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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2016, s. 292-297 | DOI: 10.5604/08606196.1202372
*Dorota Cianciara1, Wojciech S. Zgliczyński2, Sylwia Piętka1, Tomasz Bereza3
Compulsory public health courses for physicians – assessment of courses by attendees in the School of Public Health in Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education
Obowiązkowe kursy specjalizacyjne w dziedzinie zdrowia publicznego dla lekarzy w ocenie słuchaczy Szkoły Zdrowia Publicznego CMKP
1Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion, School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw
Head of Department: Dorota Cianciara, PhD, Associate Professor
2Department of Healthcare Organizations and Medical Jurisprudence, School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw
Head of Department: Jarosław Pinkas, MD, PhD
3Analysis, Clinical Studies and Teaching Team, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw
Head of Department: prof. Ryszard Gellert, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Szkolenie lekarzy w zakresie zdrowia publicznego ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla systemu zdrowia. W związku z tym poszczególne elementy tego szkolenia, w tym kursy, powinny być na bieżąco monitorowane, w czym przydatne są opinie lekarzy – uczestników tego szkolenia.
Cel pracy. Celem badania było poznanie opinii słuchaczy Szkoły Zdrowia Publicznego CMKP na temat obowiązkowych kursów specjalizacyjnych w dziedzinie zdrowia publicznego dla wszystkich lekarzy oraz obowiązkowych kursów w ramach specjalizacji zdrowie publiczne.
Materiał i metody. Materiał do analizy stanowiło 3809 ankiet wypełnionych przez lekarzy uczestniczących w 214 kursach odbywających się w latach 2010-2015.
Wyniki. Kursy w zakresie zdrowia publicznego oraz kursy w ramach specjalizacji w dziedzinie zdrowia publicznego były oceniane jako przydatne w praktyce zawodowej lekarza. Wykładowcy najwyższe oceny uzyskali za zaangażowanie, przygotowanie i punktualność.
Wnioski. Wyniki wskazują na trafność przyjętej formy organizacyjnej i dobry dobór wykładowców. Badanie oceny kursów przez uczestników jest ważnym narzędziem poprawy jakości procesu dydaktycznego.
Introduction. Training of doctors in public health is essential for the healthcare system. Therefore, the individual components of the training, including courses, should be continuously monitored, for which useful are the opinions of doctors – participants of this training.
Aim. The aim of this study was to collect the opinions of attendees of the School of Public Health in the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education (CMKP) in Warsaw on compulsory public health courses for all physicians as well as courses provided within specialization in public health.
Material and methods. Material for analysis constituted 3809 questionnaires filled up by physicians participating in 214 courses held in years 2010-2015.
Results. Courses in the field of public health and courses provided within specialization in public health were assessed as useful in the practice of doctors. Lecturers gained highest ratings for the commitment, preparation and punctuality.
Conclusions. The results indicate the accuracy of the adopted organizational form and a good selection of lecturers. The assessment of courses by participants is an important tool for improving the quality of the educational process.

In Poland, doctors and dentists going to obtain any medical specialty, medical and dental (except for the specialization of public health), are obliged to hold the so-called unified specialty course in the field of public health, with a final colloquium. These courses are in the process of accreditation and are run by various centers, including the School of Public Health in Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education (SZP CMKP).
Previously (until 31.03.2014) the course included: a) health promotion, b) medical law, c) bioethics, d) organization and economics of health system, and e) medical certification (1) – a total of 21 subjects (2). The course lasted 60 hours of teaching, along with a seminar and a colloquium, which meant the possibility of allocating approx. 120 minutes to discussing one group of topics.
Currently (since 1.10.2014), doctors acquiring specialization are required to hold separate uniform courses in public health and medical law with final colloquiums (3). The current course in public health includes: a) medical certification, b) promotion and prevention, c) epidemiology, d) bioethics and e) the organization and economics of health system. The course consists of two parts, i.e. public health (40 hours) and medical certification (24 hours). The part on public health includes 28 issues (4), which means that each of them can take up to approx. 85 minutes.
What is more, the courses at the School of Public Health in the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education are provided in the specialty program in the field of public health. Under the old system (up to 31.03.2014) doctors could train in 40 basic specialties (including public health) and 28 detailed ones, and dentists in 9 basic ones (including public health). In the new system, public health is one of the 77 medical specialties and 9 medical-dental ones. Gaining expertise in the field of public health lasts four years and requires, among others, graduation from courses – previously 10, and now 22.
Acquiring each specialization by doctors and dentists is a kind of postgraduate education. All courses included in the programs of each specialty are assessed by the participants using a standard survey used in the evaluation of courses at the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education .
The aim of the study was to know the opinion of the attendees of the School of Public Health, the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education on: (a) a uniform course in public health addressed to all doctors and dentists, regardless of the acquired expertise (hereinafter referred to as KJ) and (b) the courses included in the specialty program in public health addressed to doctors and dentists enrolled for this specialty (hereinafter referred to as KS) and to compare the perception of these courses.
The study included physicians and dentists who participated in courses conducted at the School of Public Health, the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education in Warsaw. The material for the study included course evaluation surveys: 1325 surveys completed by doctors specializing in various medical fields, taking part in 62 KJ courses conducted in 2011-2015, and 2484 surveys completed by doctors specializing in public health participating in 152 KS courses carried out in 2010-2015. In the case of courses consisting of several parts, evaluation surveys were collected after each of them. The survey was anonymous and participation was voluntary.
We studied the perception of courses, i.e. evaluation of courses and evaluation of teachers. Rating courses (0-6 points on a scale, where 0 meant the evaluation of the minimum and maximum 6) took the domain organization of lectures in the course, the usefulness of lectures in raising the qualifications of a specialist, and medical practice (professional). Rating lecturers (scale 0-6 points) took over: the degree of preparation, presentation, use teaching aids, commitment, merit presentation and punctuality. The listeners evaluated each teacher individually, and the grade averaged. The analysis was quantitative in nature. The following hypothesis was set up: KSS courses are better seen from the courses KJ.
Uniform specialty course in the field of public health (KJ)
The highest score obtained the organization of courses (average of the years 2011-2015 amounted to 4.77), slightly lower usefulness of the course to professional practice (4.19). Draws attention to the lower average value of judgment in relation to the usefulness of the course in raising the qualifications of a specialist (3.90). There were no major changes in the perception of courses in different years (tab. 1).
Tab. 1. Average evaluation of KJ courses in 2011-2015
YearNumber of coursesNumber of surveysOrganization of lecturesRaising specialist qualificationsMedical practice (professional)Overall evaluation of the course (the average of all evaluations)
In each category, the average assessment of lecturers from the years 2011-2015 exceeded 5 (tab. 2). Top marks lecturers obtained for punctuality (average 5.47), and for the preparation of (5.32), commitment (5.30), presentation (5.12) and merit classes (5.11).
Tab. 2. Average evaluation of KJ courses’ lecturers in 2011-2015
YearDegree of preparationPresentation mannerApplied teaching aidsInvolvementSubstantive presentation valuePunctualityAverage evaluation
Courses included in the program specialization in the field of public health (KS)

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otrzymano: 2016-04-04
zaakceptowano do druku: 2016-04-25

Adres do korespondencji:
*Dorota Cianciara
Department of Epidemiology and Health Promotion School of Public Health Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education
ul. 61/63 Kleczewska, 01-826 Warszawa
tel. +48 (22) 560-11-50

Postępy Nauk Medycznych 5/2016
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