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© Borgis - Postępy Nauk Medycznych 4/2017, s. 223-228
*Łukasz Światłowski, Michał Górnik, Tomasz Roman, Ewa Kuklik, Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska
Chemoembolization in the treatment of metastasis from uterine sarcoma to the spine
Zastosowanie chemoembolizacji w leczeniu przerzutu mięsaka macicy do kości
Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Medical University in Lublin
Head of Department: Professor Małgorzata Szczerbo-Trojanowska, MD, PhD
Mięsaki macicy są rzadką heterogenną grupą nowotworów biorących swój początek z tkanki mezenchymalnej. Są odpowiedzialne za około 8% złośliwych zmian w macicy. Najczęstszym typem histologicznym mięsaków macicy jest mięsak gładkokomórkowy (LMS), który charakteryzuje się agresywnym przebiegiem. Większość mięsaków gładkokomórkowych macicy występuje u kobiet powyżej 40. roku życia (średnia wieku – 60 lat). Etiologia nie jest do końca poznana. Mięsaki gładkokomórkowe macicy mogą dawać przerzuty, a miejscem ognisk przerzutowych najczęściej są okoliczne tkanki miękkie z zajęciem przestrzeni zaotrzewnowej. Przerzuty do kręgosłupa występują bardzo rzadko. Leczenie zmian przerzutowych do kręgosłupa zależy głównie od rozległości zajęcia kręgosłupa oraz od objawów podmiotowych zgłaszanych przez pacjentkę. Standardem postępowania jest chirurgiczne usunięcie przerzutów i chemioterapia systemowa. Podstawowym lekiem stosowanym w chemioterapii we wszystkich liniach jest doksorubicyna. W naszym przypadku, u chorej z mięsakiem gładkokomórkowym macicy i przerzutem do kręgosłupa leczonym uprzednio operacyjnie, nastąpiła wznowa zmiany przerzutowej do kręgosłupa. Ze względu na brak propozycji leczenia chirurgicznego i w związku z silnymi dolegliwościami bólowymi uniemożliwiającymi normalne funkcjonowanie chorej, podjęto decyzję o zabiegu przeztętniczej chemoembolizacji przerzutu z użyciem cząstek nasączonych doksorubicyną. Po zapoznaniu się z dostępną nam literaturą, nie odnaleźliśmy opisu podobnego przypadku, gdzie zastosowano chemoembolizację przerzutu do kręgosłupa.
Uterine sarcomas are a rare heterogeneous group of tumors of mesenchymal origin. They are responsible for approximately 8% of uterine malignancies. The most common histological type of uterine sarcoma is leiomyosarcoma. This tumor is associated with poor prognosis. Most of them occur in women over 40 years of age (mean age – 60 years). The etiology has not been fully understood. Leiomyosarcoma can give metastatic lesions. The most frequent place for metastases are surrounding soft tissues and retroperitoneal space. Spinal metastases occur very rarely. The treatment of spinal metastases depends mainly on the location of the metastatic change on the spine and on the symptoms reported by the patient. The standard procedure is the surgical removal of the metastases and systemic chemotherapy. The basic drug used in chemotherapy in all lines is doxorubicin. In our case, the recurrence of metastatic change to the spine occured in a patient with leiomyosarcomas of the uterus and metastatic lesion to the spine which had been previously treated surgically. Due to the lack of proposals from surgery treatment and because of very painfull symptoms that prevent the normal functioning of the patient, it was decided to perform transarterial chemoembolization using drug eluting particles soak with doxorubicin. In available literature we did not find the description of a similar case, where chemoembolization was used to treat metastasis change to the spine.

Uterine sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of rare tumors taking its origin from mesenchymal tissue. They are responsible for about 8% of malignant changes in the uterus (1). Depending on the tissue from which it can develop, sarcoma of the uterus can be divided into leiomyosarcoma (LMS), endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS), undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma (UES) and adenosarcoma (2). Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) implemented an additional division of uterine sarcomas on nonepithelial and mixed epithelial-nonepithelial (3).
The most common histological type of uterine sarcomas is leiomyosarcoma. Most of these tumors take its origin de novo, only about 0.2% of the lesions develop in the process of benign uterine myoma malignant transformation (4). These are characterized by an aggressive process (even if the change is located only in the uterus) of 5-year survival rates fluctuating from 18.8 to 68%. The risk of relapse ranges between 45 and 73% (1, 5, 6).
Most leiomyosarcomas occurs in women over 40 years of age (mean age 60 years). While the etiology is not fully understood, it is supposed that factors which can be associated with the development of the tumor is long-term taking of tamoxifen and the exposure to radiation of the pelvis in the past (3).
The symptoms of sarcomas may be similar to the symptoms resulting from benign fibroid and include abnormal vaginal bleeding (56%), palpable tumor in the pelvis (54%) and can lead to pelvic pain (22%). Bleeding from the tumor into the peritoneal cavity, due to the rupture of the tumor mass, occurs less frequently. As a result of the uterine sarcoma metastases the first symptom can appear in a completely different place (6). Although the rapid growth of the fibroid is suspicious, diagnosis of a sarcoma on the basis of this feature is controversial. Therefore, preoperative differentiation of benign uterine fibroids from the leiomyosarcoma is very difficult (if not impossible) and is based only on clinical symptoms and remains a challenge for clinicians (1, 6).
Leiomyosarcomas can metastasize usually to the surrounding soft tissues with involvement of retroperitoneal, internal organs (e.g. lung, liver), and skin. Spinal metastasis occurs very rarely, although it is the most common site of leiomyosarcoma bone metastases (6). Most common site of metastatic lesions in the spine is the upper part of the thoracic segment, which is a problem in finding a suitable method for the treatment of these lesions, especially if typical surgery treatment is chosen (7, 8). Nowadays, the procedure depends mainly on the extent of lesions in the spine and the symptoms reported by patient, which results from the extent of lesions in the spine. In most cases, interdisciplinary approach is necessary. In the early stage of non-metastatic uterine sarcoma radical hysterectomy is performed. In those cases, the role of adjuvant chemotherapy or local radiation therapy is still controversial (6, 9, 10).
In sarcomas of the uterus with the occurrence of metastasis in the management standards surgical removal of metastases, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy is performed. The primary drug used in all lines in chemotherapy is doxorubicin (6-12). In the literature there are cases of long-term response to chemotherapy in advanced stages of leiomyosarcoma. This is a case report of the patient with leiomyosarcoma of the uterus and recurrence of the spine metastasis pre-treated previously with surgery. Disqualification of the patient from a surgery treatment, concomitant severe pain, which prevents the normal functioning of the patient, was a reason to perform transarterial chemoembolization of spinal metastases using particles soaked with doxorubicin (DEM-TACE).
Case report

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otrzymano: 2017-03-02
zaakceptowano do druku: 2017-03-24

Adres do korespondencji:
*Łukasz Światłowski
Department of Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology Medical University in Lublin
ul. K. Jaczewskiego 8, 20-954 Lublin
tel. +48 (81) 724-41-54
fax +48 (81) 724-48-00

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