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© Borgis - Nowa Stomatologia 3/2017, s. 112-119
*Katarzyna Sokołowska1, Anna Kochańska1, Elżbieta Łuczaj-Cepowicz2, Grażyna Marczuk-Kolada2
Direct pulp capping in permanent teeth using Biodentine® – 3-year observations
Przykrycie bezpośrednie miazgi w zębach stałych z zastosowaniem materiału Biodentine® – obserwacje 3-letnie
1Specialist Dental Clinic Sp. z o.o., Medical University of Białystok
Head of Clinic: Anna Klimiuk, MD, PhD
2Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Medical University of Białystok
Head of Department: Grażyna Marczuk-Kolada, MD, PhD
Wstęp. Metody leczenia biologicznego mają na celu zachowanie żywej i zdrowej miazgi w jamie zęba w całości lub w części, co możliwe jest pod warunkiem zastosowania preparatów odontotropowych. Jednym z nich jest Biodentine®, nazywana „substytutem zębiny”, mająca szerokie zastosowanie w wielu procedurach leczniczych, m.in. w przykryciu bezpośrednim miazgi.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy była odległa kliniczna i radiologiczna ocena efektów leczenia zębów stałych metodą przykrycia bezpośredniego miazgi z użyciem materiału Biodentine®.
Materiał i metody. U 7 pacjentów w wieku od 6 do 16 lat wykonano 9 zabiegów przykrycia bezpośredniego miazgi zębów z wykorzystaniem preparatu Biodentine®. Odległa ocena kontrolna możliwa była u 5 pacjentów, u których skontrolowano 6 zębów. Po 3 latach wszystkie leczone zęby zbadano klinicznie i radiologicznie. Prawni opiekunowie każdego pacjenta biorącego udział w badaniu wyrazili pisemną zgodę na jego przeprowadzenie. Uwzględniono: odczucia subiektywne pacjenta, reakcję miazgi na chlorek etylu, reakcję ozębnej na opukiwanie pionowe i poziome, bolesność uciskową wyrostka zębodołowego w rzucie wierzchołków korzeni oraz ruchomość zębów. W badaniu radiologicznym oceniano obecność mostów zębinowych i stan tkanek zmineralizowanych zębów.
Wyniki. Odległa ocena wyników leczenia została przeprowadzona po upływie co najmniej 3 lat od wykonania zabiegu. Żaden pacjent nie zgłaszał dolegliwości bólowych prowokowanych i samoistnych. W badaniu klinicznym nie stwierdzono odchyleń od normy, zaś w ocenie radiologicznej nie zauważono zmian patologicznych, a mosty zębinowe widoczne były na każdym zdjęciu.
Wnioski. Preparat Biodentine® może być alternatywą dla innych materiałów wykorzystywanych w metodzie przykrycia bezpośredniego miazgi zębów stałych.
Introduction. Methods of biological treatment are used to preserve vital and healthy pulp in a tooth cavity totally or partially, which is possible using pulp-stimulating formulations. One of them is Biodentine®, the so-called “dentine substitute”, widely applied in many medical procedures, i.a. in direct pulp capping (DPC).
Aim. The aim of the study has been to evaluate distant clinical and radiological effects of permanent teeth treatment with DPC using Biodentine®.
Material and methods. A total of 9 procedures of direct pulp capping were performed in 7 patients aged 6 to 16 years, using Biodentine® material. Long-term follow-up of 3 years was possible in 5 patients, in whom 6 teeth were examined. After 3 years, all treated teeth were examined clinically and radiologically. The legal guardians of each patient taking part in the study has expressed a written consent to the examination. The considered aspects included the patient’s subjective feelings, the pulp’s reaction to ethyl chloride, periodontal tenderness to percussion, painful compression of the alveolar process at the of apex of dental roots, and tooth mobility. In the radiological examination, dentine bridge formation and the condition of the mineralized tissues of the teeth were evaluated.
Results. Long-term observations of the results of treatment were carried out after a minimum period of 3 years after the procedure. None of the patients reported provoked or spontaneous pain. Clinical examination revealed no deviations from the norm, and in the radiological examination no lesions were found, with all radiographs demonstrating dentine bridge formation.
Conclusions. Biodentine® can be used as an alternative to other materials utilized in the method of direct pulp capping in permanent teeth.

