well as esthetic problems (3). Clinical image change in the moment of complications appearance. Hernia incarceration is manifested by severe abdominal pain, followed by symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction. Surgery is the only way to repair the defect. Conservative treatment is ineffective. In some cases, hernia complications can develop and they need urgent surgery (4).
The aim of the study was to present personal experiences in the treatment of postoperative hernia. Operations were carried out in Ist Department of General and Endocrine Surgery, University Hospital in Bialystok and the Surgery Department at the Independent Public Health Care Center in Lapy.
Material and methods
Patient operated due to incisional hernias between 2012 and 2017 were included in the research. 85% of the patients underwent primary operation in the regional surgery departments of the Podlasie Province. Patient were operated because of emergency and elective reasons. The main condition of inclusion to the study were patients with incisional hernia. Endpoint of the research was hernioplasty.
Retrospective analysis of collected data has been conducted. Factors taken into consideration were: age, gender, clinical symptoms, the factor initiating the development of the disease, comorbidities, primary operation, type of the hernioplasty. Simple statistical methods have been used for analysis.
A total of 146 patients underwent incisional hernia repair. The study population consisted of 65 women and 81 men. The youngest patient was 45 years old, the oldest was 82 years old. The mean age of examined patients was 61.5 years, 63.5 for women and 59.5 for men.
The most common patient complaints, of both women and men were protruding hernia sac (women: n51, 78.5%; men: n64, 79%), and exertional pain (women: n39, 60%, men: n50, 61.7%) (fig. 1, 2). Patients were less likely to complain about gastrointestinal track incarceration symptoms (women: n9, 13.8%, men: n7, 8.6%). The remaining symptoms included: resting discomfort, exertional discomfort, resting pain, recurrent partial gastrointestinal tract obstruction (tab. 1).
Fig. 1. Incisional hernia after right-sided hemicolectomy
Fig. 2. Incisional hernia after sleeve gastrectomy
Tab. 1. Incisional hernia – clinical characteristics
| Women (w) n = 65 | Men (m) n = 81 | General n = 146 |
n | % | n | % | n | % |
Resting discomfort | 21 | 32.3 | 30 | 37 | 51 | 35 |
Exertional discomfort | 29 | 44.6 | 21 | 26 | 50 | 34.3 |
Resting pain | 11 | 17 | 19 | 23.5 | 30 | 20.5 |
Exertional pain | 39 | 60 | 50 | 61.7 | 89 | 61 |
Protruding hernia sac | 51 | 78.5 | 64 | 79 | 115 | 78.8 |
Recurrent partial gastrointestinal tract obstruction | 12 | 12.3 | 16 | 19.7 | 28 | 19 |
Gastrointestinal tract incarceration | 9 | 13.8 | 7 | 8.6 | 16 | 11 |
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