© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 4/2014, s. 279-282
*Julia Rudnicka1, Joanna Zawitkowska2, Jerzy R. Kowalczyk2, Stanisław Skomra3
Mnogość powikłań a powodzenie terapii przeciwnowotworowej u 16-letniej dziewczynki z ostrą białaczką o mieszanym fenotypie
Multiple complications and the effect of chemotherapy in a 16-year-old girl with mixed phenotype acute leukemia
1Medical Students’ Research Association, Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Transplantology, Medical University, Lublin
Head of Department: prof. Jerzy R. Kowalczyk, MD, PhD
2Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Transplantology, Medical University, Lublin
Head of Department: prof. Jerzy R. Kowalczyk, MD, PhD
3Department of Pediatrics and Gastroenterology, Medical University, Lublin
Head of Department: Elżbieta Pac-Kożuchowska, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Ostra białaczka o mieszanym fenotypie to rzadka postać ostrej białaczki, w której rozrostowi nowotworowemu ulegają dwie linie komórkowe – limfo- i mieloidalna. Taka postać choroby wiąże się ze złym rokowaniem i wymaga stosowania agresywnej chemioterapii.
Cel pracy. Analiza wpływu zdarzeń niepożądanych na efekt terapii przeciwnowotworowej.
Opis przypadku. U szesnastoletniej, dotychczas zdrowej dziewczynki na podstawie objawów klinicznych, badań laboratoryjnych i analizy szpiku kostnego zdiagnozowano ostrą białaczkę limfoblastyczną linii pre-B i mieloidalną. Zdecydowano wdrożyć chemioterapię według schematu jak dla ostrej białaczki limfoblastycznej wysokiego ryzyka (ALL-IC 2009). W czasie pierwszego protokołu leczenia u dziewczynki pojawiły się cukrzyca i postępująca niewydolność wątroby.
W kolejnych etapach terapii doszło do wystąpienia martwiczego zapalenia błony śluzowej jamy ustnej, półpaśca oraz głębokich aplazji szpiku. Chemioterapię przerwano w 8. dobie protokołu II ze względu na ciężką postać rzekomobłoniastego zapalenia jelit. Obecnie badanie szpiku wykazało narastający poziom choroby resztkowej linii mieloidalnej. Rozpoczęto leczenie podtrzymujące remisję zgodnie z protokołem dla AML (ang. acute mieloblastic leukemia).
Wnioski. Ten przypadek jest przykładem trudności terapeutycznych z powodu licznych powikłań. Ciężkie objawy uboczne przedłużają hospitalizację, wpływają na wyniki leczenia oraz stan psychiczny dzieci.
Introduction. Mixed-phenotype acute leukemia is a rare variant of the malignant process of the bone marrow, which forms in terms of incidence of 2-5% of all cases of leukemia. Finding multiple lines of blasts in the bone marrow is associated with a worse prognosis. The problem is the choice of the appropriate chemotherapy.
Aim. The study presents a case of a child with mixed phenotype acute leukemia and many complications, which affected the course and modification of therapy.
Case report. A 16-year-old, otherwise healthy girl was diagnosed with mixed-phenotype acute leukemia. The diagnosis was based on clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and analysis of bone marrow. Consequently, ALL protocol (ALL-IC 2009) was chosen for treatment. During the first protocol of treatment the patient suffered from diabetes and progressive liver failure. After the second phase of treatment the patient complained of oral mucositis, zoster and aplastic anaemia. The severe pseudomembranous enterocolitis was occurred during the protocol II. Due to this complication, chemotherapy was discontinued. The results of mielogram showed the presence of cell population phenotype similar to the phenotype of myeloid blasts and lack of B lymphocyte precursor cells phenotypes. It was decided to start maintenance therapy according to AML protocol.
Conclusions. This case is an example of a difficult therapy, in which multiple complications interfere with chemotherapy. Severe side effects lead to interruptions in treatment, prolonged hospitalization, affect the outcome and the psyche of children, so it is very important to prevent side effects, if it is possible.

Mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) is a rare variant of hematologic malignancies and the incidence is 2-5% of all cases of leukemia. Presence of multiple lines of blasts in the bone marrow is associated with a worse prognosis. The problem is the choice of the appropriate chemotherapy. Currently, protocol treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia is recommended (1) (fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Treatment scheme as per protocol ALL-IC 2009.
The study presents a case of a child with mixed phenotype acute leukemia and side effects of chemotherapy, which caused the modification of treatment.
Sixteen, previously healthy girl were examined by a general practitioner in January 2012 due to fever, weakness, an enlarged cervical lymph nodes and rashes on the skin of the abdominal area for two days. The blood test was performed and pancytopenia was found (tab. 1) and the girl was admitted to the Department of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation in Lublin.
Table 1. Results of first complete blood counts.
WBC | 2.20 x 103/μl |
RBC | 2.49 x 106/μl |
HGB | 8.6 g/dl |
HCT | 24.2% |
PLT | 49 x 103/μl |
Abnormalities in peripheral blood resulted in bone marrow examination which showed the presence of 72.8% blast cells. Immunophenotype revealed 14.6% of pre-B lymphoid lineage and 34.8% of myeloid lineage. Chromosomal abnormalities in cytogenetic analysis, as well as BCR/ABL and MLL rearrangements were not found (FISH method). The patient was diagnosed as having mixed phenotype acute leukemia and chemotherapy according to the protocol ALL-IC BFM 2009 was started. Due to the age, difficult therapeutically leukemia phenotype and poor response to treatment in protocol I (on day 15 bone marrow blasts: 10.8%), the patient was qualified at high risk group (HR).
During treatment, many complications were observed (tab. 2). On day 15 of steroids therapy, diabetes (glucose – 171 mg/dl) was diagnosed and insulin was applied. On day 27 of chemotherapy, icterus was observed during physical examination. Liver functions were marked and an increase of transaminases and bilirubin (total bilirubin – 7.36 mg/dl; ALT – 1258 U/I; AST – 575 U/I; GGT – 636 U/L) were found. During the ultrasound hepatomegaly with steatosis symptoms were observed. Progressive liver failure was the cause of a three-day break in the administration of chemotherapy and new hepatoprotective treatment. This complication delay a planned course of chemotherapy for 2 weeks.
Table 2. Complications at consequtive stage of treatment.
COMPLICATIONS | – steroid diabetes – progressive liver failure | – oral mucositis – marrow aplasia | marrow aplasia | marrow aplasia | – diabetes – marrow aplasia | – zoster – marrow aplasia | marrow aplasia | pseudo- membranous colitis |
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