Methods of biological treatment are aimed at complete or partial preservation of vital and healthy pulp within the pulp chamber. Healthy pulp warrants proper nourishment and condition of mineralized dental tissues, thus facilitating preservation of its full function, and preventing an adverse systemic effect (1).
Positive effects of the biological treatment of the pulp may be attained only if the materials used are characterized by high biocompatibility, ensure minimum microleakage, have the ability to stimulate the pulp for the production of reparative dentine, and feature good physical properties (1, 2).
For many years, the cornerstone of biological treatment was calcium hydroxide, with its effectiveness estimated at approximately 80% (3). Calcium hydroxide is included as the active agent in a variety of formulations of a setting and non-setting type. However, some setbacks of such materials are also well known to exist, including their poor strength, considerable microleakage and high solubility (2, 3).
In the 1990s, mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) emerged as an alternative for calcium hydroxide. Research demonstrated its ability to stimulate the formation of dentine bridges which compared to those induced by Ca(OH)2 did not show tunnel defects, were thicker and less porous. MTA also features a high biocompatibility, good sealing properties, resistance to mechanical factors and low solubility. Nonetheless, MTA also has its disadvantages, including difficult, two-stage application, long binding time, discolouration of the mineralized tissues due to the presence of iron oxide, and the high cost (4, 5).
Further research resulted with the release of Biodentine® in 2011. Biodentine® is a powder and liquid system. The powder is composed of tricalcium silicate (responsible for the binding reaction), calcium carbonate (improving the mechanical characteristics of the formulation and acting as a filler), zirconium oxide (used as radiopacifier), dicalcium silicate, calcium and iron oxides. The liquid contains a water solution of calcium chloride as a setting accelerator and a copolymer reducing viscosity. Upon mixing the powder and the liquid, a cement with a high calcium hydroxide content and a high pH is formed (4, 6, 7).
The material comes in the form of powder-filled capsules, mixed with 5 drops of the liquid. The capsule is then triturated with an amalgamator for 30 s, leading to the formation of a gel-like paste ready for application, with consistence resembling that of a phosphate cement. To prevent a disruption of its crystalline structure, excessive pressure or exaggerated trimming should be avoided. The formulation is very convenient in use, and it ensures the right component proportions. The setting time is 12 minutes, yet it may take up to 30 days to fully harden. The material’s compressive strength increases from 10.6 ± 2 MPa at 35 minutes to 72.6 ± 8 MPa at 28 days. Its flexural strength (DTS) is 34 MPa, the elastic modulus is 22 000 MPa, and Vickers hardness is 60 (6, 8). Thus, its hardness and wear are comparable with dentine (4-7, 9-12).
The formulation is biocompatible, bioactive, has good stability, ensures good marginal sealing, and has a minimal cytotoxic potential, yet it shows inadequate radiopacity and is sensitive to moisture, which affects its setting ability (5, 6, 13).
Upon contact with enamel and dentine, an alkaline caustic effect occurs, prompting the formation of a “mineral infiltration zone”. As a result, the collagenous component of the interfacial dentin is degraded, and a porous structure forms, facilitating the penetration of Ca2⁺, OH⁻, CO⁻2 ions, leading to increased mineralization of this region. The penetration of material particles into the tubules ensures acceptable marginal sealing. The material is insoluble in saliva once set, and may be used for temporary fillings. Marginal volume loss has, however, been observed with time, necessitating partial removal within 6 months from the original procedure, whereupon only a therapeutic lining layer is left, topped with a permanent dental filling (13).
Owing to its characteristics, the material has found a variety of applications in dentistry. It may be used as a therapeutic lining in deep carious lesions, for direct and indirect pulp capping, in pulpotomy and pulpectomy, apexification, to close perforated pulp chamber floor or root canal, as a retrofilling in apicoectomy, as well as to treat internal and external root resorption (4, 5, 9).
The study has been aimed at distant clinical and radiological evaluation of the results of treating permanent teeth with DPC utilizing Biodentine®.
Material and method
in 7 patients, both male and female (3 girls and 4 boys), aged 6-16 years old, a total of 9 DPC procedures were performed (1 in a tooth with an incompletely developed root, 8 in mature teeth) using Biodentine® by Septodont. A 3-year follow-up was possible in 5 patients, as two of the patients did not return for follow-up appointments, a girl with two teeth treated, and a boy with one.
Ultimately, 6 teeth in 5 patients were evaluated, including 2 incisors (Black’s class III lesions) and 4 molars (1 class I lesion – occlusal surface, 2 class I lesions – complex, 1 class II lesion MO).

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otrzymano: 2017-07-14
zaakceptowano do druku: 2017-08-04

Adres do korespondencji:
*Katarzyna Sokołowska
Zakład Stomatologii Dziecięcej Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
ul. Waszyngtona 15a, 15-274 Białystok
tel. +48 (85) 745-09-56

Nowa Stomatologia 3/2017
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